You guys have probably seen it already, but just in case - never fear, Paradox is here with a
spiritual successor to save the day.
Now, I understand that a top-down tactical game with an added layer of R&D was never going to be made by a big publisher in 2011, but they still didn't need to go the FPS route.
But if you want to make a Syndicate game with a broader appeal, make it a GTA-style game with a variety of cities to explore, opportunities for destruction and mayhem, BUT make interesting missions that we can approach in a few different ways. Also (and arguably most importantly) make us the handler controlling the agents - that is a fundamental part of Syndicate.
The worst bit is that they're saying it's going to be a tale of revenge... What the shit? Agents don't know what revenge is, all they know is what I tell them. I bet it's going to be some lame storyline where Miles Kilo (
really?) discovers that the Corporation he dedicated his life to is evil and he has to take them down, or some bullshit. That isn't Syndicate either.
Though I'll forgive them partially if it turns out that the story is of Miles turning against his handlers, not to take them out, but to replace them so he can take over the corp. and thus the world.
This might end up being a fantastic game, but it won't be a fantastic Syndicate (IMO), and I won't buy it (at least until it's super cheap) because I'm getting sick of FPSes.
Paradox's Cartel though? That's a must buy as soon as they start taking preorders. Even if it doesn't turn out to be that great, at least I'll be supporting something other than more goddamn FPSes.