Russia attacks Ukraine

Well... I am just wondering when the draft starts. China is bound to strike south for oil and rubber.

Dutch East Indies anyone?
Well... I am just wondering when the draft starts. China is bound to strike south for oil and rubber.

Dutch East Indies anyone?

Tut tut ;p That is way off topic . China is a long way from Ukraine but quite close , well next door to Russia.

If the draft does start say you have bone spurs, that usually works.

Boss avatar btw.
Tut tut ;p That is way off topic . China is a long way from Ukraine but quite close , well next door to Russia.

If the draft does start say you have bone spurs, that usually works.

Boss avatar btw.
China is far more of a threat than Russia and their economy is at a breaking point.

Maybe if China breaks the POINT it will be known as the BLUNT. ( This is not a reference to a reefer , spliff , joint , fatty )

@Crni Vuk . So all those left in the area are combatants ? Full report says among these ' Freedom Fighters ' there are spies and ' advisors ' aka agents of NATO

BBC British bullshit corporation. MAJOR FAIL ! Grieving mother had 'evidence' her son was killed in custardy. She knew he was so badly beat up he could not stand.

FAIL 2 The orthodox priest and the picture of the young soldier have been shown before ! Lazy BBC using stock footage to mock up stories.

Does SLAVA ROSSIA translate as we are Russophobes and blindly support Nukekraine 100%.

Zelensky is not a NATO puppet. Lolololol LMFBO.

Fight till the end It's martial law do not pass go, do not collect 20 Billion $$$$$$$$$$$
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So let's all be honest with ourselves here. Nobody here truly gives a fuck about this anymore right?
What can any of us do? This just yet another vector of misery on the world.

But it does affect everybody because of the economical effects that sanctioning Russia and losing Ukraine has had, specially right after a pandemic.
It's just ridiculous the way people have reacted to it, especially on social media.

As if putting a Ukraine flag in your Twitter name and/or bio or writing an 'open letter' poem to Putin is going to make him think, "ah fuck, you're right, you're right. C'mon guys, pack your shit up, we're leaving Ukraine".

I think it's just all the fake solidarity and fake "support" that irritates me, and we see it absolutely everywhere. People will put a Ukrainian flag in their bio but they wouldn't lift a finger to do something like donate if they were asked.
You want people to constantly donate to a war on another country in the middle of a global recession?
I don't want people to do anything but quit pretending as if they care.

That's it.

The donation piece was pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. And the recession isn't so bad that you can't find five extra dollars to give to something people purportedly "deeply care about", unless presumably you're living in a third world country.

Furthermore, I never said buy Ivan some 5.56mm to fight the ruskies. There are multiple organizations taking donations who are helping out in Ukraine right now in non-combat roles, such as Red Cross.
"So much?"

This is the first post I've made on it. Here, or anywhere else for that matter. There's a difference between caring, and simply having disdain for the hypocrisy people show.
Unfortunately, this is merely a prelude to a much more serious conflict. WW1 and WW2 all started with, "its just a little country", "just an assasination", "just the Germans walking into their own backyard" ect.

We cannot really afford to stop caring about it.

We can, however, afford to stop listening to mainstream news sources after all the lies and bullshit they have spewed.

Crucify me all you want, but Russian news sources also contain valuable intel into what is going on. Plenty of people in Russia defy the censors.
Hah, you obviously don't know me very well. Or you don't understand internet dialogue very well.

People are assholes - as am I, not denying that. Doesn't mean I'm wrong though. They'll also be "weirdly aggressive" about things they have nothing to do with. This is the internet.

I enjoy when someone else tries to tell another person how *they* feel about something, though.

But if you want to go that route, sure - maybe I do "care" about it since we're assigning the definition of "showing any, if even a little, interest in a topic or subject" as "caring".

I don't give a fuck about Ukraine though.

Maybe Ukraine gives him Migraine.

People give me a migraine. But eh, close enough I suppose.
lol always a good way to show you are not upset about something is to be agressive about it.