Dunno. The prequels have shown that Star Wars fans will, in fact, hate movies even if it's George Lucas and no identity politics.
Actually, I think many people were quite relieved when Lucas wasn't responsible for the sequels, because he had shown that without anyone keeping him at bay (i.e. his ex-wife, who, among others, edited ANH into the movie it is now) he isn't actually very good.
I had no problem with Disney. And I still kinda like TFA, at least better than the prequels. TFA is an amusing movie to watch, and while it has its weak points, it's not like it flung me into a white-hot rage like the prequels did with their massive stupidity. Ok, RotS was somewhat bearable, but even that movie blew, hands down.
After TFA I had hopes that TLJ would pick up the loose ends and start tieing it all up, but it did the opposite. With all the crap going on I don't see how Episode 9 could ever hope to fix it all.
This trilogy has no connecting themes or even a story to tell. The original trilogy was the archetypical Hero's journey, the prequels was about temptation and how a good person can fall to darkness (how well it's excecuted is another story), but what does the new trilogy have connecting it? What big story are they telling? According to it's own fans the main conflict isn't actually important or relevant so what is? The world of Star Wars has felt even more limited and small in these new movies.
TFA, IMO, was just another rehash of IV. Rey/Luke was a nobody on some desert planet and becomes some type of savior character that eventually has to confront another fucking Death Star.

Hands down, IMO, Rogue One did a great job at reinvigorating the series and adding realism to it. If we could get an actual series that follows Rogue One rules, would be great.
If Disney wasn't involved, would this movie get as many fervent defenders?
Probably. Star Wars is a brand now. People are in for the same reason they are for the Republican or Democratic party. You defend it. Even if you know that your candiate is a hypocritical sack full of lying shit.

It's about the show now. Not the characters or story. That's why people get all super hyped the moment they see a Tie fighter or rebells and storm troopers. Star Wars 21 will be still about the Empire and the Republic and the Resistance.
This trilogy has no connecting themes or even a story to tell. The original trilogy was the archetypical Hero's journey, the prequels was about temptation and how a good person can fall to darkness (how well it's excecuted is another story), but what does the new trilogy have connecting it? What big story are they telling? According to it's own fans the main conflict isn't actually important or relevant so what is? The world of Star Wars has felt even more limited and small in these new movies.
That's just it. You were expecting a hero journey, struggle and character development? HA! Here's a movie about people doing stuff that doesn't matter!
See it's more realistic that way because my life is empty and I have no aspirations in life other than consume entertainment.
That's just it. You were expecting a hero journey, struggle and character development? HA! Here's a movie about people doing stuff that doesn't matter!
Instead of telling a story what if we instead tore down everything that last movie was building to?

Yeah we must subvert expectations at all costs.

What if we pretend to have Rey and kylo team up but then we subvert the subversion by not doing that?


TLJ has ruined any chance of even a somewhat cohesive trilogy tbh.
Instead of pushing into the future, which is a source of a great many unknowns, including having to create new content fans may or may not like, why not go Rogue One style prequels? You can still have the timeframe of the great originals while adding more to the saga as a whole.

I guess we will have a Han Solo movie, which would be cool considering his stint in the imperial armed forces. I hope to see a more realistic side of imperial life rather than just, EVUL, EVUL, EVUL.

Then we can also do movies about the original Jedi break and the formation of the dark sith users.

There is so much that can be done as prequels.
Watching The Clone Wars currently.
Gotta say, quite a few episodes could have been like half as long if the Jedi would just remember that they can use the Force.
They don't know that by that time, but half the time stuff can be solved by Force telekinesis.
Like, seriously. Mad scientist throws around vials of poison stuff? Catch it with the Force instead of jumping around like an idiot. You see the thief running away with your lightsaber? Take it with the Force. Bounty hunter holds you off by hovering his finger over a trigger for bombs? Immobilize by, you guessed it, Force. Mandalorian wants to kill himself by jumping off a building? FOOOOOOOOOORCE
Disney Star Wars is probably some of the shittiest story telling I have seen in my boring life and the last nail in the fucking coffin is that the enemy and the battles are complete disappointments to me. Sometimes I can enjoy a movie despite having crappy/lacking story if they include cool looking shit (machines, ships, vehicles and so on) and epic battles to enjoy. I liked Avatar because it had semi-cool looking native creatures fighting against technologically advanced humans with cool mechsuits and flying vehicles. I liked prequels because it introduced the droids/separatists, my all-time favorite Star Wars faction and had epic battles going on. Disney Star Wars gives us poor man's version of the Rebellion and toy version of the Empire, and let me say, I hate First Order starting from its ridiculous name. It's stormtroopers look like toy soldiers down to their blasters, while their leader is a nobody shit. Tarkin started out of as a nobody shit too, but atleast he served a proper purpose in the first movie and his character was more expanded upon in the later media...

Apologies for the rant, I am just very frustrated with how Disney is ruining Star Wars. Also, I seriously hate how The Last Jedi shitted on Mark Hamill by turning Luke into a retarded hermit.
Rouge One was kinda dumb. In RotJ Mon Mothma had that throw away line “many Bothans died to give us this information” that is the Rouge One I would have liked to see quite frankly. Since it would have given us a canon view of what Bothans look like for one. For another also the whole concept of the Empire building a second more powerful Death Star is quite silly to us. But in the Star Wars universe that idea would be terrifying to the Rebellion. They would want to try to take it out before it gets completed ergo the lead up to the Battle of Endor. Also you know Kyle fucking Katarn stole the original DS plans yo. Dark Forces for life!
I never liked the transformers movies, never was interested in seeing one. However I feel I have been tricked into watching two transformer movies just because it had "Star Wars" in the title.

I kinda gave The Last Jedi a chance because they said all the nonesense from The Force Awakens would be explained in this one (not), and also because my friends literally dragged me into the theatre to watch it. But's that's it for me, I'm not going to watch anything else involving Emo Ren and Rey Sue. I'll just do like what I did with the Alien franchise where I deleted from my mind everything that ever happened after Aliens and before Alien.
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I never liked the transformers movies, never was interested in seeing one. However I feel I have been tricked into watching two transformer movies just because it had "Star Wars" in the title.
It blends quite well, doesnt it?
Rouge One was kinda dumb. In RotJ Mon Mothma had that throw away line “many Bothans died to give us this information” that is the Rouge One I would have liked to see quite frankly. Since it would have given us a canon view of what Bothans look like for one. For another also the whole concept of the Empire building a second more powerful Death Star is quite silly to us. But in the Star Wars universe that idea would be terrifying to the Rebellion. They would want to try to take it out before it gets completed ergo the lead up to the Battle of Endor. Also you know Kyle fucking Katarn stole the original DS plans yo. Dark Forces for life!

Rogue One spy movie would have been fun. Ocean's 11 in space and you can hit your diversity quota easily.