so is there any good bonus to completing NV in hardcore?

I hope someone adds hardcore mode fairly quick. Bethesda with their fucking training wheels...

Why do you guys call a lack of hardcore "training wheels?" A). the first few Fallout games didn't have survival elements, and B). it's not training wheels if there's no way to take them off. Then they're just wheels.

Also, I don't like F:NV on anything but casual easy. Call me a wimp, but I hate bulletsponges and my hording and munchkin brain refuses to devote space and skill points to food, water, and Survival. I did beat F:NV on hardcore normal, though.
The first Fallout games weren't action games so survival elements weren't needed or would even fit. Companions weren't immortal either and taking a Stimpak in combat was meaningful as it would take Action Points thus you couldn't just shove them on your face Machinegun style. Even then bullets did have weight in Fallout 1 and 2.

On an action game thatis supposedly about "immurshuns" and survival, the lack of such mechanics is ridiculous, and FO3 was alreadya brokenly easy game with you being able to carry 10k mmissiles without them weighting you down and you have an auto aim ability that also shielded you from 90% of the damage in combat.

If you can't take the traainning wheels off something then they don't stop being training wheels, that just means your bicycle is trating you like an idiot.
Also, I don't like F:NV on anything but casual easy. Call me a wimp, but I hate bulletsponges and my hording and munchkin brain refuses to devote space and skill points to food, water, and Survival. I did beat F:NV on hardcore normal, though.

I play NV exclusively on Very Hardcore, and I still manage to kill almost everything in one hit (roboscorpions are a notable exception). What is it that you're doing that you think enemies are "bullet sponges"? Are you using low DAM weapons against high DT opponents? If so, don't do that.
I personnally don't really like hardcore mode. The game clearly isn't balanced to play with it so the needs just becomes a pain in the ass. And it's downright impossible to keep those damm companions alive.

I like some of the changes though, like the stimpacks healing over time and the amm having weight.
Guys, when I shoot a raider in the face with a shotgun, I expect his face to fly off in a spectacular fashion, because that's what a shotgun is for. I've had times where raiders can take a point-blank shot to the face with a flippin' sniper rifle! I can unload an entire minigun magazine onto a Centurion and he'll still not go down! And, of course, I'm on console, where mods are non-existent. I'd rather play on Easy then have to waste an infinitely high amount of ammo on friggin' raiders.

Or, y'know, get the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha thingy from GRA and go nuts. Seriously, despite it's rather lame stats, it's a friggin beast. It's an almost-automatic laser gun with limitless ammo. VATS becomes obsolete if I get this thing. I might even try and bring it into Dead Money via glitch.
I've beaten it on Very Hard/Hardcore, but I also dislike the bullet sponge effect, so I usually play it on Normal/Hardcore. I also have the game on console, so sadly I can't just download the JE Sawyer Mod.

That said, I have no problem taking down even the toughest enemies. You just have to optimize your build for combat.

By far the easiest way to play is a Guns build with the Grunt perk. Use the 9mm submachine gun and the Grenade Rifle for the early part of the game (i.e. levels 1-12 or so), then swap them out for an Assault Carbine and Grenade Launcher when you get to Vegas. You will easily shred anything with this combination. Put some points into Explosives and add a rank or two of Demolition Expert to make you even more unstoppable. You'll be insanely overpowered by mid-game and may need to turn it up to Very Hard just to have a bit of a challenge.

If you're playing energy weapons, make sure your build has high critical hits, get Vigilant Recycler and use Optimized ammunition. You'll disintegrate everything. This is by far my favorite way to play, and yes, the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha is a beast with the right perks.

If you're playing melee/unarmed, Piercing Strike, Grand Slam, Paralyzing Palm, etc. And choose whether you want to have high critical hits, or take the Heavy Handed trait and use Rippers, Chainsaws, etc.

Do one of these three builds and you will never have a problem killing anything in 1-3 hits, assuming you aren't trying to fight Deathclaws at Level 1.

Guys, when I shoot a raider in the face with a shotgun, I expect his face to fly off in a spectacular fashion, because that's what a shotgun is for.

If I have the two shotgun perks (Shotgun Surgeon & ...And Stay Back!), everyone's face flies when hit by my scattergun.
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I've never one-shotted anything stronger than a powder ganger with any shotgun except maybe the combat shotgun.
Tomorrow I'll run an experiment near several raider camps. I haven't used a shotgun since level 9.
I've never one-shotted anything stronger than a powder ganger with any shotgun except maybe the combat shotgun.

How close are you to your target and what kind of ammo are you using? Regular shotgun ammo spreads a lot so it's not much use except at short range. Try using slug ammo?
I like Hardcore mode because half of the crafting and inventory management is pointless without it. I've always had way too many stimpaks, anyway. With it on, I can't just spam those for near-infinite health in a firefight, limb condition is a real concern, and food is less than completely worthless. So much better.
I've done two Hardcore modes in my time.
One with legion and the other with Mr House.

Sadly with Legion, I got to the very end and eneded up hitting a brick wall, so I kind of gave up.
With Mr House however, I did it w/o fast travel and it added a lot more into the game.

I may do a Very Hardcore mode one day, but today is not that day.
You think Vanilla Hardcore is punishing, try JSwayermod + Project Nevada Hardcore. Those Expired Stimpaks.....

Holy pack Brahmin! Expired Stimpacks? Now that's realistic. Must try this mod if it's compatible with the mod I'm already running.

Do you guys get full limb healing out of a Doctor's Bag? When I use one, it only restores just enough of the limb to make it technically not crippled, but far from 100%, more like 25%. Does its effectiveness depend on your Survival skill? (Being lazy here, I know, I could just Wiki it.)