Skyrim and Oblivion

I can't play more than 30 minutes of Skyrim in a game. After 30 minutes I am so bored and just feel like playing the game is a chore and not fun at all that I just turn it off and never again load that game.
I try to play it every year thinking that maybe I was being too harsh and also because I really want to like the game (TES was one of my favorite computer game series since I played Daggerfall back in the old days).
The game writing does nothing good for me, quests are "meh" for the most part (I liked the one to assassin the emperor when is ship is leaving for example), the puzzles can't even be called that, things happen "just because", the civil war that is ravaging Skyrim is non existent, the streamlined character progression is boring as hell, the Shout system is ridiculous, the consume dragon souls is ridiculous, the factions are paper thin and ridiculous, you can rise in any faction right to the top by doing menial quests or just by doing a dungeon, dungeons are linear, settlements are boring, enemies are boring, enemies dodging arrows and crossbow bolts shot by our character while we are hidden and not detected and the enemy is facing the other way and then like magic they just teleport a couple steps to the side to avoid the projectile, the stupid and ridiculous pickpocket system (oh, now I am so good at it I can steal the clothes people ARE WEARING without anyone noticing it...), the "can join every faction with little to no effort/skills possible", the become teh archmage even if you can just cast a low level healing spell, the world does not react to anything that happens, guards magically know what you're good at and what factions you're on just by looking at you, the changeable birth sign just by looking at a stone (in older TES the birth sign was just that... a birth sign. Your character was born in a specific time of the year when the moons and stars aligned in a particular way that gave him/her a special power), no one seems to care what race we play with (IIRC there might be one or two small dialogues in the entire game where someone might comment on our race), levelled loot and rewards (I even remember seeying years ago a mod to make some quest reward items to level with the player, because the way the game is set is that if you get a reward from a daedric lord, and you're low level, you get a crap weapon or armor, but if you do that quest at higher levels you get the same item but much more powerful... Daedric items being as shitty as low level steel equipment... :facepalm:), etc... I could go on and on even more about what bores me in that game.
Good things for me are:
Character appearance customisation, music, graphics are improved over older games, can't think of much more but I am sure I am just forgetting some things :confused:.
I can see why other people enjoy the game, but my brain doesn't like it and makes me feel bored fast when I play it. Modded, unmodded, total overhaul, it doesn't matter...
This is just my opinion. I only posted this because you asked for people's opinion and I decided to reply honestly.
Tbh if that's your rebuttal and you have no counter arguement then to me it sounds like you're defending a guilty pleasure.
When was this an argument? And no, its not a guilty pleasure. Just because you think its bad and not to be played seriously doesn't mean everyone else does.
When was this an argument? And no, its not a guilty pleasure. Just because you think its bad and not to be played seriously doesn't mean everyone else does.
I ain't saying that... Its just... We've all listed things we believe to be negative qualities and you haven't really gone Into detail about why you like it. Skyrim is an okay game. Its not blasphemy to like it. Just wanna know why. Molag Baal quest was neat for example.
I ain't saying that... Its just... We've all listed things we believe to be negative qualities and you haven't really gone Into detail about why you like it. Skyrim is an okay game. Its not blasphemy to like it. Just wanna know why. Molag Baal quest was neat for example.
I love all of it. But specifically the lore, story, mechanics, places world etc.
Look buddy, I'm not here trying to convert anybody. If you enjoy it, cool. I hope you have a blast. It really doesn't bother me. But, don't forget that you came here looking for people's opinions. You say so in your OP.
The meme was a joke.
It was obnpxious, imo.

So what are some of your favorite quests from skyrim?
I like the molag Baal one. And the sheogorath one. And the clavicus vile one.
Hard question. I enjoyed all of the DB ones, most of the TG ones, some of the Companion ones, all of the Civil War quests. There are so many I dont want to define a favourite. I cant be bothered to make a list either, it'd be about a page long.

Oblivion to me, enters the realms of "so bad it's kinda good" with it's terrible animations, terrible combat, terrible story and terrible, terrible characters and voice acting.

Skyrim on the other hand, was just painfully dull in every way. Boring, BORING characters, BORING story and BORING world. Every quest was the same, it turned out the best armours could be crafted so there was no point in adventuring. Just grinding and more grinding to level up shit, and levelling up things was also painfully dull.

Yeah yeah yeah mods'll fix it, whatever. I'm talking about the vanilla game which is possibly one of the worst AAA games I've ever played.

But if the mods can fix Skyrim, boy oh boy did they have their work cut out for them, when literally EVERYTHING was broken.
Oblivion is okay... it's been a while since I played it through.

Skyrim however is just so fucking boring. I put 70+ hours in the game... I did the main quest and both DLCs.
Seriously... how the hell do you make Dragons boring?

And the final boss was a joke. I've not been this let down by a final boss since Fable 2.
I was expecting to fight off dozens of Dragons, putting all my skills to the test and then coming face to face with the last Dragon.

But I doubt the game engine could handle anything so epic.
What is your opinion on Skyrim. I think its one of the best games in a generation and I love it.
Skyrim was the most dumbed down Bethesda game ever made until they took a 7 year diarrhea on their 100 year old game engine and titled it "Fallout 4."

It was shallow and boring and dull. The characters were all lazily written, there was little dialogue. It is a pseudo-RPG. Fallout 4 is merely a direct extension of Skyrim's design principles. You're head of every faction in a few quests, promoted direct from the lowest position. You're not even a mage? Whatever, you're head of the Mages Guild LOL!

The writing would fail basic creative writing. The Witcher devs apparently used Skyrim's boring, dull characters and writing as an example of what NOT to do when making Witcher 3.

The only difference between Skyrim and Fallout 4 is that Skyrim was not quite as dumbed down and therefore most people didn't notice and spammed 10/10 review scores across the board. Just wait for Elder Scrolls 6 though - it'll have a dialogue wheel, voiced protagonist, and $50 Workshop DLC Season Pass!
I get the feeling that you're bored and this is bait.
Pretty much.
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You want my opinion on Oblivion?

You want my opinion on skyrim?
Ruined a dragon-apocalypse setting for me.