I've been trying it out lately, and I am most tempted to uninstall and forget about it, but then I feel a bit bad about that, since I've been sitting around waiting for an oportunity to be able to play these games -.-
I hated the tutorial, wtf, let me at least be allowed to move on my own
I hated the first dragon attacking, yea yea rawr, lemme just loot these dead guards, and help myself to what seems like quite awesome armor
Oh look, more dead guards, all over the tunnel, more shit than I can carry right a goddamn way, neato! I hope it just continues like this!
Then I listen to these villagers babble on in their god-awful accent, and obviously muffled, I leave off to see that king, and he declares me the Chosen Epic One of Awesome, because I saw a dragon, and now I am clearly fit to kill all the dragons in the world, so I run off and kill a dragon right away, by shooting arrows at it.
I then get some goth-metal-viking wife, and venture into the mountains w her, I squint at mumbling bearded men, and I stand around frustratedly puzzled, when they want me to demonstrate stuff they have carefully mumbled about for the last ten minutes.
I'll probably give it a bit more of a shot...
Nice scenery and all... :b
(The interface was killing me)