Right. Havn't you read Alecs statements where he tries to tell me, a German, how the situation is in Germany. I am living here. I am reading about our politicans. I am trying to learn about the role of Islam and the Right Wing in Germany.You know, there are normal muslims as well, most of them are actually not so different from us.
If you think anybody here thinks this is even remotely untrue you are extremely dimwitted.
Have you read this topic at all? I am not saying that all of my points have to be correct, hell it is just opinions we are talking about. But I also provided numbers and the Islam is a very very very very very tiny issue in Germany compared to the rising right wing in Germany - and not just neo nazis. I can not say anything about France, Belgium, the Netherlands or Britian or what ever. Maybe they have it worse? No clue!
I am not talking about you in particular though, but if we talk about the Islam as whole and not its role in Europe in particular, than there is a notoriously anti-islamic vibe in this topic and some denny the Islam ANY kind of critical voices painting it as something that it simply isnt.
The Islam is NOT a clear uniform religion. A growing number of Islamic scholars demand the secularisation of Islamic states - separation of church and state. The Islam for it self knows hundrets if not even thousands of splinter groups and teachings, just as the Christian religion.
See. The issue is when muslim terrorists attack someone, its coming from the "Islam". When you talk about crazy Jehovah's Witnesses than you are talking about crazy Jehovah's Witnesses not about crazy christians, because most people know that Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT all christians and we do not believe that christianity as whole is the root of their crazy ideas.
We measure the Islam and Christianty on different standarts.
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