Allotrope said:
Are you kidding me?
In the quest where you can save "big town" from a supermutant attack it is noted a couple of times that the super mutants don't actually kill wastelanders but abduct them and take them to an unknown location
Big Hamlet itself (I refuse to call it a town) add's nothing to the game it is possibly utterly pointless as far as locations go, thus, and assault (of like 6 mutants???) against this location, even if the muties did win... who cares?! the inhabitants of Big Hamlet are all entirely expendable and add NOTHING to the game... and don't even try to say anything about little fucking lamplight which is actually more of a ridiculous location than big hamlet.
Also.. unknown location ... whooo spooky (read also: poorly written plot element)
the whole reason for the enclave killing your father and taking over purity was to kill everyone (including the supermutants) by contaminating the water with a modified FEV virus
Go back and read that again (in game) the Enclaves Idea was to 'purify' the wastes not kill
everyone, merely the mutated and on a more personal note, this 'bad karma' ending was only included so that the player has the moral crunch choice!!
"OMGZ do I put in the enclave bit in not!!!?>!>!??" 
which is just weak plot writing.
super mutants play an important role in the game
for example:
they often have humorous dialogues between each other when you are hidden nearby
Yup that sure is important to the game!
they make the capitol inhospitable and dangerous
About as inhospitable as my Bathroom. lets face it:
Super mutants are:
easily beaten by Brotherhood
can be punched to death (even the minigun wielding ones)
are easy fended off by little lamplight
There is no way, NO WAY you can tell me that its because of SM's that people don't populate the DC area. they simply present no threat. Any combat capable individual can handle them with ease.
--->which leads to epic fights between the mutants, tc mercenaries, and lyons brotherhood--> capitol building is large scale battleground
EPIC FIGHTS !!! (read also: 3 poorly armed Super mutants Vs 2 or 3 Talon Mercs / whatever) The capitol building is about the only bit I can agree with in your statement, however, lets face it, ANY adversary would easily substitute the SM role in these fights.
super mutant behemoths are crazy to kill, and they like teddy bears?
...and quite frankly just a childish OMG look! element of the game which in themselves add nothing other than
lets get to the nub of it once more:
Experience and loots.