The Enclave 86
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Walpknut said:It doesn't make any sense that Eden would need YOU, they guy whose fatehr you killed, and the guy who is been killing his troops for a good chunk of the game to do the crucial part of his plan? Why not send one of his soldiers? they seem fanaticaly loyal to the Enclave, its not an interestign story, it doesn't make sense. Eden's plan is compeltely stupid.
And the Enclave didn't have many fights with the mutants, if they had such problem with them why not just go into the Museum and empty their guns on the Ghouls, I mean a single Mr Gutsy can kill them all. They have robots and Brain controled deathclaws and the only they seem to do is have posts in random palces, they seem to have a shitload of Vertibirids. You can't call sloppy characterization and story "Suckering" and complex, no organization in the game world seem to have any purpouse, the Mutants in the Vault are jsut a few meters away from a Human factory (little lamplight) yet they prefer to go from Germantown to Bigtown and then back to the Vault, WHY? The enclave patrols seem to be incredibly stupid fucks that just attack anyone that they see, you would think that if they bothered making a radio show spreading propaganda they would at least try to recruit Wastelanders and make active trading, at least to use them as pack mules. THATS BAD STORYTELLING and TERRIBLE worldbuilding.
I agree with everything... except the part about the Enclave at the end of course. Enclave have Vertibirds (far too fucking many but whatever) for transportation of goods and to recruit mainlanders in any sense would be silly, the Enclave don't need them and to comprimise on something like that. What would be better is if they had no stupid radio at all, I hypothesised that it was Eden simply LARPing being a real President and not a machine which gained power through a poorly explained mechanism, which I can only assume is the Presidential Line of Succession. The broadcasts had the potential to draw unncessary attention to the Enclave and risk lives. Fuck Eden.