So I finally bought Skyrim...

There is a mod that makes Licanthrophy an actual gameplay and roleplay choice with pros and cons and not just an early game power up with almost no concequences.

And there are also those nice texture mods that fix the surprisingly amateurish job Bethesda always does with their visuals. They really just care about the far away vistas more than anything.
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Skyrim doesn't need many gameplay mods. I have one to fix magic (mostly making Destruction actually good), one to fix enemy AI (they actually block and dodge now! perish the thought) and one to populate cities with generic NPCs so that the ''thriving capital'' of Skyrim has more than 20 people in it. Apart from that my modlist is mostly more realistic-looking weapons, graphical mods, buffs to some Shouts, and one sound mod that puts a lot of atmosphere in dungeons.

It's funny, the only effect that the Elder Scrolls online beta did to me was make me play Skyrim again. Once you get past the fundamental design flaws (it's still incredibly dumb you can be Arch-Mage and know sweet fuck all about magic, for instance), it's an entertaining game set in a fairly engrossing world. I still find new stuff from time to time. And FusRoDah-ing fools off the top of towers never, ever gets old.
And there are also those nice texture mods that fix the surprisingly amateurish job Bethesda always does with their visuals. They really just care about the far away vistas more than anything.
If you are talking about hi-res textures, its probably because not everyone has fancy GPUs ?
No dude, I am talking about how badly done they are, not how high res they are. A lot of the mapping in both world objects, clutter and weapons is very poorly done, go to one mod page and look at the comparisons not only on resolution but on the overall look.
I can only agree with that, just compare some of the armor textures with the one Bethesda made. Its like worlds apart.
Once you get past the fundamental design flaws (it's still incredibly dumb you can be Arch-Mage and know sweet fuck all about magic, for instance), it's an entertaining game set in a fairly engrossing world. I still find new stuff from time to time. And FusRoDah-ing fools off the top of towers never, ever gets old.

Yeah, it's really engrossing that I one a civil war (fought by twenty people on either side) and am never recognized for it. It's fairly engrossing I am a level 20-something warrior with high-level steel plate armor and I am never recognized other than the throwaway guard dialogue. It's pretty engrossing that NPCs don't ever have opinions of you and only exist for the sake of quests. It's pretty engrossing that there is no urgency to saving the world from a dragon apocalypse.

What engrossed me the most about Skyrim is how digustingly lazy it is.
THe flags for the guard dialogue is apparently not even set up properly to work in a logical way, so you will still get the "disrespectful" greetings from guards even after completing every quest in the town favorably. As usual, there is a mod that fixes that. Bethesda can just release a late beta of every game they make and just release the creation kit so the community makes it into version 1.0.....
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I've been trying it out lately, and I am most tempted to uninstall and forget about it, but then I feel a bit bad about that, since I've been sitting around waiting for an oportunity to be able to play these games -.-
I hated the tutorial, wtf, let me at least be allowed to move on my own
I hated the first dragon attacking, yea yea rawr, lemme just loot these dead guards, and help myself to what seems like quite awesome armor
Oh look, more dead guards, all over the tunnel, more shit than I can carry right a goddamn way, neato! I hope it just continues like this!

Then I listen to these villagers babble on in their god-awful accent, and obviously muffled, I leave off to see that king, and he declares me the Chosen Epic One of Awesome, because I saw a dragon, and now I am clearly fit to kill all the dragons in the world, so I run off and kill a dragon right away, by shooting arrows at it.

I then get some goth-metal-viking wife, and venture into the mountains w her, I squint at mumbling bearded men, and I stand around frustratedly puzzled, when they want me to demonstrate stuff they have carefully mumbled about for the last ten minutes.

I'll probably give it a bit more of a shot...

Nice scenery and all... :b

(The interface was killing me)
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Oh my God is it ever. Someone here on NMA posted a series of images comparing it to Morrowind, but who the hell thought that dedicating 3/4 of the inventory menu to an ugly model of the item was a good idea? Who thought that just listing all the items in alphabetical order was a good idea? It's a literal pain to scroll through hundreds of items just to get the one I need. Or through dozens of weapons. It's... it just boggles the mind. How the hell is Bethesda not bankrupt on account of mediocrity?
It's kind of headscratchign really. If I had presented something that mediocrily grey and simplistic in college I would get a failing grade on the assignment.