Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

kyojinmaru said:Don't consider it canon then, it's easy!, who cares about what Bethesda says.
There's a difference between "official" continuity and personal fan-based opinion.
Who cares? Fans of the works do. While we can debate all of the games as being official because they exist, we tend to listen to those who own and produce content.
And since Bethesda owns Fallout, we tend to pay more attention to what they do to expand what we all accept as the common understanding.
My personal vision of Fallout is different than others. For example, there are people who have their own personal rendition of Fallout which includes My Little Pony (see that bit in the New Vegas forum).
Our personal tastes are different, but when we come together to discuss Fallout, we aren't talking about our personal tastes, we talk what is 'official' and canon.
Whatever personal feelings I have on the matter, the core is based on a common understanding, and that's the canon.
I like Terminator and I have to deal with Salvation, what I can do?, go Hollywood and kill those bastards? no, I ignore the movie and I respect if other people like it.
I like Highlander and I hated Highlander 2 with a passion. It certainly helped when the people who made it disowned it and don't consider it part of that canon. Would it have been harder for me to remain a fan if every subsequent Highlander referred to 2 and it's alien immortals?