This ghoul has seen it all

If Disney wasn't involved, would this movie get as many fervent defenders?
Probably. Star Wars is a brand now. People are in for the same reason they are for the Republican or Democratic party. You defend it. Even if you know that your candiate is a hypocritical sack full of lying shit.If Disney wasn't involved, would this movie get as many fervent defenders?
That's just it. You were expecting a hero journey, struggle and character development? HA! Here's a movie about people doing stuff that doesn't matter!This trilogy has no connecting themes or even a story to tell. The original trilogy was the archetypical Hero's journey, the prequels was about temptation and how a good person can fall to darkness (how well it's excecuted is another story), but what does the new trilogy have connecting it? What big story are they telling? According to it's own fans the main conflict isn't actually important or relevant so what is? The world of Star Wars has felt even more limited and small in these new movies.
Instead of telling a story what if we instead tore down everything that last movie was building to?That's just it. You were expecting a hero journey, struggle and character development? HA! Here's a movie about people doing stuff that doesn't matter!
It blends quite well, doesnt it?I never liked the transformers movies, never was interested in seeing one. However I feel I have been tricked into watching two transformer movies just because it had "Star Wars" in the title.
Rouge One was kinda dumb. In RotJ Mon Mothma had that throw away line “many Bothans died to give us this information” that is the Rouge One I would have liked to see quite frankly. Since it would have given us a canon view of what Bothans look like for one. For another also the whole concept of the Empire building a second more powerful Death Star is quite silly to us. But in the Star Wars universe that idea would be terrifying to the Rebellion. They would want to try to take it out before it gets completed ergo the lead up to the Battle of Endor. Also you know Kyle fucking Katarn stole the original DS plans yo. Dark Forces for life!