Russian-Ukrainian war

Freedom is a first world things. Ask a person living in Africa whether they want freedom or food. The answer is obvious.

Remember, the various revolutions weren't fought for freedom, but to get a better life and to improve their stock. Didn't work usually...
Freedom is a first world things. Ask a person living in Africa whether they want freedom or food. The answer is obvious.

Remember, the various revolutions weren't fought for freedom, but to get a better life and to improve their stock. Didn't work usually...
Worked in China, Japan, Bolivia, Mexico, the United States, Scotland, Libya, Thailand, USSR (from Leninism to communism), India, England, France, Colombia, and many others.
All the superpowers sucks.

Finland/Norway/Sweden/Switzerland/Greece/Japan/Thailand/Vietnam/Australia/NewZealand/Brazil/Argentina/Chile/Niger/Tunsia/Estonia Martian Nuclear Missile Base 2020.
Its not specifically first world.

Basic necessity is survival yes, but freedom is no less important. Its right above survival.
Freedom is a first world things. Ask a person living in Africa whether they want freedom or food. The answer is obvious.

Remember, the various revolutions weren't fought for freedom, but to get a better life and to improve their stock. Didn't work usually...
Worked in China, Japan, Bolivia, Mexico, the United States, Scotland, Libya, Thailand, USSR (from Leninism to communism), India, England, France, Colombia, and many others.


We have 3 factions in Libya as the leaders are having a tough time agreeing on anything. Then you have the damn extremist IS.
Well dem folks in Africa are pretty free, their police force and government is so shit, they can't do anything to their populace unless they're nearby military personnel. Course folk there don't worry about that, but more about food and water.
Bringing this back on topic. Dutch Air Safety Board's report on the MH-17 disaster to be published tomorrow on the 13th. Though since the investigation solely pertains to establishing the cause of the crash, anyone expecting anything other than a hopelessly noncommittal answer as to the apportionment of blame (much less from where that SA-11 that brought it down came from) is going to be sorely disappointed.
I was going to say I would not consider Libya a success as the revolution has been hijacked by government figures who can't agree on anything.
No, not the case at all. My other arguments have pretty much said as much.
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So there's going to be a referendum on the question of this agreement with the ukraine, in my country of the Netherlands. People will be able to cast their vote on whether or not they agree with the planned deal. I was leaning towards a yes vote before, and the more I've read, the more that's stayed the same. It seems the arguments against it are supposed costs and fear of european power growth. So these are two arguments based on fear and speculation.
Simon Otjes, researcher at the Documentation Centre for Dutch Political Parties (DNPP) of the University of Groningen, stated that "polling now, before the start of the campaign, indicates that turn-out is likely to exceed 30% and that a majority of voters lean towards a no vote. Polls also indicate that when informed about the actual substance of the agreement, respondents tend to favour it."[14],_2016#Response

I was definitely going to vote anyway, and I think I'll be glad to do my part by voting yes.
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So there's going to be a referendum on the question of this agreement with the ukraine, in my country of the Netherlands. People will be able to cast their vote on whether or not they agree with the planned deal. I was leaning towards a yes vote before, and the more I've read, the more that's stayed the same. It seems the arguments against it are supposed costs and fear of european power growth. So these are two arguments based on fear and speculation.,_2016#Response

I was definitely going to vote anyway, and I think I'll be glad to do my part by voting yes.
Why do you think "yes" is the way to go, doesn't the EU have enough trouble with the whole immigrant crisis and Greece? Ukraine is an Africa-tier shithole.
Why do you think "yes" is the way to go, doesn't the EU have enough trouble with the whole immigrant crisis and Greece? Ukraine is an Africa-tier shithole.
What would be the negative effects on the EU from this agreement?
And aren't free markets and trade your solution for everything?
My mom will be voting no because she doesn't want the Ukraine to import broiler chicken. At least that's what google is telling me plofkip is called in english.