Raven Rock

Haloreclipse wrote:
I know that its a game and all, but honestly, it doesnt help that I, a vault dweller fresh out of the vault with no real experience can cap muties left and right with a worn down hunting rifle and no armor (I actually went out with out any clothes once, I was fiddlin with my armor and forgot to put it back on lol), and yet the BoS has dudes in PA and Laser rifles and they cant handle a handful of muties.

At least make the dudes tougher, as is, Im surprised they lasted 20 minutes let alone 20 years.

Yeah, on the note of super mutants, when I first encountered a super mutant and a centaur, I kept thinking, "Shit shit shit! I must have made a wrong turn." And was pretty much thinking I was going to die. Considering, if you ran out of Vault 13 and ran into a super mutant you would likely be very much hosed. I was surprised when I took him out with a baseball bat.
Crni Vuk said:
It might be just only my impression, but I have to say that Fallout 3 does not realy give a lot of positive about the "original" Brotherhood because everyone knows they are plain evil and betray any wastelander as soon as possible.


The Brotherhood is not a positive faction.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Crni Vuk said:
It might be just only my impression, but I have to say that Fallout 3 does not realy give a lot of positive about the "original" Brotherhood because everyone knows they are plain evil and betray any wastelander as soon as possible.


The Brotherhood is not a positive faction.
Well thats in the eye of the beholder. I mean we can both agree that the Brotherhood (talking about the Original one) is not a "we are here to please you" organisation, but could they be described as evil, traitorous faction?I dont think so. The "World" of Fallout 3 though somewhat gives that impression. At least to me. And I think thats not the Brotherhood how I remember it from the past Fallout.
Crni Vuk wrote:
Well thats in the eye of the beholder. I mean we can both agree that the Brotherhood (talking about the Original one) is not a "we are here to please you" organisation, but could they be described as evil, traitorous faction?I dont think so. The "World" of Fallout 3 though somewhat gives that impression. At least to me. And I think thats not the Brotherhood how I remember it from the past Fallout.

The Brotherhood is kind of hard to peg to be honest. Their primary motivations seem to be greed (hoarding technology), self-interest (only trading the lowest forms of technology for supplies), and self-preservation (only fighting the mutant army as a percieved threat). They're not "I'ma rape you"-raider evil. But they're certainly not good. Let's not forget the first interaction the Vault Dweller has with the Brotherhood, they try to kill him, albeit passively, by sending him into an irradiated hole in the ground to get rid of him.

They did let him join though, so even if they're evil, I suppose they're honorable.
I honestly never thought the BoS was that interesting of a faction, I dont see why they needed to be in ANY other game than F1. Hell Ill even admit it and say I like the enclave more than the brotherhood.

Neither are nearly as interesting as the master and his goons though.
Obviously the Brotherhood originaly is a xenophobic and selfish community. And no one has even any doubt about that. But really portraying them as plain "Evil" (which is was Fallout 3 is doing) or give the impression of dealing with rather shady characters as they betray you? I think it cant be much more wrong to display them in that way, breaking a deal with you. Make it insane hard, make it with very small chance to survive. Ok. Granted. They would like to see someone rather dead then alive (in the situation of the vault dveller for example) but I doubt to let them break a contract of some sort is the real way how to display them. A typical "black" vs (Lyons, what suprise) "white" situation.
It gets kinda ridiculous when one group of BOS allows you to pick Power Armor from the freshly dead bodies of their comrades, while the other betrays you after you HELP THEM.
Crni Vuk said:
Fallout 3 seems to be overly friendly toward authority anyway were both Fallout 1 and 2 were pretty different.

Credit where credit's due - you can get into a conversation with some old man in Megaton about the Enclave. He thinks they're good (a priori), but since you're the PC you know they're evil. One of your dialogue options is "But isn't that why the founding fathers gave us the second amendment? To over-throw a tyrannical government?" That was probably the best line in the game, even if it didn't really fit the conversation.

I still say they could have justified Fawkes death if he entered the chamber; after all, even in the world of Science! I wouldn't expect a super mutant's radiation resistance to hold up against, say, close orbit around a Quasar.

Also, don't you get a Rad-Healing trait after you complete Sarah Palin's* Unit 731-style irradiate-yourself quest?

*What's her name, Montgomery or something? I don't care.
That perk means rad's heal your crippled limbs at advanced radiation poisoning levels.

I don't think it'd stop your DNA from unwinding like a ball of yarn in a box of kittens.

Though a question about Project Purity Chamber-

Lethal levels of radiation would have destroyed the instrument panels and circuitry within the machine, would they not?

Just curious.
from what ever side one is thinking about it ... it makes no sense.

Radiation in Fallout 3 is thrown around anyway like a candy or something. Oh? entrace to a vault ... 10244533 rads per sec. so you cant get close. Purifier needs to be lethal? Reeadiatiooon! Same to the GECK chamber.

Its ok to have it once (see the Glow) but all the time ... it becomes just tedious. Though we are talking here about parts important for the plott. I do know that in F1 and F2 a lot of places were radiated, but most of the time it was not that obvious or at least was in some specific location like the traper cave or as said the glow.
Danilh said:
The Purifier is damaged! Turn it on at full power to fix it!!!

wait what?
Exactly!!!... The important thing is to not ask questions and swallow what you are given..............................................mmmHmmmmm GULP *tastes like stupid*. 'izz teh purifyR got ray-deeA-ted sum howw N knead 2 aktivate powR/laydee sez so, argh me no ask question me stupid liek super moo-tant rargghhh!!'
So Broken Steel will start with the player waking up amongst the rubble of the purifier, having miraculously survived the explosion despite being on ground zero.

Hmm, they would rip off another certain FPS, not that ever stopped Bethesda.
The Dutch Ghost said:
So Broken Steel will start with the player waking up amongst the rubble of the purifier, having miraculously survived the explosion despite being on ground zero.

Hmm, they would rip off another certain FPS, not that ever stopped Bethesda.

Really ? Did they come with...just...that ? What happens to the lame "sacrifice" speech then ?
MrBumble said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
So Broken Steel will start with the player waking up amongst the rubble of the purifier, having miraculously survived the explosion despite being on ground zero.

Hmm, they would rip off another certain FPS, not that ever stopped Bethesda.

Really ? Did they come with...just...that ? What happens to the lame "sacrifice" speech then ?

Another quastion is, what the player was doing there? :P