Russia vs. Georgia

I pulled the chauvinist back and forth out of this thread. Sorry guys, but if you can't keep a cool head about it and avoid letting your Russophobia or Russian patriotism speak for you, it's best to just clamp down and shut up.

This isn't a propaganda forum, keep the debate cool, void of personal attacks and factual. All nonsense will be removed.
Literacy Hooligan said:
"You shouldn't be so anxious with serious questions like this, because they may cause big errors, for which you will have to pay for a long time..." - words from Russian ambassador in Latvia, Ryga Alexander Veshniakof. Pretty agressive i could say. What is this? A threat? I'll have to bring out my legal GLOCK pistol and wait for the young children on old rusty tanks then, who say *russian swear* alot.

Hmm, no. I think it has more to do with the price you'll have to pay for gas this winter. Remember how powerful a weapon it was during Ukraine's Orange Revolution.

I think the pipeline's a major asset, in addition to the whole political objectives. Poland and the Baltic states have been talking about "energetic partnership" and "energetic alliance" about Georgia for at least a year before this war broke out.

Hence the harsh Russian response. That said, that's just the voice of one ambassador, not the government's official stance.

EDIT: Looks that our retarded, gung-ho, russophobe president is in Georgia.

I hope he stays there, permanently.
I find it intresting the opinions of Obama and Mccain;It's pretty much Mccain backs Georgia, which isn't really a suprise, and Obama just with ending the conflict in general, which isn't really a surprise.

It will be intresting to see, when november rolls around, the Us Stance on the "Invasion" of Georgia by Russia.
Ok dont worry about me. If u really think iam Patriot thats very funny. Becoz iam not never duty in army and hate last Russia war in Chechny.

But my opinion this not just stupid War, but i think about it in begun this War so stupid. Later I understood Russia not have choices....

But now need stop fire anyway from two side.

Think why world information sytems like CNN, FOX, BBC keep silence full 16 hours from time of begin conflict.

Why CNN, FOX, BBC do not sent journalists in Southern Ossetia, only in Georgia.... All report from Georgia...

I think
CNN, FOX, BBC cant show news where is Georgia attack separatists in Southern Ossetia....
They wait when Russia enter to Ossetia.

What u Think ;-)
Den Baster said:
Becoz iam not never duty in army and hate last Russia war in Chechny.

Doesn't Russia have a draft?

What, you a draft-dodger?

Den Baster said:
What u Think ;-)

I don't know because I really don't understand what you're trying to say.
This is just a question .. could it be that this whole thing is quite in the intrest of all decisional parties involved ? - alltho the furthered Russian advance is unexpected.

Russia gets to show off and scare regional trouble makers - make citizens proud - make the pipeline seem insecure - shows who the gas/oil big boss is.

Georgian gvmnt. makes good on its promise (we tried to get ossetia back .. but those damn russians!), probably will get the backing of its people for another term - i dont think it will loose south ossetia (does Russia want it ? independence would only mean further trouble for them)

U.S. Gets to act like a pacifier and actually end a conflict in the eyes of its citizens.

The ones to suffer will be the general ossetian (whats left) and georgian population...?
Whatshisname said:
Think why world information sytems like CNN, FOX, BBC keep silence full 16 hours from time of begin conflict.

Uh. Because it takes time to know that there's something going on, it takes time to get to Georgia and it takes time to set up the press credentials/logistics to cover a situation from a war zone?
Wooz said:
Den Baster said:
Think why world information sytems like CNN, FOX, BBC keep silence full 16 hours from time of begin conflict.

Uh. Because it takes time to know that there's something going on, it takes time to get to Georgia and it takes time to set up the press credentials/logistics to cover a situation from a war zone?

And the first report was "Georgia in Russian attack claim". This really objective)...

Big evil Russia and small Georgia, and all forget about South Ossetia.

Think about why Nato to arms Georgia before this tragedy.
Dude. First off, type properly. Use the spellcheck button if you can't type a sentence on your own, it's annoying.

Secondly, pretty much every news agency has recognized Saakwhateverhisnameis's agression on South Ossetia.

Thirdly, it has jack shit to do with "why keep silence full 16 hours from time of begin conflict".
It's going to really suck if the United states decides to involve themselves in this conflict. Full out war is a very unlikely possibility. But who knows? I recall the united states being horribly in debt, so a war with a nation like russia...would it even succeed?
About as likely as discovering pink aardvarks breakdancing on the moon.
Pablosdog said:
It's going to really suck if the United states decides to involve themselves in this conflict. Full out war is a very unlikely possibility. But who knows? I recall the united states being horribly in debt, so a war with a nation like russia...would it even succeed?

It's not just "not likely", it pretty much can't happen. Not only because the US barely cares enough about Georgia to sternly tell off Russia, they don't even have the troops to commit to a third war. Any third war, let alone one against a country like Russia.
Brother None, I looked more into it, and yeah I agree with you now the unlikelyhood of such an attack, as even officials would rather try and "convince" Russian leaders to stand down as opposed to an out right armed intervention.


If Mccain get's elected(50/50 chance on that happening) I think that we will have more to worry about in terms of souring western relations with Russia, due to the insistance of western goverments deciding to intervene on our behalf. (Diplomatically Intervening)

The comment in that article only really confirms this.(Referring to meeting Putin) "I looked into his eyes,” Mr. McCain said, “and saw three letters: a K, a G and a B.”

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US military was surprised by the timing and swiftness of the Russian military's move into South Ossetia and is still trying to sort out what happened, a US defense official said Monday.


"We don't see anything that supports they are in Gori," said a defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "I don't know why the Georgians are saying that."


"Some of these little issues are definitely still big questions in this event -- What was the intent? Who started it? Why did they start it? And why weren't they prepared to defend what they started?"

Do we have military experts here, in NMA? I really would like to hear an opinion about this, because the whole blitzkrieging Tskhinvali while everyone is at the Olympics thing doesn't make much sense.

Medvedev says the operation is over. We are finishing whatever "sources of aggression" are left in Ossetian territory and pulling out [or not: Georgians just sad that Tbilisi airport was bombed, but Georgians say things]. Vostok and Zapad are confirmed to be here as well.

About Saakashvili calling Puting a little midget: I remember reading about it in both Russian and Western press about two years ago. I think he said in the context of the Russian-Georgian oil pipe sabotage, he was mad about the whole "Russia, using it's natural resources as a weapon" issue.
liberty rogue said:
I really would like to hear an opinion about this, because the whole blitzkrieging Tskhinvali while everone is at the Olympics thing doesn't make much sense.

That's more political. Here is an interesting theory.

The military side of it will probably take some time to clear up. As will the political matter.

liberty rogue said:
Medvedev says the operation is over. We are finishing whatever "sources of aggression" are left in Ossetian territory and pulling out [or not: Georgians just sad that Tbilisi airport was bombed, but Georgians say things].


Good on you, you old bear.

liberty rogue said:
Vostok and Zapad are confirmed to be here as well. said only 2 companies, not the whole battalions.
Umm, why is the US Defence startled by Russia's fast military actions. They kept alot of soldiers near the borders, plus they had sent some of them to repair the infastructure like roads and railways.
Isn't it curious that Medvedev says "the operation is over" and Putin is nowhere around? Putin only seems to announce the popular measures in Russia while Medvedev has to announce the "not so popular" measures...