Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

Akratus' law:
As a discussion on anything remotely political on nma goes on, the probability of gun control or feminism becoming part of the subject approaches 1.
Local news showed a conversation between Chérif (one of the lunatics who attacked Charlie Hebdo) and a negociator, and it is chilling to say the least.

To hear him say it, he didn't kill anybody that day. He defended the word of his god, then defended his life when he was attacked in response. He then gets angry at the nogociator when he asked if he will kill his hostages, claiming he's not ''like you'' and doesn't kill in cold blood.

Like I said, one sick fucker.

Another thing to note; all 4 terrorists were born in poor Arab districts, in the quasi-notorious Banlieues of France. At least two of them were petty criminals who became radicals after a trip to prison (which in France are very run-down and have a disproportionate concentration of arabs/muslims, a breeding ground for nutjobs if there ever was one). And as some dude on TV said, stopping people from buying guns in Europe, especially in a post-Soviet world where AK-47 clones are dime a dozen, is a fool's errand.
Dude! Do you know what you're saying here? You have to be carefull! The islam is the scapegoat. You can't just blame failed economy plans, ignored minorities, the corruption of our own political systems and leaders which failed to adress the poorest and loosers of our societies which have neither a perspective nor motivation and feeling betrayed by both their political leaders AND the society around them or the economicaly dissadvantaged occupying substandart housing in the innercities of France

In other words, to fight terrorism, we would have to deal with ... our own issues! Something like... this ... would be outright crazy!

The Murder of French Journalists Will Only Strengthen Europe's Racist Far-Right

We’re Asking All the Wrong Questions About the 'Charlie Hebdo' Attacks
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Local news showed a conversation between Chérif (one of the lunatics who attacked Charlie Hebdo) and a negociator, and it is chilling to say the least.

To hear him say it, he didn't kill anybody that day. He defended the word of his god, then defended his life when he was attacked in response. He then gets angry at the nogociator when he asked if he will kill his hostages, claiming he's not ''like you'' and doesn't kill in cold blood.

Like I said, one sick fucker.

Another thing to note; all 4 terrorists were born in poor Arab districts, in the quasi-notorious Banlieues of France. At least two of them were petty criminals who became radicals after a trip to prison (which in France are very run-down and have a disproportionate concentration of arabs/muslims, a breeding ground for nutjobs if there ever was one). And as some dude on TV said, stopping people from buying guns in Europe, especially in a post-Soviet world where AK-47 clones are dime a dozen, is a fool's errand.
Dude! Do you know what you're saying here? You have to be carefull! The islam is the scapegoat. You can't just blame failed economy plans, ignored minorities, the corruption of our own political systems and leaders which failed to adress the poorest and loosers of our societies which have neither a perspective nor motivation and feeling betrayed by both their political leaders AND the society around them or the economicaly dissadvantaged occupying substandart housing in the innercities of France

In other words, to fight terrorism, we would have to deal with ... our own issues! Something like... this ... would be outright crazy!

The Murder of French Journalists Will Only Strengthen Europe's Racist Far-Right

We’re Asking All the Wrong Questions About the 'Charlie Hebdo' Attacks

Ah yes, I'm deviating from the script aren't I? *Ahem* So yeah, just forcibly boot all these people out of our country and then it will become a paradise where we value liberty, freedom and equality for everyone! Except if you pray to Allah, cause that shit's not acceptable, yo.

*Shrugs*. I don't have all the answers, not even close. But what I know is that those articles are correct; the only people in Europe who benefit from this are the likes of Front National. I don't think Le Pen will win the elections (FN has a tendency to look much better in polls that in ballots, thankfully) but I wouldn't be surprised if she gets to the second turn and grabs 30%ish of the vote. The portrait the article paints of far-right extremism in Europe is really kinda scary; 10 000 ''potentially violent'' people? Jeez.

As for people who say Islam is inherently violent... I don't know, given our history in the 20th century as a whole, people in the West judging any other population for violence seems a bit short-sighted to me. Even Americans happily killed the crap out of each other not so long ago (relatively).
Aww don't link mic.com mostly opinion pieces.
Ilosar what are you refering to Americans happily killing each other?
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Quran (4:74)
"Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."

This is the theological basis for today's suicide bombers.

It's the theological basis for insane fundamentalists to brainwash and convince other psychologically damaged people, or people in desperate situations and of little education, to strap some bombs onto themselves, making an effective weapon. No more, no less.
Aww don't link mic.com mostly opinion pieces.
Ilosar what are you refering to Americans happily killing each other?

Civil War. Close to a million casualties in all; far, far more Americans than have ever been killed by any amount of Muslims. I'm not going to drag this on by bringing up figures of world wars, napoleonic wars, and so on and so forth. Westerners don't need Muslims to get themselves killed, is all.

Not to say one makes the other unimportant, that we should be OK with crazed lunatics killing people in the streets (in case this needs to be said). But to people thinking Muslim terrorists are the most violent group ever, let's just use some perspective is all I'm asking. Europe is barely a century out of history's two worst, most barbaric wars. To say nothing of the bullshit that happens nowadays; people killed by drones or by fanatical loonies screaming to Allah are no less dead.
well how much christians love each other and how peacefull they live together can be seen currently in the Ukraine and with Russia, no?
Aww don't link mic.com mostly opinion pieces.
Ilosar what are you refering to Americans happily killing each other?

Civil War. Close to a million casualties in all; far, far more Americans than have ever been killed by any amount of Muslims. I'm not going to drag this on by bringing up figures of world wars, napoleonic wars, and so on and so forth. Westerners don't need Muslims to get themselves killed, is all.

Not to say one makes the other unimportant, that we should be OK with crazed lunatics killing people in the streets (in case this needs to be said). But to people thinking Muslim terrorists are the most violent group ever, let's just use some perspective is all I'm asking. Europe is barely a century out of history's two worst, most barbaric wars. To say nothing of the bullshit that happens nowadays; people killed by drones or by fanatical loonies screaming to Allah are no less dead.
The Civil War was by no means happy, its honestly offensive you'd label any civil conflict of that scale "happy" its like me calling the struggle in Syria "Muslims happily killing other Muslims" The World Wars are something entirely different, and its sad you look at them in a Eurocentric mindset.
Aww don't link mic.com mostly opinion pieces.
Ilosar what are you refering to Americans happily killing each other?

Civil War. Close to a million casualties in all; far, far more Americans than have ever been killed by any amount of Muslims. I'm not going to drag this on by bringing up figures of world wars, napoleonic wars, and so on and so forth. Westerners don't need Muslims to get themselves killed, is all.

Not to say one makes the other unimportant, that we should be OK with crazed lunatics killing people in the streets (in case this needs to be said). But to people thinking Muslim terrorists are the most violent group ever, let's just use some perspective is all I'm asking. Europe is barely a century out of history's two worst, most barbaric wars. To say nothing of the bullshit that happens nowadays; people killed by drones or by fanatical loonies screaming to Allah are no less dead.
The Civil War was by no means happy, its honestly offensive you'd label any civil conflict of that scale "happy" its like me calling the struggle in Syria "Muslims happily killing other Muslims" The World Wars are something entirely different, and its sad you look at them in a Eurocentric mindset.

Well, I didn't know I had to use a sarcastic font for something that obvious, but it was sarcasm. I know war is never happy.

Also, really, eurocentric point of view? Do explain.

For the record, I'm Canadian.
I'm not sure you could miss my point any more than you already have, it doesn't matter who you are or where you are. People excel at killing those who are close to themselves. That's why I said earlier the number one killer of Muslims today is other Muslims.
Right behind Russia and Germany in terms of WWII casualties we have China and Japan, and we are excluding the deaths inflicted during the 2nd Sino-Japanese war. So events like the Rape of Nanking won't be factored in.
I do have ties to Islam, though. Because Islam is a part of European culture. Muslims are a part of European society, and human society. I doubt you'll ever wake up to that reality, sadly. I doubt you'll ever understand that Muslim Europeans (or just Muslims in general) are not an external force, not enemies, but just human beings trying to live their lives alongside everyone else.
Any Serb who's been to Serbia in the past 15 years would find this an egregious offense to the state of reality. And I do without exception.. you ignorant dunce. European Muslims are just trying to be a part of their fellow human Europeans' societies? Tell that to the millions of murdered christian slavs around the ever-increasing borders of Albania. Tell that to the desecrated Christian graveyards and demolished centuries' old monasteries while you can view the untouched, respected Muslim graves and mosques from that same high ground.

To all the dead who lived for what was right in the face of Muslim oppression in Europe, and to those who respect the truth, Косово је Србија , увек била и биће.
Any Serb who's been to Serbia in the past 15 years would find this an egregious offense to the state of reality. And I do without exception.. you ignorant dunce. European Muslims are just trying to be a part of their fellow human Europeans' societies? Tell that to the millions of murdered christian slavs around the ever-increasing borders of Albania. Tell that to the desecrated Christian graveyards and demolished centuries' old monasteries while you can view the untouched, respected Muslim graves and mosques from that same high ground.

To all the dead who lived for what was right in the face of Muslim oppression in Europe, and to those who respect the truth, Косово је Србија , увек била и биће.
Let's not start throwing around nationalistic slogans, here.

And let's not pretend that the results of violent conflict at the borders of empires in centuries past means that other human beings are anything but other human beings, simply living their lives. We can find plenty of examples of Muslims massacred and murdered and driven from their homes in violent conflict, too. Enumerating historical grievances is not proof of anything but the existence of historical violence.
You know, there are normal muslims as well, most of them are actually not so different from us.

Islam has no humor. Fact!

But wait there is more! There is also no criticism in Islam or positive words for the west. Fact!

Its really worth to watch them. If you want to see Muslims as what they are. Normal human beeings
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I never really knew why people went to the right till I saw the shitcake response to these attacks from the authoritarian left.
You know, there are normal muslims as well, most of them are actually not so different from us.

If you think anybody here thinks this is even remotely untrue you are extremely dimwitted.
If you think some people in this thread aren't treating Muslims like a different class of people, you're blind.

I never really knew why people went to the right till I saw the shitcake response to these attacks from the authoritarian left.
Like this excellent Teju Cole article?
I never really knew why people went to the right till I saw the shitcake response to these attacks from the authoritarian left.

LOL, I legit just had to unfriend this white girl I know because she told me my "Je suis Charlie" profile pic makes me racist, and then threatened she "doesn't play well with racists". :roll: