So what difference do you all think he will make?


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Lets predict now what obama will be able to achive in this period. And then we can drag this thing forward in four years and see who knows politics and not.

I think he will save the american car industry for now. I think He will not affect israel one bit. I think he will play less of a hardline than bush, but more than clinton.
I also predict that he will not be the messiah that everyone preaches him to become..atleast our media talk of him as even the hairs on his ass got halos.
I completely disliked that show that was performed with all those musicians. 'T was like the goddamn Cosby Show for Christ's sake. What a joke.

I predict he will fail bigtime as a President. Not because he is not qualified (he's certainly more qualified than Bush) but because the times are against him. He won't be able to save the economy. He will mess up on the front as well. He will make terrible mistakes and make himself less and less popular. And he will decriminalize medicinal use of marihuana. :D
There's at least one thing I can predict, he'll be a much better president than sarah palin would've ever been. :wink:
The assumption that much will change is just a result of both hype and fear.

Any one with remote historical knowledge of American history recognizes this situation as similar to that of an earlier reformer. Not Jackson, Teddy Kennedy, Lincoln or FDR, but - of course - Lyndon B. Johnson.

The bottom fell out of LBJ's Great Society because of a single war, inherited by his crazy-ass war-mongering predecessor. Obama inherits two wars and a ruined economy from his crazy-ass war-mongering predecessor. He might be right man, I don't know, but it's not the right time, and it's foolish to elect a man like him at this time - though it's the kind of folly the US has always grown with.

He will postpone retreating from Iraq as reality dawns on him, and other promises like closing Guantanamo are also set for postponement. There's no way Afghanistan will end in his first tenure. The economic plan is the same worldwide and will remain the same worldwide, keep pumping in money until suddenly hyperinflation sets in, and then everyone starts pointing fingers and saying no one could predict this either just like the financial crisis itself (they gotta be kidding me).

I'm hoping he makes a serious start to reforming America's overly expensive and ineffective welfare system and a start in the importance of the "green economy" (though I'm loathe to that term). Energy will run out eventually, and it's nice to think we won't be caught with our pants down when it does, because ref Mad Max and Fallout for what happens if we are.
I predict things will turn out as you would expect. The big future questions are of course: 1) Will the economy recover soon enough? 2) Will terrorism wane? 3) Will any unexpected (or looming) problems arise? Of course on all of these issues, Obama could never have complete control over the outcomes. So we should ask, will his policies and leadership help or hurt the outcomes?

For the economy I think a full recovery will take longer than many people would hope. Instead of making our way out of the recession by 2010 I think we will only recover enough for a noticeable, albeit slight, upswing to be seen by 2012 which will be enough to get Obama reelected. I think the stimuli will help but the U.S. will have a huge national debt that will take decades and a determined Congress to cut down at all. Only by 2016 will the U.S. Financial sector have regained its respect in the U.S. and abroad. Under Obama, Congress will grant the SEC more proactive investigatorial powers and this will help some in preventing future crises. It will be at least two decades before the U.S. financial system forgets the lessons that they should have learned in the present crash. Near future U.S. economic booms won't be as boomy as they have been.

I think by 2010 Obama will have reduced Iraq troop deployments by half, and by 2012 there will only be a 1,000 - 4,000 troops deployed there to assist Iraqi troops and protect the U.S. embassy. There will still be insurgent and sectarian fighting but it will have decreased to a tolerable level (from the perspective of U.S. foreign policy). I think the U.S. troops will begin a slow withdrawal from Afghanistan once it becomes apparent that Osama bin Laden has died. At the end of Obama's second term (and after a "surge") there will be around 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Successful terrorist acts will continue to decrease in Western countries, though this will be largely due to beefed up security and investigations.

If another large attack on the U.S. is successful, Obama will lead a massive (and unilateral if the Security Council disapproves) attack on the country of origin. However, unlike Iraq or Afghanistan the occupation will be overwhelming but brief. He will not topple the government in it's entirety but will leave some "less evil" political or military faction in charge and once enough terrorists have been killed or captured there will be a swift withdrawal. Only if it is homegrown will there be confusion on which direction to take.

As for unexpected or looming crises, the U.S. won't go to war against Russia or China (even if China invades Taiwan), although the U.S. might retaliate against aggressive foreign military actions with strong but ultimately temporary trade embargoes. Global warming will not destroy the planet during Obama's presidency although there will be continued loss of biodiversity worldwide. The U.S. energy policy will increase in its wind, solar, geothermal, ocean-powered, and nuclear-powered capacities. However, the U.S. will still get squeezed by high fossil fuel costs once the country gets out of the recession.

Obama will spearhead at least one military intervention in Africa possibly in Zimbabwe or elsewhere due to genocide. There will be several natural disasters to strike the U.S. during the Obama presidency, and Obama will make sure that he is seen to be doing something about them. Several countries will acquire nuclear weapons during the Obama presidency. His response will follow what Bush did with North Korea - bargain for the cessation of the further production of nuclear weapons in return for more foreign aid, thus giving them a trump card but preventing massive arms races. No nuclear weapons will not be used in war during the Obama presidency. An informal "in kind" retaliation doctrine will prevent mini-nuclear states from using their nuclear weapons (aka if Iran nukes Iraq or anyone then the U.S. will nuke Iran). Obama will not be assassinated but at least one would-be assassin with a bomb or a gun will be stopped by the Secret Service.

Obama's presidency will ease some racial tensions, but there will still be racist actions and attitudes in the U.S., both real and perceived. Some poor black Americans will try harder to succeed, but there will still be plenty of gangs, drugs, crime, and poverty among poor black people. I give Obama only a 50% chance of getting truly universal health care legislation passed, and if it does only a 50% chance of it not being screwed up when it starts. Social Security will remain unchanged except for reduced benefits to wealthier seniors and an older retirement age. By the end of his first 6 months in office there will be plenty of Democrats upset that he hasn't changed things more and plenty of Republicans upset at what he has changed - the Democrats, however, will look back at his presidency with fond nostalgia no matter how much consternation he gives them during it.
I have no idea, but I'm stockpiling food cause all the ammo 's gone :(

Seriously, I think he might turn out all right. From his speech he sounds far less naive and has more of a plan than he did in previously.

But only time will tell.
What difference? From (albeit short, but versatile) life experience I'm inclined to say "little or none". The hype associated with the elections will go down within half a year and then we'll make the real predictions. Also, the importance of the president is overrated in the US imo - those people are neither saints/messiahs (or w/e), nor can they change the world much, unless they start a Nuclear war ^____^
Cimmerian Nights said:
Business as usual.
This is the correct answer.

So far all his appointments have been former (or current) Clintonites or Bushies he's keeping. The only difference I see is that almost the entire media are having a collective orgasm over him, so the rosiest picture of circumstances will be painted everywhere. But that's not real, now is it? The real changes will be small and temporary.

I liked how the minister at Obama's swearing-in prayed to God that someday "white will embrace right." That was good for a chuckle.

Brother None said:
He will postpone retreating from Iraq as reality dawns on him, and other promises like closing Guantanamo are also set for postponement.
I'll be interested to see whether he follows through on his promise to invade Pakistan.
he'll never be able to live up to the hopes of the people (nor to his promises either).

he'll be a better president than Bush, sure, but it'll still be a crapshoot.
SuAside said:
he'll be a better president than Bush, sure, but it'll still be a crapshoot.
The bar has been set pretty low.

I love how the media were falling all over each other trying to complement the Obamas.

Brian Williams: What an attractive family!
Tom Brokaw: No, they are a beautiful family.
Doris Kearns Goodwin: No, they're a gorgeous family.
4th talking head: No, they're breathtaking.
The way he speaks definitely engenders hope. But lets see some fucking results before we canonize him.
He's black, whoop dee doo. I want him to be competent, not just break a barrier because of his genes.

People are already patting each other on the back way to much.
^ At least it's just the backs here. Have you read the 101 FO3 review roundups? The people got much more up close and personal than back-patting there.

Brother None said:
He will postpone retreating from Iraq as reality dawns on him, and other promises like closing Guantanamo are also set for postponement.

Better yet, he will then after 4 years of postponing promise again, and be elected on the same exact platform.
Looks like he's already starting on Gitmo. More proactive than I expected

UniversalWolf said:
I'll be interested to see whether he follows through on his promise to invade Pakistan.

What? He never promised that. He's said, multiple times, that if offered no other options he preserves for himself the prerogative to attack or invade Pakistan, and he said he's not happy with the situation as is. The former is true for any president, the second just shows he has more sense than Bush.
My wife is on board the hype train.

She keeps going "Isn't he great! He's such a great president. Look at what all he's going to fix."

Me - "Until I see him actually ACCOMPLISH something significant, he's on probation."
Only fitting that you'd marry a dumb one, eh?


Obama's speeches bother me, because they never seem at all human. I've heard tell that he has some beliefs and ideas that aren't quite so lofty, but I'd like to hear the dude use the word "motherfucker" before I get on the 'Bama Bus.
Brother None said:
Looks like he's already starting on Gitmo. More proactive than I expected

Bummer, now when the CIA wants to torture someone they will have to go back to the old ways of extraordinary rendition.

I am most interested to see what they end up doing with everyone who is currently at Gitmo.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Let them walk the streets of NYC, of course =)))

Not a bad plan, they can send them on down to us in the South and we will give them a mighty warm welcome. :P

On a related note...

If this is true I find it very disturbing.

"Pentagon: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that 61 former detainees from its military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, appear to have returned to terrorism since their release from custody." :
How surprising, one would've think they'd see the error of their ways. Lawks.