
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
Yeah, I agree with all your sentiments on it.

Heh, I think good ole Roshambo said it best back in 2006 about the fans, or should I say... SHILLS & CONSUMERS:

They'll never learn these people!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You know given his track record and all, it's statements like this that make me question that how the heck do people STILL believe this con artist? After these years I never understand it.


I have discovered that the Bethesda public is in general without criticism, at least before the release of a game or when a game has just been launched.
"The devs will fix it." is their answer when there are issues with the game.

Then a couple of years they start to acknowledge that there are problems, but now "Modders will fix it."

Bethesda should praise itself for having created such a horde of sycophants and I am pretty sure other companies would like to know the secret.
I mean the game will be fine. It just won't be some deep RPG worth fapping about.
"Do you want Elder Scrolls bland writing in a setting without Kirkbride's deranged cum-ramblings that make it vaguely interesting? Boy do I have a game for you!"
With ES and Fallout they could rely on the work of others that were more talented than them creating the setting, lore and iconography but with Starfield they are completely on their own so that should be interesting to see how that will work. I haven't watched it yet cause holy fucking shit do I not care at all about fucking Starfield and having to subject myself to a bunch of bullshit staged gameplay and false advertisement is going to bore me to sleep so I can't really comment on anything in particular (except I saw something where two space cowboys with six shooters were gonna duel, that's fucking stupid). But when it comes to their fans being the way they are, what do you expect? Skyrim was absolute dogshit in nearly every single aspect and that game is going to be rereleased on calculators as soon as they figure out how to and why? Cause people keep buying it.

Critical thinking is not a strong suit of a Bethesda fan.

However keep in mind that it has been a long time since Bethesda proper released a game (fallout 4), in that time a bunch of younglings will have grown up to an age where they can play games and don't know of any of the old history. Someone the age of 2 at the time of Fallout 4 releasing would be 10 at the release of Starfield. How many 10-18 year olds know or even care about what Bethesda's done in the past? They just see "ooh, space game with the guns and the blasting and the alien waifus". And I mean those younglings can't exactly help it, they are too young to know about any of this.
Meh. At least 70 percent of the people complaining will buy the game with the excuse they can mod it.
Meh. At least 70 percent of the people complaining will buy the game with the excuse they can mod it.

Anyway, I'm watching the gameplay footage right now from this and here are my thoughts as it goes along.

yknow press x to doubt meme? that keeps happening in my head during all of this.

Oh so it's just basic bitch No Man's Sky but better graphical fidelity, cool. NMS is pretty dull to explore because a planet gets extremely samey after 10 minutes and I doubt you'll have complex ecosystems so this looks dull as shit. Same scanning for features and locations off in the distance as NMS. Same laser to mine things with too.

First combat encounter looks dull. Like yknow when a kid sings a song and it gets to the loud screaming part and they whisper scream? That's the combat.
+15 Exp popups are ugly and distracting.

Base Menu looks like an improvement for controllers. Sub Menu looks like shit tho, why isn't it round as well?

In NMS you can take off with your ship off the ground and explore your surroundings in your ship but it seems like you can only go out to space and land on a designated spot in this one.

Your personal ship looks great. I love the aesthetics of low-fi. I have neon hologram shit.

THousands of planets huh? Yeah we got hundreds of dungeons for SKyrim, how did that work out? Oh that's right it turned into a generic repetitive sludge. I'm sure that won't happen with the planets tho'.

The civilized locations look sterile, plastic, too clean.

Constellation is seen as a "mythical group", oh so we're just going with generic fantasy trope of hidden faction ala Blades, Railroad, Institute, Dark Brotherhood etc etc again?
Lead woman is completely unremarkable in her art design.

Oh, artifact "spoke to me" huh? Like Mass Effect.

Wait wait wait why does the "set" come to life with 'your' piece but didn't with any of the other pieces? Why do they look so surprised? Shouldn't this have happened the first time 2 pieces came within vicinity of one another?

Emil's a cunt. I don't like him.

How wonderfully diverse.

"Completely resistant to my otherwise irresistable charm" he says as his face is completely blank like a mannequin.

Space cowboys. Cringe.

Why is earth vegetation literally everywhere?

Lol, more space cowboys. Honestly this just looks ripped from Outer Worlds.

I haven't paid attention to any story elements by the time we got to Akila City btw cause fuck me this is boring as shit and Emil, The Cunt, is the one trying to sell it to me.

"In starfield we're pushing our cities and settlements further than we ever have before" Well, that's not exactly a difficult thing to do because prior to this a "city" is basically the size of a small village. However, I don't trust that this is going to be good, because often times you could not get "small villages" right in the first place and now you believe yourselves ready to tackle something bigger? Lol. Lmao even.

Character creation bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla BLA BLA BLA BLA bla bla bla bla bla most of the time we don't even see our face so what is the point of it? Can be the most incredible character creation ever designed and it still isn't going to have what I want, a penis slider.

My god characters are so fucking dead-faced, especially their eyes. It's uncanny.

Class system with skills tied to them. No idea how that'll work. Will probably be worth fuckall. Remember pickpocketing and persuasion in Skyrim and how useless they were because they were practically never used or offered any meaningful rewards for leveling them up? Yeah, I remember. I don't truuuuuuust yooooooou.

Traits, wow, in 2023 huh? Kinda late to be dabbling with actual RPG mechanics innit? We'll see how useful any of these will be when we can actually see it ingame.

Adoring Fan... Honestly that just took a big chunk of my mental energy out of me to the point that I might just need to take a break from this.

PFFFFFFFFT You can remove traits. So much for actual RPG mechanics. WEAK, Bethesda, WEAK!

That skill tree they showed off? I want everyone to keep in mind the perk chart system in Fallout 4. It's pretty much just that. That doesn't mean that we got 'actual skills' in the game.

Ok, I'm just gonna start skimming through this shit at the 20minute mark cause fuck me I'm bored. I'm getting a headache from watching this.


Ships. So, what, Fallout 4 settlements? Yeah that feature was really underwhelming in FO4 so I wouldn't expect much more from this.
Ship upgrading, so, what, Fallout 4 weapon modding? Yeah that feature was linear progression and one set of mods will be better than the rest. Wouldn't expect Bethesda to design "balance" well at all.

Companions are like Fallout 4, no new ground being broken. Next.

Space flight fighting, isn't there a better game for this?

I've seen no flying around inside of the planets atmosphere. It's all spaceflight flying.

I hope this watch comes with mold too.

I'm out. God this game looks boring as shit.
I also see tons of things from Fallout 4 that have just been repainted.
I'm sure all the space-hags who coomed all over NMS will coom yet again tho.
This is just No Man's Sky in FO4's gameplay format but with none of the iconography of Fallout.
A dull and predictably repetitive experience.
You didn't need to watch the video to know it's going to be bland, boring garbage without a single of modicum of depth whatsoever.
Wow, Toronto was right about you people. You guys are miserable.
But what the hell, i'm ready to stop playing freelancer. My only other alternative is Star Citizen, but that game will never come out. So i guess this game'll scratch the itch for now.
Fuck this thread I thought the title said Seinfeld and that we'd be discussing something cool and good in here
The bad part about Fish acting like the game is shit is he plays Fallout 76 on the regular.