Dead Guy said:
Saw Prometheus yesterday, and man is it full of facepalming. Lots have been covered already, but I'll just pick one of the most retarded ones.
So blind faith girl believes in an abrahamic god, but also thinks we were created by aliens. No one in the movie thinks this conflicts. Maybe that's just par for the course with religious people?.
While I somewhat agree with you, but I think that question is once asked by some of the characters. How someone can still believe in a god with "aliens" which created us. Well the answer to the qeustion was like "who made them?".
Aliens for it self are not necessarily contradicting a "god" per se. Except you believe in the idea of creation that men was the peak/focus of evolution which is of course bullshit.
The simple faith in some form of deity is not contradicted by the existence of extraterrestrial life.