I see a lot of Western media of late crowing the viewpoint of "we won!" That seems pretty naive to me, or just old-fashioned confirmation bias. The more likely geopolitical reality was Putin never had any interest in Eastern Ukraine, and it was to his disadvantage to actually landgrab it. It is dubious he ever had any serious intent to do so, when it is much more to his advantage to have this destabilizing element remain within Ukraine as a leverage point against the neighbor moving away from their sphere of influence.
Honestly, this is all playing out how I thought it would when it first started, with the minor difference of Crimea being a part of Russia and not an independent-in-name-only satellite state. As far as I can tell this pretty much went according to plan and leaves Russia where it wants to be; in possession of Crimea which we now completely forgot was an issue and have just accepted as a reality thanks to their showboating in Eastern Ukraine, and with a Ukraine reminded of their power with a forceful destabilizing element within its borders. The cost is some minor economic upheaval that Russia was well capable of absorbing. So...eh?
Honestly, this is all playing out how I thought it would when it first started, with the minor difference of Crimea being a part of Russia and not an independent-in-name-only satellite state. As far as I can tell this pretty much went according to plan and leaves Russia where it wants to be; in possession of Crimea which we now completely forgot was an issue and have just accepted as a reality thanks to their showboating in Eastern Ukraine, and with a Ukraine reminded of their power with a forceful destabilizing element within its borders. The cost is some minor economic upheaval that Russia was well capable of absorbing. So...eh?