Walpknut said:
The first game I ever played was Carmen Sandiego and text adventures, mostly because for a time we coudl only use PCs when at school, that kind of stuff doesn't even bother me at all. If I was bothered by silly animations and ugly textures I wouldn't even play FO2, recharging your gun by fiddling with the air, characters not beign able to use weaposn because they didn't have animations for them etc.
Most of my Favorite games are on the PS2, or are pretty old. Hell, I like playing Terraria despite it's atrocious art direction.
Well part of it is nostalgia. I am playing a few very old games as well. But mind you neither Oblivion nor Vegas are THAT old, since I am talking about the engine only here. Not the content. But I am sure you know that.
Honestly I admit I could never touch a pure text adventure. I have not grown up with it. But I am not seeing them in any way as "bad". They appeal to a different target audience. The spiderweb games for example have their fanbase of some sort even though its not my kind of game. Yes, the visuals turn me of here.
Anyway. The problem is that with Oblivion and Vegas the engine was already crap when Bethesda used it.
There are engines which are far older and look and feel better in my eyes which I even play today simply because they don't look and feel like shit, aesthetically speaking. Better camera controls, better use of textures, more pleasing animations etc. How comes they managed to do facial expressions better there then Oblivion? I can only imagine its because Lucas has an awesome team of developers behind it which know a lot about it. Industrial Lights and magic are not without reasons one of the tops in the industry. Those people know what they are doing and it shows.
I am not blaming Obsidian here. I think Bethesda droped the ball on this already since Oblivion, trough Fallout 3 and now Skyrim. While things are in general better now in Skyrim, it still has its issues here and there. I really hope if they ever do a Fallout 4 that they will continue to work on that. Or simply give the whole project to Obsidian with a much higher limit then with Vegas.
Walpknut said:
Most of my Favorite games are on the PS2, or are pretty old. Hell, I like playing Terraria despite it's atrocious art direction.
Again. I am playing a few very old games as well. And I also like Terraria and I don't think that it looks "bad".
Just to make this clear, I am not talking here about the visuals in form of "graphic power". I am not a graphic fetishist that has to stress his hardware like crazy. But I am talking about aesthetics. And those can be achieved as well without using much hardware. Hence why I think minecraft looks fucking ugly but Ghouls N Ghosts on the SNES awesome. It helps much if you have a creative person somewhere in the process as well someone who has a really good eye for the aesthetics. For example, I could eventually draw a female with the best colours in the world but if the proportions are silly it will look worse compared to a simple pencil drawing where everything is in place - if the target is to draw a nice looking female.
- Also Ghouls N Ghosts is much older then terraria and I think it looks much better.
I mean just look at those pictures and tell me with a straight face Terraria looks better.
To be honest the comparision is not really fair to say that since terraria was made basically by a one-man-team while Super ghouls n ghosts by a professional team. But one can copare Fallout3/Vegas engine with much older games.