I remember a while ago, in this same forum, someone posted something about a
porn parody of Fallout.

I haven't watched it, but I'm sure it will be a bad movie. Even if it makes me feel something, even if I was in the mood for porn and liked it.
Never have I seen a porn that was a good movie.
Same with fanfictions (in this case I don't mean adult ones, I don't read those), there are tons of fanfiction around, and never have I read a good piece of literary art coming from those.
Art made by animals is also not good art in any way, specially because I doubt animals have a sentiment or feeling they want to convey with their art (like any artist does). But many people still like it, because it was made by an animal and not humans.
There is art and then there is "art". Does a mass produced Mona Lisa Poster has the same artistic value as the real Mona Lisa? Is it good art? I mean, someone just took a photo of a good art piece and printed it, is the print good art too? Or is there more to the whole art thing?
I do consider some games as art, because some are art, others are not really art. Specially games made by AAA devs, that are just making products to be mass consumed and without any love for their own stuff.
It's been a while since I played a game where the devs love for their own product was noticeable.
It's the same as if I just made a wombat picture on Paint. I don't consider it art, I didn't put any real effort or even love into it, even children can draw better, and I definitely didn't made it to be art. But if someone sees it and goes "Awwww, it's soooo cute. I love it!" does it make it art? Does art become art just because someone says it is?
Is this picture good art?