Well Shit!
Blah blah blah Trump bad....No shit. And with every passing day it becomes more and more clear that Trump is simply not fit to be President. He's firing one rational advisor after another and surrounding himself with yes-man and hardliners. And I am not even saying that he's a lunatic or something. I simply think that he's completely overchallenged. He should be removed because at this point I think even Mike Pence is better.
Maybe. Maybe not. Bush hasn't killed him. Obama hasn't killed. Israel hasn't killed him. Saudi Arabia hasn't killed him. Is that a good decisions? I do not know. But it does seem that many many people shied away from it. And I assume people that are a lot more intelligent than me. The really great luck here is that apparently inside the Iranian government there seem still to be a few people with a rational mind which decided not to kill US Soldiers and to completely escalate this situation further. Killing one of the top members of the Iranian government who might have actually even been on an official visit in Irak could be seen as an act of aggression. And those kind of actions are, for a reason, left to congress and not the president of the united states. I am sorry that you hate this "OMG Trump impeached AGAIN!" but it simply put a fact that that this guy simply has no regards for rule of law or any kind of regularity. He never had when you look at his whole history as a business man. But what ever he was as real estate mogul that's simply not how you should run a country. And this has nothing to do with him being a Republican - which he in my opinion actually isn't. Again. At this point I would rather see Mike Pence having a second term than Trump continuing to sit in office. As much as a hard liner Pence is. But I doubt he would be that stupid. He is at the end of the day, a real Republican.
He has also worked extensively with the US in the past as well. And why Iraq such a mess? Well I don't know. Maybe you should ask the people which made the decision to invade it based on a completely fabricated lie. You shouldn't even be there in the first place. Plane and simple.
Your right they should not have had to invade on a completely fabricated lie, but on the truth that So Damn Insane there was a genocidal prick who was wiping out the Kurds, but you know the US allies did not find that a good enough reason.....
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke. You seem to like the nothing approach.Reductio ad hitlerum. If everyone is Hitler then obviously you have always to act I guess. I swear ... how often do I have to continue to hear this line in my life to justify all those military interventions? Yugoslavia, Irak, Lebanon, Axis of Evil, everyone is Hitler. No even worse than Hitler. You know what Serbians say? The world is a stage. The actors change. But the play stays the same. America spreading democracy where ever they go.
I guess this is very easy when you are not the onemakingsuffering from the decisions to look at them and go they arebadgood decisions.
Sometimes I wonder how things would have been if the US would had to deal with all the refugees form the middle east by all those countless conflicts down there. And for the record no I am not solely blaming the United States for everything that's happening down there.
In the end Crni your speech here reminds me alot of our Lame Duck PM Trudeau and his most recent speech on the Ukrainian plane that was filled with Canadians that went down. Its general sentiment was. "It appears that Iran shot down the plane, it may be unintentional, and it is too early to go about blaming the US for this until we know what happened." I am getting real sick of the "Lefts" attitude toward being attacked by other countries and the whole apologetic bend over and take it attitude you all have. I feel sorry for any innocents who get caught up in all this (like the people on that plane that the Iranians just killed) but in the end stopping those evil fucks will do far more to save more innocent people.