Russian-Ukrainian war

You seem awfully sure that someone else could have done a better job. Why is he so popular in Russia if he is pure evil as you like to see him? I think you underestimate the difficulties of ruling a post-privatisation Russia. Your country (like mine) also had a privatisation in the 90s, but the wild ambitions of our local oligarchs were always more or less contained by our foreign masters (mostly Germany, as the US doesn't really care what the local economy is like). Russia didn't have a stabilising influence from the outside. It had the exact opposite. Plus the general chaos of a post-socialist society.

But no, Putin is evil because Russia isn't perfect. Whenever bad things happen in Russia - who is to blame? Putin! When good things happen, who gets the credit? The democratic opposition, western partners, the fairy godmother, anyone except for the accursed Putin!

Russophobic propaganda has 200+ years of history. It would be strange if it wasn't an art form by today.
Wrong, Germany does care. Why do you think you're part of the EU? They don't care in a manner that they will make your country a heaven on earth, but enough to keep that crime from spilling over when they annex you (make you join the EU and open your borders). We had the very same things happening in Croatia, plus a war, because the west knew very well that we were likely to once again unite within the next two decades if national hatred wasn't spread all over the place.

And in a few hundred years, when people get their heads out of their asses and realise that stories about Stalin killing 20 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 people can't possibly be real he might actually get recognized as the greatest statesman of the 20th century.

Everyone seems to agree that the history we are taught is loaded with propaganda, but when it comes to actually applying that view to history, not a whole lot of people seem to do it.
Wrong, Germany does care. Why do you think you're part of the EU? They don't care in a manner that they will make your country a heaven on earth, but enough to keep that crime from spilling over when they annex you (make you join the EU and open your borders). We had the very same things happening in Croatia, plus a war, because the west knew very well that we were likely to once again unite within the next two decades if national hatred wasn't spread all over the place.

And in a few hundred years, when people get their heads out of their asses and realise that stories about Stalin killing 20 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 people can't possibly be real he might actually get recognized as the greatest statesman of the 20th century.

Everyone seems to agree that the history we are taught is loaded with propaganda, but when it comes to actually applying that view to history, not a whole lot of people seem to do it.

We are part of EU because we met the criteria to join. Ever since we joined EU our living standards have risen quite nice, i also frequently buy electronics from and it's cheaper than it ever was here because there are no import taxes :clap:. If this is annexation, i want more of it.

Because of Stalin my grandmother (being 4 years old) had to stand and watch how her parents were killed and then she was sent to Siberia with another 40 thousand Lithuanians who were not killed. Many died during the trip because they were carried by animal wagons. And this after he already won the war in 1948. I personally do not doubt that he killed millions and will not get my head out of my ass.
Mendacious press Europe
Syria. [video][/video]


I think that russian should start bombing ISIS, the whitehouse in washington, is where the real ISIS leaders sit.
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The UN, The EU, NATO all of them are American watchdogs basically. When America started to go against Russia (ignoring the fact they did so much WORSE shit and everything they accused Russia of... they did it a thousand times more), the EU followed and even the UN started to all go along with America. This is why I dislike America. They worm their fucking way into everything. Putin even mentioned that America seems to have the right to screw with anyone they want, because hey! They're America.
Would you rather have North Korea worming their way into everything?

God, yes. Absolutely.

Firstly, they're too small to be such a dick, and secondly, we don't have any proof that they want to. Literally everything we "know" about the country is what its enemies tell us.
Yep, even Bush was popular enough to get elected twice.

I think that has more to do with the fact that we were at war. Voters get uneasy about voting another president in during a war since they somewhat already know what they are getting by reelecting the current one.
How do you know you don't like a 9 inch Bowie knife shoved into your anus if you've never tried it?

Some things you just know. Stop arguing just to be pedantic. If you have a point, make it. Don't spew crap just to make noise.
My point is to ridicule yours. No one here seriously said, yes we want North Korea in power! Unless you made that point. So what is YOUR point exactly?
It's obvious, isn't it? There are much worse alternatives than the U.S. being the "police". U.S. might not be the absolute best, but it sure as shit isn't the worst.
As said already, most folks here are from places that have bad history with America, which I get.

What annoys me is certain statements.

Like the terrorists will all magically vanish along with sectarianism if only the west and Israel left.

Statements in other threads like Israel wants to turn the ME into a wasteland while ignoring what happened to that country in 1948.

Or how everyone has the right to be hegemon while ignoring the price of 67 million plus dead.

How the world should be 'fair', with nukes.

Murrica is evil without acknowledging how life is pretty fucking good in the west, s. korea, taiwan, etc.

Hey if your on the opposing side, I get it. But to rely on conspiracy theories and tryoing to argue the moral high ground.

Crni claims to be neutral but says nothing when some retarded anti-western statements, that make no fucking sense, gets spouted.
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Would you rather have North Korea worming their way into everything?

God, yes. Absolutely.

Firstly, they're too small to be such a dick, and secondly, we don't have any proof that they want to. Literally everything we "know" about the country is what its enemies tell us.

Funny I have the same idea. I never 'digged' the idea that North Korea is a crazy dictatorship because everything we know is from propaganda.

Dark Corp but no offence you sound like the exact opposite, where 'Murrica' is the true path and Russia, North Korean and terrorists should go fuck themeselves. You realize the terrorists do have a point? They aren't Murrica hating nuts only. They have political, religious and economic interests. Calling them all crazy suicide bombers is fucking stupid.

Oh yeah life is good, but we ain't arguing about the quality of life. We're arguing whether the world really wants to be ruled over by America and it's ally the UN. Aka NO!!!
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Terrorists have a point, I can agree.

Point 1: They are EXTREMISTS. The very fucking definition of crazy. Unless you are arguing their brand of Islam is normal.

Point 2: The LEADERSHIP, aka those making decisions, often want power and money. As far as I know, Islam, atleast normal Islam, frowns on killing. It frowns upon kidnapping and slavery of all kinds. IS does all this and so does AQ.

Point 3: These idiots do the SAME FUCKING SHIT, they blame America/West/foreigners for. Just replace democracy with hardcore sharia. Replace oil for, wait no, they want oil revenue too. Replace christian values and secularism with Islam and theocratic rule. Territorial expansion. Propaganda and the blaming of others for internal problems and in-effective leadership. The list can go on forever.

But yea, ignore above for murrica evil.

Russia and N. Korea get shit because they are no fucking different than America except they have no effective global power projection. But oh they want it. We didn't defeat the Soviets just to have Putin create another, given time and leeway.

Its not propaganda, life overall sucks much more in certain nations compared to other ones. You don't hear about a woman getting murdered because a cleric falsely accused her of burning the quoran in the west. Unlike some very backward ass nations, the LGBT folks are getting much less shit in comparison and have the right to marry. Woman actually have rights, OMFG.

But the MOST important fact, unlike you folks slapping eachother on the back with murrica talk and ignoring everything else, I can admit I have been wrong. I can understand your position, being the opposition. I have brought up many valid points to counter you folks sometimes very crazy statements.
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Terrorists have a point, I can agree.

Point 1: They are EXTREMISTS. The very fucking definition of crazy. Unless you are arguing their brand of Islam is normal.

Point 2: The LEADERSHIP, aka those making decisions, often want power and money. As far as I know, Islam, atleast normal Islam, frowns on killing. It frowns upon kidnapping and slavery of all kinds. IS does all this and so does AQ.

Point 3: These idiots do the SAME FUCKING SHIT, they blame America/West/foreigners for. Just replace democracy with hardcore sharia. Replace oil for, wait no, they want oil revenue too. Replace christian values and secularism with Islam and theocratic rule. Territorial expansion. Propaganda and the blaming of others for internal problems and in-effective leadership. The list can go on forever.

But yea, ignore above for murrica evil.

Russia and N. Korea get shit because they are no fucking different than America except they have no effective global power projection. But oh they want it. We didn't defeat the Soviets just to have Putin create another, given time and leeway.

Its not propaganda, life overall sucks much more in certain nations compared to other ones. You don't hear about a woman getting murdered because a cleric falsely accused her of burning the quoran in the west. Unlike some very backward ass nations, the LGBT folks are getting much less shit in comparison and have the right to marry. Woman actually have rights, OMFG.

But the MOST important fact, unlike you folks slapping eachother on the back with murrica talk and ignoring everything else, I can admit I have been wrong. I can understand your position, being the opposition. I have brought up many valid points to counter you folks sometimes very crazy statements.

Point 1: Of course they're all extremists. Media says so, so media is right. Not all terrorists are crazed killers, again propaganda. They aren't fighting for Allah, many are fighting against their regime or foreign influence. Allah is their excuse. Hasn't anyone learnt from the crusades? No? Guess not. Well let me say that people rarely fight in religious wars for religion. They fight for power, wealth or some other reason.

Point 2: No arguments here. But I find it surprising how you act as if they're the only ones. Leaders of countries like Murrica and England basically have the same principles just different methods. All politicians are bitches! Just one version likes to make everyone think they're right while the other doesn't give a fuck. Relatively speaking.

Point 3: Yep! But one lacks the power to expand their shit everywhere, the other however... sure seems to enjoy it bringing their 'justice' to almost everywhere. That's the major difference. A big one.

Ehh not again. THE RUSSIANS ARE FUCKING CAPITALISTS!!! How hard is that to understand?

I never said it was propaganda, I said we weren't arguing about that. But again, the whole burn a women (while it does happen) is usually trumpeted. Why not? Make the opposition look like dip shits and you get a whole range of invasion options! Oh don't mention LGBT. A group that seems to go crazy over the right to have sex with the same gender. There are better things to worry about, like poverty maybe.

Valid points... laughs.
1: Your answer is the crusades where dip fuck priests lied about absolving sins to justify muslim killing. They believed that shit. Thats why fighters scream allah ahkbar, god has nothing to do with it becase Dr. Fallout says so. They want a theocracy even though religion has nothing to do with it lol.

2: I never said they were the only ones, I said they were assholes like the people they blame for all their problems. Your group is the ones saying murrica is the only one.

3: Putin lacks power NOW, but oh does he like his bases on foreign soil and power projection. Oh yea, its the same shit your blaming America for. BTW, if we give him time and leeway, it will change. We didn't defeat the soviets just to let Putin rebuild.

Capitalism, I'm talking freedom here. You said shitty living in N. Korea was propaganda. S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan have a good life. Europe does too. They seem to like U.S. influence. Nice back peddle though.

Great to know you don't give a flying fuck about fellow countrymen because their lifestyle is different.

But stick your head in the sand because its media propaganda....laughs.
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1: Your answer is the crusades where dip fuck priests lied about absolving sins to justify muslim killing. They believed that shit. Thats why fighters scream allah ahkbar, god has nothing to do with it becase Dr. Fallout says so. They want a theocracy even though religion has nothing to do with it lol. 2: I never said they were the only ones, I said they were assholes like the people they blame for all their problems. Your group is the ones saying murrica is the only one. 3: Putin lacks power NOW, but oh does he like his bases on foreign soil and power projection. Oh yea, its the same shit your blaming America for. BTW, if we give him time and leeway, it will change. We didn't defeat the soviets just to let Putin rebuild. Capitalism, I'm talking freedom here. Great to know you don't give a flying fuck about fellow countrymen because their lifestyle is different. But stick your head in the sand because its media propaganda....laughs.

1. Allah Akbar... why do you say 'Oh my God', why is God used a lot in things like normal conversation AND WARCRIES!!! Even American soldiers cry out something related to God but they're not fighting in His name are they? They are extreme but it doesn't mean every fucking one of them is a highly religious fanatic. The Crusades are highly applicable, can't you even see the similarities? Theocracy... what a joke. It's just a system that uses religion as an excuse to be better and to be right. Just because it uses religion doesn't mean theocracies are full of fanatics.

2. We're all assholes. America, Russia, terrrorists, me and you. So I agree there. But America is a pretty big fucking one.

3. Who's worse? Putin or America. Mine are on America, cause when Putin dies things change. America? America has been doing shit since world war 2. Through every president it's still been doing shady shit around the world. Unless there's a massive change... nothings going to change there. PUTIN ISN'T A FUCKING SOVIET!!! Russia IS capitalist. Don't you know that? So by your definiton they're free! Capitalism is a system were the rich get richer and the poor... they get poorer.

(This is assuming the last couple of sentences are aimed towards me, because they are vague and apply both equally if you're aiming them at me or yourself)
Oh I give a fuck, why do you think I'm against American policy? Why do you think I'm against capitalism and it's so called 'freedom'?