Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

In a way it bothers me because it's really really poorly thought out. On the other hand it shouldn't because from now on all Fallout games will be poorly thought out, probably. 

Sub-Human said:It's a silly game, I don't consider it canon or care what Todd Howard has to say.
Walpknut said:FO3 is only cannon if it is actually an emeblished propaganda Story coocked up by the BOS in their DC campaign...
That's what they had to say about FOBOS for a while, too. Whether or not you might have been "around" at that time, MANY would like to forget that, for a long while, FOBOS was canon, for the same reasons you just said FO3 is, that apparently we can do nothing about. Funny thing about that, though, is that we did something about it. We shit all over that game, and the makers had to placate all the hatred with "Actually, it's in an alternate universe; it didn't happen if you didn't want it to!!!!"JacobstownJacob said:Fallout 3 is factually canon in the eyes of the Fallout fanbase at large and the people who own the IP. Doesn't get much more canon than that.
SnapSlav said:That's what they had to say about FOBOS for a while, too. Whether or not you might have been "around" at that time, MANY would like to forget that, for a long while, FOBOS was canon, for the same reasons you just said FO3 is, that apparently we can do nothing about. Funny thing about that, though, is that we did something about it. We shit all over that game, and the makers had to placate all the hatred with "Actually, it's in an alternate universe; it didn't happen if you didn't want it to!!!!"
If by "Fallout fanbase at large" you're referring to fans who were INTRODUCED to the series through FO3, then of course they would consider it canon. Newer fans also shift demographics, so of course they would make the "majority". And? Do you fail to see the context of how self-fulfillingly cyclical that is, though? By that logic, any "hostile takeover" of the fan population or a future buyout of the franchise could therefore REDEFINE what's canon in the series. It implies that the series itself holds no integrity of its own.
What strikes me as odd is the notion people keep insisting that if a company OWNS the material, what they say goes, hands down. Seriously? How come, then, FOBOS isn't canon? How come, then, FOT's legitimacy is debated? It's on the same level of duplicity and ignorance as saying American armed forces "fight for democracy" and "protect their/our country" and "are fighting for their/our freedom". No, they kill people. What makes a country? Its citizens? Its geographical land mass? Its government? How is killing people in other countries protecting any of those 3 things? Well, the government propaganda says so, that's why. You don't put any thought into why you do what you do if your world is shaped for you based on the opinions of others.
If you personally find that FO3 doesn't "exist" within the canon, then it doesn't. That's how mythos works.
JacobstownJacob said:But I mean if you don't consider it canon that's fine. Doesn't make it non-canon material, though.
Irony.JacobstownJacob said:Well that was a whole lot of denial.
SnapSlav said:JacobstownJacob said:But I mean if you don't consider it canon that's fine. Doesn't make it non-canon material, though.Irony.JacobstownJacob said:Well that was a whole lot of denial.
drawnacrol said:IMO there is no real fallout canon besides 1 & 2. Each game after diverges in a different way. Fallout tactics was set in a different world completely. Fallout 3 didn't make much sense because of the Mutants, Enclave and BOS showing up on the East coast. It used to bother me a LOT but I don't mind anymore. I love all 5 games and don't really mind where they take Fallout 4.
Beavis said:I don't think the Enclave being on the east coast should be a surprise, if they are decended from those that ran the US government before the war then it makes sense they would have a sizeable presence in the former capitol. In lonesome road ed e suggests there is a enclave outpost in chicago, so one can assume from that that there are pockets of enclave spread around the country.
As for the mutants they provided a half assed explanation from the vault fawkes was in, and that's good enough for me I'm easy to please
The BOS trekking 3000 miles on foot across country is a little silly though
Beavis said:I don't think the Enclave being on the east coast should be a surprise, if they are decended from those that ran the US government before the war then it makes sense they would have a sizeable presence in the former capitol.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Beavis said:I don't think the Enclave being on the east coast should be a surprise, if they are decended from those that ran the US government before the war then it makes sense they would have a sizeable presence in the former capitol.
Doesn't the game strongly imply (if not outright state) that the Enclave regrouped and moved to the East coast only after the destruction of the oil rig?
Oppen said:Beavis said:I don't think the Enclave being on the east coast should be a surprise, if they are decended from those that ran the US government before the war then it makes sense they would have a sizeable presence in the former capitol. In lonesome road ed e suggests there is a enclave outpost in chicago, so one can assume from that that there are pockets of enclave spread around the country.
As for the mutants they provided a half assed explanation from the vault fawkes was in, and that's good enough for me I'm easy to please
The BOS trekking 3000 miles on foot across country is a little silly though
Muties were discussed in another thread, so I'll be short on it: first, available entrances are highly irradiated, and that's known to make the mutation fail (remember, the muties NEED to take humans through it to make more muties); second, there doesn't seem to be any kind of organization besides terrify everyone, so I can't see why would they make more muties, nor why they seem to be somewhat friendly between them. I'd keep pointing out the holes in the whole muties thing, but I don't want to try to remember nor to look for the proper thread.
About Enclave, I partly agree. Mostly, in having an operational mainframe hidden there, but I would doubt of their interest in the place when you consider they already migrated their HQ to an oil rig. I'm not from USA and I suck in geography, so I'm not sure which advantages might have the place, but since most military and tech building are likely to be destroyed by the bombs, I'd rather abandon it if I was in their shoes.
I think it deserves a debate, or at least a mere exposition of facts from people who actually knows about DC
Beavis said:I don't remember them saying they took humans back to the vault, I just remember them saying that's where the muties originated. I could be wrong but that's the impression I had. As far as why its every species instict to reproduce and multiply and the only way they can is with fev so that's what they do
The base Eden was at (name escapes me at the moment) and adams air force base were in pretty good condition. Plus they had enough power armor and energy weapons for all of their troops so I'm guessing there was enough military hardware laying around. Plus in edens radio broadcasts he's clearly trying to convince people the enclave wants to return the USA to its former glory the former capitol makes perfect sense as a place to start that process if you want people to believe your propaganda.
Beavis said:I don't remember that but its been a good year or so since I last played FO3 but if that's the case then yeah that's a little out there.
I have my doubts though, Col. Autum clearly has a southern accent which would suggest he's from the east coast at least
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Beavis said:I don't remember that but its been a good year or so since I last played FO3 but if that's the case then yeah that's a little out there.
I have my doubts though, Col. Autum clearly has a southern accent which would suggest he's from the east coast at least
Officially he is from the west coast.
"Augustus was born on 2222 and was raised on the Enclave Oil Rig. His father, Autumn Senior, was a high-ranking scientist in the Enclave when, after the destruction of the Enclave Oil Rig by the Chosen One in 2242, he received orders from the new President of the United States who succeeded Dick Richardson, a former presidential advisor named John Henry Eden, to take all surviving Enclave troops and relocate them to the Raven Rock military base on the East Coast."
At least that's what the official guide says.
Also, if there were other Enclave personnel on the east coast (or even just Raven Rock) it wouldn't have been a secret that Eden was a computer and not a real person.
I really can't think of how did I miss that. The whole war was about petroleum and uranium, how could I miss the fact that even with China knowing about the rig, they would be morons if they dropped bombs there. The other facts, thank you, I do see how I missed them, I wasn't paying attentionSnapSlav said:Actually, the Oil Rig wasn't targeted not because its Enclave HQ was "secret"- the whole WORLD knew about the platform -but because it was the only remaining source of crude oil in the whole world. Whether or not China was aware of the base on the Oil Rig was never clarified, but it was also irrelevant, because they didn't want to destroy their one and only source of future fuel- assuming they ever survived to take it from the US.
And yes, it was clearly stated that the Vault 87 Mutants DID bring abducted humans to the vault to be turned into Super Mutants. The absurdities in their presence and the scope of their threat is the SCALE of the vault, compared to the original (real) source of Super Mutants; Mariposa. Mariposa had vats of FEV that filled an entire warehouse-sized level of the military base. It had ample resources to create generations of Super Mutants, and it did. Vault 87 just had ambiguous tanks of their specially modified FEV that was administered in test chambers. Had the vault been designed SOLELY for containing FEV, it might seem possible for them to keep enough for the generations of mutants to follow, 200 years later, but like all vaults it had a large civilian population housed in recreational facilities. A stockpile of FEV to allow for generations of "civilian" Super Mutants that get mowed down on a regular basis yet maintain a sizable population to SOMEHOW legitimately affect the entire surrounding area and prevent it from recovering that entire 200 is not a matter of improbably. It's nigh-impossible, not to mention stupid as hell.