
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I'm going to get it, but i won't preorder the game. As i don't like preordering games before they come out.

I know people say they do preorders to judge demand of a game before it actually releases but still i don't like preordering something that hasn't released yet.

Honestly the game seems pretty good so far from the new information / trailers of it.
>watch starfield trailer finally
>it doesnt look like anything

like theres space and some artifacts i guess?
why are people so excited for this?
from wikipedia:
Starfield is set in an area that extends outward from the Solar System for approximately 50 light-years called The Settled Systems.[15] Around the year 2310, the two largest factions in the game, the United Colonies and Freestar Collective, engaged in a conflict called the Colony War. The game takes place 20 years after the war, with the major factions enjoying an uneasy peace. The player assumes the role of a customizable character who is a member of Constellation, an organization of space explorers.[16] The game can be played in either first- or third-person perspectives.[17]
is that literally all we know about the setting? lmao
the game isnt even out yet and theyve still managed to make it look like a nothingburger
why are people so excited for this?
Because battered wife syndrome a lot of people have with Bethesda and they think this time it will be good. Even though it hasn't been good for a long while, but whatever.
People are excited for this because they are starved for a Microsoft hit, starved for another Bethesda game and have completely forgotten about No Man's Sky and the fact that Bethesda is just aping it.
I feel like instead of creating an actual interesting setting or lore for this IP, they're going to instead cram as many references to nu-Scrolls and nu-Flout as possible. "Member adorable fan?" "Member West Jensen?" "Member meme never changes?"
Yeah like with Fallout and TES they could ride the coattails of already established IP's (A lot of OG writers from TES did not work on Oblivion or Skyrim IIRC) so they could just lean on that. Fallout is especially egregious because, well, just look at super fucking mutants being shoehorned in along with FEV literally every fucking game. The only times they actually try to create something new and interesting is when they get to do experimental things in DLC's. The Pitt, Point Lookout, Far Harbor.

This time, they are completely on their own to establish a new IP with new lore, new factions, new history, new setting, new rules. It's gonna be interesting to see what'll happen.
I feel like as I've played more games I have less interest in games that try to hit you over the head with how smart they're trying to be. I think I'd rather this be more No Man's Sky in it's writing than Mass Effect to be honest.
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I feel like as I've played more games I have less interest in games that try to hit you over the head with how smart they're trying to be. I think I'd rather this be more No Man's Sky in it's writing than Mass Effect to be honest.
There seems to be a serious problem with writers getting lost up their own assholes nowadays* and it’s not just video games

*or maybe I’ve only recently descended from my own asshole and am just beginning to notice it*
Problem is Bethesda's writing is inane garbage that makes your head hurt if you think about it for longer than five seconds. I'd rather not have writing at that point and just let me go around killing shit and looting corpses.
you guys are talking about reducing the art that goes into building a piece of fiction being reduced to just a toy. id rather not bother at all at that point
Not like the game is gonna have good gameplay to make up for the bad writing or lack of actual writing because the last time it had any semblance of an actual combat system was like never. Morrowind and Daggerfall had some cool systems in their combat, but everything starting from Oblivion has been a colossal disaster when it comes to combat mechanics, even Fallout 4 (functional shooting does not make a good combat system).

By the way, Emil is the lead designer of this game, just to refresh people's memories.
Did you watch the gameplay videos from Starfield Direct Norzan? It looks like they were playing on Very Easy with enemies dying pathetically easy and no damage being done to the player which is very similar to pretty much all early game in every bethesda game. And how do they all end up? Literally every single one? Sponges. Didn't see THAT though in Starfield Direct, big think why.
Because difficulty that actually changes gameplay is too advanced, damage sponges are the way to go obviously.
Not like the game is gonna have good gameplay
Gameplay is a meme anyway good or not. When I think back to my favorite games the gameplay is the least of my concerns. Even if a game has good "game feel" or whatever we're calling it these days it's likely plays like 10 other games anyway. Memorable Atmosphere, setting, characters, and writing all push a game further than even the best gameplay could possibly hope to. Good gameplay is just the icing on top
Yeah, i like the GAMEplay of my GAME to be a meme too. Shit, why i have gameplay? Just make it a text adventure where you just read text and nothing else.
Yeah, i like the GAMEplay of my GAME to be a meme too. Shit, why i have gameplay? Just make it a text adventure where you just read text and nothing else.
Yes it's called a game but we could just as easily call it interactive software or anything else. Gameplay is the least important part of a game. By far.

Case in point planescape torment
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