RangerBoo Tortures Herself Playing The Frontier

I think they probably had an unusually unprofessional environment. Not that such a thing is unheard of for a mod project. But there's a good bit of difference between "modder gets drunk and make silly mod" and whatever this was. Clearly there were individuals who didn't know how to balance each other out WITHOUT fighting. Trying to rein in Deviswish lead to fighting, Rikkurikku and the other modders always fought and undermined each other, Xilandro was Xilandro. Nobody could compromise. So even the non scalie types probably were too weak kneed to question anything. This probably lead to an environment of "Yeah, sure ok". Mix that with the fact that nobody was really a very mature writer able to properly handle touchy subjects and you have a weird game on your hands. Too many cooks, the cooks don't like each other, no one can compromise and the director is more of a bug fixer, spokesman and coordinator than a director.
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I feel the need to bring this up. I know this mod gets a lot of shit for the fetishistic way they wrote the women but how they wrote the men is just as bad. You have the shop keep who is into ghouls, you have the chem dealer who likes having sex with snakes and you have the Legate who has a BDSM sex dungeon. Was there anybody on this team who wasn't a massive sex pervert?

Sex makes your mod Gritty and Mature

There are some other quest mods that suffer from this issue as well in my personal opinion (the New Vegas Bounties series comes to mind) but I can't think of any where it's more pervasive than in The Frontier.
Reason #1872634958 why I love NV:

Sexual content was handled in a mature way, with sex generally being implied, and tasteful when it occurred (I wouldn’t call rape sex as much as a perversion of the sexual act, though the rape was handled likewise maturely).

Sex is fine, many great pieces of writing have sex, but the thing that separates good writing a la Upton Sinclair’s Oil! and its sex scene from blatant pornography is how the subject matter is handled.

In my eyes, pornography is any time sex is handled in a way meant to be arousing, gratuitous, and fetishistic with no real purpose. And that’s ok, porn is great, but there’s a time and place, and you can’t produce porn and call it art.
My biggest qualms with gratuitous and explicit sex (or sexual violence) in New Vegas mods is:

  1. It's generally pretty difficult to write that kind of thing well in any medium, let alone RPGs
  2. It clashes with the tone of the original game pretty heavily
My biggest qualms with gratuitous and explicit sex (or sexual violence) in New Vegas mods is:

  1. It's generally pretty difficult to write that kind of thing well in any medium, let alone RPGs
  2. It clashes with the tone of the original game pretty heavily

Most NV fan mods do #2. Fallout itself is hard to crack as a vibe and New Vegas was a very specific product of tone and artistic vision. Skyrim can have fan mods out the ass that feel consistent if not better than the base game, but I've still not come across that with New Vegas.
New Vegas has a very specific type of feel, like a Seether song. Hit the wrong note when you’re playing a cover and everyone will notice.

The Frontier was off-key for the entire concert.
I've said it before but I knew it was going to be shitty once it was clear that they were attempting to try and replicate the scope of the base game.
I've said it before but I knew it was going to be shitty once it was clear that they were attempting to try and replicate the scope of the base game.
See, it’s not even the scope that bothers me; law of averages says that the larger they make the game, the more likely that something will suck.

My problem isn’t that something sucked, it’s that it ALL SUCKED and the Frontier devs act like they just made Thus Spoke Zarathustra for PC.
I've said it before but I knew it was going to be shitty once it was clear that they were attempting to try and replicate the scope of the base game.
If only you saw what I saw all those years ago when I saw the early plot synopsis. I had hoped that with a team the writers would be reined in or have some consultants but instead they surrounded themselves with yes men. Playing this mod only proves that you were right Dayglow. They should have just abandoned the mod and release the worldspace, objects, weapons and armors as a modders resource. Also, remember that they didn't want to replicate the base game, they wanted to prove that New Vegas is shit and that their mod is better then New Vegas and its DLC's. Playing this mod only makes me want to go back to the Mojave.
My problem isn’t that something sucked, it’s that it ALL SUCKED and the Frontier devs act like they just made Thus Spoke Zarathustra for PC.
You pretty much summed up both Nazo and Tgspy. Those two have massive fucking egos. Nazo wants to put his writing for the Frontier on his resume for, I believe, in game development. While Tgspy believes that the Frontier is better then anything you will come across in both base New Vegas and its DLC's.
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As much as Devilwish is full of himself, at least he doesn't shove his weird kinks into his writing.

If you want to make a weird sex mod, describe it as a weird sex mod and put it on Loverslab or whatever.

Though I wonder why Frontier team was criticized so much, while Thuggysmurf makes community acclaimed "lore-friendly mods" filled with his kinks for years now.
Is it just a difference between NV and 4 players or something else?
As much as Devilwish is full of himself, at least he doesn't shove his weird kinks into his writing.

If you want to make a weird sex mod, describe it as a weird sex mod and put it on Loverslab or whatever.

Though I wonder why Frontier team was criticized so much, while Thuggysmurf makes community acclaimed "lore-friendly mods" filled with his kinks for years now.
Is it just a difference between NV and 4 players or something else?
I think it has to do with the quality of the game. New Vegas is one of the best games of all time so the mods for that game are held to a very high standard. 4 however is shit and is consider the 3rd worst Fallout game behind 76 and PoS. As such the standards for mods for that game is very low and a mod author as terrible as Thuggysmurf can get away with anything.

Part 5. I go into the Frost Lion Resort of Memes. My God is this dungeons so bare bones. It is nothing but a shooting gallery. There is no explanation for the head crabs, I can't talk to the Schwarzenegger impersonator about what the fuck is happening, the dungeon is filled with creepy sex shit and there is no real reward for going there. I also come across the MxR and Solid Snake references and my God was it awful. I wanted to slap the idiot who made that quest and reference. I have to say that the combat is really getting on my nerves. The enemies in this are fucking bullet sponges. I was using a 12 gage 4/0 buck ammo which is one of the most powerful ammo in the game and it took me a dozen shots to kill one protectron and even more to kill the fucking Scav cars. The wendigos are also annoying as all Hell to kill as I need to target their limbs to instant kill them.
Shame it was too late for me to catch live.

There is no explanation for the head crabs, I can't talk to the Schwarzenegger impersonator about what the fuck is happening, the dungeon is filled with creepy sex shit and there is no real reward for going there. I also come across the MxR and Solid Snake references and my God was it awful.

Sounds more fun and engaging than following Blackthorne for half an hour.
Eeh it's kinda exaggerated. The lead Frontier dev admitted he didn't like NV and thought that F3 was the superior game. I don't know about the other devs.
Eeh it's kinda exaggerated. The lead Frontier dev admitted he didn't like NV and thought that F3 was the superior game. I don't know about the other devs.

I heard the devs originally planned to mod Fallout 3 but declined because its apprently more bugged than Fallout New Vegas. Idk, cause Fallout New Vegas would crash just as much as Fallout 3 until I installed anticrash. Even after I installed anticrash, it kept crashing anyway. Just not as frequently. The devs can congratulate themselves on making a mod more buggy than New Vegas and 3 combines.
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The devs were not unified in opinions. The guy who directed it(midway through development) doesn't like NV so much but loves 3, but other devs had differing opinions on the matter. Oddly, there were I think like 3 or 4 furries or scalies at the least.
They may have had more scalies than they had Fallout 3 fans, which is nuts.