Señor Wally
Mildly Dipped

I think they probably had an unusually unprofessional environment. Not that such a thing is unheard of for a mod project. But there's a good bit of difference between "modder gets drunk and make silly mod" and whatever this was. Clearly there were individuals who didn't know how to balance each other out WITHOUT fighting. Trying to rein in Deviswish lead to fighting, Rikkurikku and the other modders always fought and undermined each other, Xilandro was Xilandro. Nobody could compromise. So even the non scalie types probably were too weak kneed to question anything. This probably lead to an environment of "Yeah, sure ok". Mix that with the fact that nobody was really a very mature writer able to properly handle touchy subjects and you have a weird game on your hands. Too many cooks, the cooks don't like each other, no one can compromise and the director is more of a bug fixer, spokesman and coordinator than a director.
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