Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

This was confirmed a long time ago 
Only 3 1/2 hours till it unlocks on Steam. Can't wait!

Only 3 1/2 hours till it unlocks on Steam. Can't wait!
aenemic said:Checkpoints could actually improve the experience for me. Let's you fuck up once in a while, no quick-saving before you attempt something and quick-loading when you fail.
Surf Solar said:You'll miss out if you don't get it, IMO. The writing and atmosphere is top notch, the fights challenging on hard, the adventure bits are fun. For that price you get also the editor and many future fanmade modules, it's basically a steal.
I tend to agree, however, like I said, it's a series of linear setpiece areas, you're not really ever going to wander into the wrong end of town before your character is beefed up enough to handle something.Checkpoints could actually improve the experience for me. Let's you fuck up once in a while, no quick-saving before you attempt something and quick-loading when you fail.
Well, combat is going to be different depending on your build. There are periodic stat or skill checks in dialogue that open up some options. The thing is though, with the linear areas strung together, you get to an area, you finish it, and you go to the next one - you might pass a stat check that gets you an extra clue, or a stimpack or something, but essentially, I don't see any divergence or substantial consequences. I'm only 5 hours or so in at this point though.aenemic said:So does the main campaign offer much replayability? Is there any roleplaying involved whatsoever, any meaningful choices?
Can't agree more. it's really disapointing game.lazlolazlo said:I'm kind of disappointed with this game. Didn't really expect it to be just an editor like NWN with an exeptional mediocre story. More linear than Final Fantasy, hardly any RPG value as in options and lackluster Writing. Heck even the SNES version has plenty more substance which is kinda sad for a game released 2013. Don't understand why this Piece of crap(mediocre game) is hyped in the RPG Community.
The graphics are great, i give em(HB) that. but that's about it.
This reminds me of another issue with the game - inability to switch between combat and non-combat mode at will.sea said:However the game is still clearly divided into "bite sized" gameplay chunks and there is very little freedom outside of the combat system.
Hopefully it IS remembered, and the lessons learned will improve the Kickstarter system.But I also don't think that it'll be remembered
This is a big marketing pitch for them, but so far I'm not really seeing hordes of fans designing the content. Not anywhere near the level of the past and current "modding hits". I'd say one needs to craft a compelling game to attract players before counting on them making content. UGC doesn't just spawn out of thin air. We'll see, though.promise of future add-ons
The early Torment previews looked beautiful artistically tooWasteland, Torment and Project Eternity will probably wipe the floor with it in every way (except perhaps artistically).