TerminallyChill-not quite sure what to make of that one really, I'll give the video a 7/10 but I can't really judge the song, its rap and a lot different to most rap I've heard. I've got to give it something though at least for not being about niggers, bitches hoes and drive-by shootings

Its just kinda....strange, in some way.
Theres something weird about the actors in the video. Guy running the vocalist down looks a lot like one of the members of five finger death punch, although I can't remember which video right now. And the vocalist for some odd reason makes me think 'kim jong (insert whichever one of that dynasty of vipers is currently alive) if he lost a lot of the fat round his face and changed the hair)
The SOAD song..well I'm biased, big time, I'll abstain there, I can't stand the buggers.
As for a good metal singer, I find the female ones often have a lot of talent, and a lot more vocal control than male singers,
Trees of Eternity-'broken mirror' Love this band, a bit of a shit really, because their lead singer died, young too, early 30s, of cancer. Band is sort of an offshoot of swallow the sun, and aleah, the lead, collaborated with quite a few other bands, so at least theres a bit more of her stuff out there. Such a shitty waste for her to go like that
Trees of Eternity-broken mirror