Pony Luv!
Pony Luv!
Not a myth, some of life's great traumas deal not with physical abuse by peers or parents.
As we are groomed to be addicted to consuming, neglect or a broken promise can be
on par with a fist in the face or a ... real penetrating violation of trust.
When some unload the burden of their childhood issues, one icon that is openly revealed might be,
the promised pony that never was ...
Witness the market potential of ....
game$top Pony Luv text@
Experience the joys of owning and caring for your very own pony!
Choose your new companion from six adorable breeds and keep her happy by feeding her, dressing her and taking her for walks.
Teach your pony new tricks, enter competitions, purchase accessories and supplies for your pony and so much more!
Only a petulant party poop would deny the deprived depraved, now marketing profiled as PPP (post pony prevarication).
from achieving the ultimate climax of psychological break through, and getting on to the more lucrative psychoses, ripe for billion dollar exploitations!
No 'Pony Luv' in FO3?
Maybe , after a fashion ... perhaps the Trojan ho' has another identity.
No pony @ pre teen, and now no Van Buren wannabe. Think deprivation can't get any worse?
What could be expected since Roshambo dropped the first steel toed boot,
and kicked the public domain of consciousness, [it's groin], that FO3 would be 'what they do best' in First Person.
No attempt to simulate the depth of FO gameplay, no crime and punishment for the rash act of shooting child thieves in Den,
nor more often the unintended snuffing of street urchins by 'friendly fire'.
The pony fulfillment may not be - a pony -, consider the shallow self death wish of 'child killing' that might have to be acted out in other venues, (OMFG - !!!!!!11!),
children have no hate nor fear,
Uncle Todd has promised you all a -- hilarious -- Bloody Mess.
I witness the sophomoric and the vapid of the previous days. Turning the RPG life simulation of the FO's into a single issue slogan.
Robot Ponies fade but 'Child Killing' shines on.
'Child Killing'
So there will never be a game like FO, again,
not because of the market,
not because the dev's can't yet hobble together a RPG, that walks and chews consequentially,
but because of 'Child Killing'.
The FO RPG's = 'Child Killing'.
The nasty PC nazzzeeees forbid targeted and accidental fire at imaginary natives! The PC nazzzeees forbid true role playing!
And too many who claim they want some future form of FO RPG, appear to have bought into the single issue buzz word.
'Child Killing', if not a shot at misdirection, it ought to be.
Hypocrisy in this child-chillin' Free Speech from the barrel of a gun.
Hypocrisy in casting 'chid killing' out of the context of the FO's karma system and game play and into the single issue politics of killing for killings sake.
Hypocrisy in saying one wants more RPG's 'like' the FO's, and then killing pixel kid's for fun is the line in the sand to die for.
As if that's what the FO's were really all about.
If a killing spree is what you want, it's all ready for you to buy.
Uncle Todd knows where you live, where you sleep, what you dream, and has too many hooked in your tender parts.
Bethesda is marketing a FO in their image, where the Bloody Mess trait is now the number one perk.
Uncle Todd has promised you all a -- hilarious -- Bloody Mess.
Ya'll want killing, creepy Uncle Todd is promising you a ride on his Bloody Red Pony Of Love!
Title creep, not FO3-DC, not FO-Bethesda, but --------------> FO-Bloody Mess! Fallout -B-M!
'Bloody Mess', that's as deep as this discourse will ever get, and 'Bloody Mess' is what so many -- really want -- really - wannabe.
*Bloody Mess*!
Uncle Todd and B-soft your, one stop shop for the Nex Gen fix of "Splatter Survival"!
FO-Bloody Mess! that's the 'real time' 'ticket to ride. Giddy up Ho'!