Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

Hitler created an economic superpower that required the whole world to put down, Trump cannot even finish that fucking wall. Fuck Trump.
He can't finish the wall because Congress won't grant him funding. Without money you can't do anything in this world
Well that didn't stop Hitler now, did it? He would have got rid of Congress by now.

I'm not attacking you Crni, just a little out of the loop. No need to get upset

Than maybe you should tone it down a little because Dragula and I know each other for almost a decade and we like to take the piss out of each other. And I see no reason why I should grant you the same curtesy.
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Than maybe you should tone it down a little because Dragula and I know each other for almost a decade and we like to take the piss out of each other. And I see no reason why I should grant you the same curtesy.
You registered 20 days after me, you are basically a noob.

BUT LET'S GET BACK ON TOPIC! Trump! Israels greatest ally! What has he done for the world? Ruined relations with Iran, fucked over the American working class and alienated his NATO allies.
I'm basically Jewish so quit it you guys.

They're now presenting the case against Trump. Long list of crimes.
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Not to mention that many so called "critics" use those talking points to form their anti-immigration policy. In other words they broaden it so much that suddenly every individual is representative of their nation, their culture and where they come from. Which when we look at it in detail is often inaccurate.

Isn't this the primary tactic of a lot of the left-wing? Especially in regards to criticizing Western European culture or justifying outright racism against white people, but also in regards to men in general, conservatives, older generations, etc. I see far more of that from the left than the right, a condemnation of an entire culture or group often on race, or simply on individual actions. And unlike haphazardly bashing European culture over imaginary "privilege" there are serious statistics and infographs demonstrating why unrestricted immigration is extremely detrimental and leads to horrendous problems for both the immigrants themselves and natives to the country. Not all immigration's bad, no, but I just find it odd when people criticize right-wing folks or conservatives as doing sweeping generalizations when the liberal-left do it considerably more often.
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Isn't this the primary tactic of a lot of the left-wing?
Tribalism and identity politics exist on all sides of the political spectrum, which I mentioned a few times already. In other words, yes idiots exits everywhere.

Especially in regards to criticizing Western European culture or justifying outright racism against white people
Right. And how many of those "white people" in let us say the US or Germany suffer from this racism today? In other words where have they been actively discriminated for their skin colour, like by authorities for example or superiors.

Just for the record, of course a minority can be racist too and racism is not tied to just one group of people or just one political side. But most of the time it is a majority that's exercising power and usually a minority in a society has to deal with a lot more negative effects coming from racism. This would be of course also true with a white population being a minority, as how it happend a few times in history, like with the Irish immigrants.

I see far more of that from the left than the right, a condemnation of an entire culture or group often on race, or simply on individual actions.
Well I can't judge what you see, but you won't see this from me, that much I can guarantee you. I surely have my biases, but I try to differentiate as much as I can and I acknowledge the fact that a lot of issues today have many complex reasons. I just hope that you're also aware of your own biases.

Not all immigration's bad, no, but I just find it odd when people criticize right-wing folks or conservatives as doing sweeping generalizations when the liberal-left do it considerably more often.
Like I already explained, idiots certainly exist on both sides. However that doesn't mean that valid criticism simply disappear because of that. Which always goes both ways. The generalisation of one side doesn't make the other one better. Two wrongs don't make one right, so to speak. The best would be if each side simply tried to keep their idiots in check.
If you eurofags can't get along with out starting up the race and antifa riots, we're gonna invite ourselves right back in and there's nothing you can do about it.
Or you could simply not care, ignore the topic and let the big boys have their talk?

Even though I was joking to illustrate that regardless what ancestors people had 3000 years ago, it has very little impact on Europeans today. Jews living today in Germany have ancestors from the middle east. Ok? So what now.

Also I am pretty certain the amount of non-Neandertal DNA is bigger with every human today. But I am hardly an expert in that field I have to admit. Still. At least 96% of your Scandinavian DNA is from homo sapiens.

Seriously I think you have a reading comprehension problem. Right now I am talking about the Racism which specifically happend between 1920 and 1945 regarding Jews which has nothing to do with the science that's done today. Do you really, in all honesty want to tell me that this article you linked above is a sort of post-justification for that racism or something like that? I never disputed any difference in genetics due to the different ancestry most people have. So again. What is your fucking point?
Made yuo post
I'm waiting for "Donald Trump isn't a communist." to star reverberating around.