I don't associate with those who would harm people only because of their skin, I don't like racism, I'm part Cherokee and I'm bisexual. I don't associate myself with Nazi-ism but I blame Europe's coddling and PC ways (such as arresting Holocaust deniers) leading to the rise of neo-nazis and their ilk.
See, this is important to spell-out when
certain flags are waving.
You might think it is redundant, but it is not, I can assure you of it.
"If you keep calling us nazis, then - " then what, you'll all start gassing jews because of some spiteful counter-reaction?
I *know* there are non-nazis among the alt-right, but there is a LOT of outright support, prooobably out of group loyalty.
I have had my share with distancing myself with hardline communists, I started distancing myself from them when I was 14, and that is over 20 years ago.
Know though, that if the pendulum swings aaany further to the right, there will be an inevitable conclusion to it all. Mexicans, Muslims, Gays, they WILL suffer. Then, after that, the pendulum will swing back again. It's all fun and games, untill it all hits the stupid fan. It's all posturing and memes, untill it gets very very real, and lives are destroyed - on both sides.