Prepare For the Future site updated

1 - An attempt at the style but their poor acting (think the narrator does more damage than the kid) hurts it. Reaffirms that the Fat Man is a marketing gimmick.

2 - Same style as their other Vault-Tec video but confirms (reconfirms?) that they didn't know that Pip Boys weren't made by Vault-Tec. Menu interface looks optimized for consoles, not PCs, though this is nothing new.

3 - Again the acting is off. Looks like people can be completely gibbed, though I'm not sure what makes them do so, but it just uses generic gibs (not a big deal but behind the times) and I don't understand why mini-nukes don't always do this. Also it's interesting that it only seems to happen why you shoot someone in the torso and that when it doesn't gib them, it does the GoldenEye blood spots. Reconfims that VATS is slow (though it's exaggerated do to them stringing together a few different clips).

4 - Like it (narrator's still a bit off) but not sure why they don't say who made the protectron. Still, this one gets a thumbs up from me.

5 - Like the video, not thrilled by the test or the implementation.

6 - Like the video, not so sure about the pods, they fit except for the part that they'd only really make sense in someone's house or in some office building and not requiring change.

8 - The idea isn't bad but again, the acting is pretty terrible. Not sure why they decided not to give Lincoln a hat or include him at all. Locations look pretty good though I'm not sure why the Jefferson Memorial looks untouched even if the Enclave (EDIT: just read that it's the Super Mutants so it doesn't make any sense) is based there. Also not liking that all of the sculptures that are part of facades are completely undamaged.

9 - Not sure what this is, gave up on it and don't like them wasting my time.

10 - Had lots of loading problems, not a fan of the video. Showing the post-apoc creatures in Vault-Tec format is off if you ask me. Don't like their flesh eating zombies, still think that it's pissing on Fallout lore and implementing something because it's "cool".

Also not a fan of the TV being Radiation King brand, makes no sense...
UncannyGarlic said:
Also not a fan of the TV being Radiation King brand, makes no sense...
I'm just going to zero in on this comment as I feel it's pretty emblematic of the problems with a lot of the negativity around here. Why does the TV being Radiation King brand make no sense?
Number 9 sort of fails, the others are good, and really fun. They should have released these shorts weekly, instead of the Penny Arcade stuff.
Anani Masu said:
Why does the TV being Radiation King brand make no sense?

Have you ever seen house-hold appliances that use "radiation" in the brandname? "Radiation King" is the name of something that is - y'know - powered by or producing radiation, which a TV set would normally not be

Duh gypsy.
Brother None said:
Anani Masu said:
Why does the TV being Radiation King brand make no sense?
Have you ever seen house-hold appliances that use "radiation" in the brandname? "Radiation King" is the name of something that is - y'know - powered by or producing radiation, which a TV set would normally not be

Duh gypsy.
Ohh hush None, I know you're fake posting. I want to hear what his answer is.
Having just watched all the videos on the site I noticed a couple of things. The voice of the mutant in the Protectron video sounds incredibly similar to the voice of the mutant in the Pod video. My guess is that all mutants have the same voice. I’m glad to see that mutants can actually talk, but I don’t like the fact that they all share the same voice. It reminds me of Oblivion and makes me wonder how many different voices we’ll hear for regular NPC’s.

The fatman videos showed a complete lack of damage on most of the things shot with it. The brainbot only fell over. Not something I would expect from a small nuclear bomb.

The slow-motion in the VATS-videos was getting on my nerves after seeing it just one time. If that is the length of time you are forced to watch ingame I’m sure that it will annoy a great many people. Why can’t they just put in an option to either remove the cinematic shots are decrease the amount of time needed?
Have to say I'm having a lot of fun with this. The advantages of having money to spend, I suppose - a smaller dev studio would never have been able to do this sort of thing. I imagine the budget will raise the game's quality in a similar way as well (though the core game has to have a quality worth raising - and I can't tell that until playing it).
It seems Pete's marketing is on the loose. Pretty high quality work on that website.

Ausir said:
Scorpions are arachnids, not insects.

About 99% of people will still call them insects though.
These videos were pretty neat in my opinion. Unfortunately, they also reminded me how much I hate the fact that they decided to go with the Oblivion engine once again.
UncannyGarlic said:
1 - An attempt at the style but their poor acting (think the narrator does more damage than the kid) hurts it.

The poor acting is probably on purpose. Especially the narrator.

It ties in to actual 50's TV style.

I actually think the style of these movies are pretty spot-on.
i dont wanna be mean or anything but is it really that hard to animate the vault-boy (he was wonderfully animated in the Fallout 2 intro) now theyre doing stop motion animation in probably flash ... ?

makes bert sad

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>

other than that :) theyre nicely done
Anani Masu said:
UncannyGarlic said:
Also not a fan of the TV being Radiation King brand, makes no sense...
I'm just going to zero in on this comment as I feel it's pretty emblematic of the problems with a lot of the negativity around here. Why does the TV being Radiation King brand make no sense?
It's in your face nuclear is great and normal that the previous games never had in addition to the absurdity of the name. I think that it could be a mildly amusing name in the right setting, I just don't think that Fallout is that setting. I did misspeak though, it's not that it doesn't make sense, it's that it doesn't fit the setting.

Casual Gamer said:
It\'s a Simpson\'s reference. Nit-picking a throw-away gag is pretty needlessly negative.
Not all of us watch the Simpsons, Lost, Survivor, or Heros so not all of us are going to catch references to such. Besides which, I thought they said they were trying to avoid the pop culture references and other silliness that "plagued" Fallout 2?

Jebus said:
UncannyGarlic said:
1 - An attempt at the style but their poor acting (think the narrator does more damage than the kid) hurts it.

The poor acting is probably on purpose. Especially the narrator.

It ties in to actual 50's TV style.

I actually think the style of these movies are pretty spot-on.
I know what they were going for but I think they missed. To me it was clear what they were going for but they were off by enough to come off as bad impressions.
Have you ever seen house-hold appliances that use "radiation" in the brandname? "Radiation King" is the name of something that is - y'know - powered by or producing radiation, which a TV set would normally not be

You do realize that it's the same brand as the TV in the Fallout 1 intro?
Heh. I guess someone should alert Bethesda that it's a pop-culture reference so they can get rid of it. Wouldn't want anything like that in there, it's too much like Fallout 2's 'silliness' (even though it was in the first Fallout game). ;)
Ausir said:
Have you ever seen house-hold appliances that use "radiation" in the brandname? "Radiation King" is the name of something that is - y'know - powered by or producing radiation, which a TV set would normally not be
You do realize that it's the same brand as the TV in the Fallout 1 intro?
I'm sure Brother None realizes it, but that's exactly where I was leading Garlic. The Radiation King brand is one of the first things you see in the intro to the original Fallout. However, in the context that he understood it, as an invention of Bethesda, suddenly it's style is something the "previous games never had", absurd, and doesn't fit the Fallout setting. That level of negativity is usually aimed at something that Bethesda actually created, but I don't think those times are any less baseless.

EDIT : Ohhh and many thanks to Bewitched.
Anani Masu said:
Ausir said:
Have you ever seen house-hold appliances that use "radiation" in the brandname? "Radiation King" is the name of something that is - y'know - powered by or producing radiation, which a TV set would normally not be
You do realize that it's the same brand as the TV in the Fallout 1 intro?
I'm sure Brother None realizes it, but that's exactly where I was leading Garlic. The Radiation King brand is one of the first things you see in the intro to the original Fallout. However, in the context that he understood it, as an invention of Bethesda, suddenly it's style is something the "previous games never had", absurd, and doesn't fit the Fallout setting. That level of negativity is usually aimed at something that Bethesda actually created, but I don't think those times are any less baseless.

EDIT : Ohhh and many thanks to Bewitched.
I still think it's a stupid brand name regardless of who came up with it. I guess it's good that they kept what the previous games had but it doesn't mean that it's a name that seems very fitting, not to me at least.

EDIT: Then again I guess I'm forgetting Nuka Cola. I guess it fits...