see, that is discussing opinion.
You sad fool. I wasn't talking about age-old conflicts. I was talking about things going on RIGHT NOW. Things less than 2 decades* old. Did you miss the part where I said "in the last 15 years" so gloriously that it might as well never have been specified? I very clearly stated this was a modern problem, just as I very clearly earlier stated the source of these problems is not nationality, ethnicity, or religion, but cultural mind-shaping on a grand, societal scale. Nationalistic slogans? No, I'm "throwing around" facts, which merely become highlighted by tragedies that have befallen nations I'm arbitrarily tied to by blood.Let's not start throwing around nationalistic slogans, here.Any Serb who's been to Serbia in the past 15 years would find this an egregious offense to the state of reality. And I do without exception.. you ignorant dunce. European Muslims are just trying to be a part of their fellow human Europeans' societies? Tell that to the millions of murdered christian slavs around the ever-increasing borders of Albania. Tell that to the desecrated Christian graveyards and demolished centuries' old monasteries while you can view the untouched, respected Muslim graves and mosques from that same high ground.
To all the dead who lived for what was right in the face of Muslim oppression in Europe, and to those who respect the truth, Косово је Србија , увек била и биће.
And let's not pretend that the results of violent conflict at the borders of empires in centuries past means that other human beings are anything but other human beings, simply living their lives. We can find plenty of examples of Muslims massacred and murdered and driven from their homes in violent conflict, too. Enumerating historical grievances is not proof of anything but the existence of historical violence.
Nope. =PBit vitriolic over on this side of the fence isn't it?
I made a general statement about Muslims just being people living next to other people, because that's true. See: 44 million Muslim Europeans. The fact that there are ethnic tensions in the Balkan going back centuries does not change that.You sad fool. I wasn't talking about age-old conflicts. I was talking about things going on RIGHT NOW. Things less than 2 decades* old. Did you miss the part where I said "in the last 15 years" so gloriously that it might as well never have been specified? I very clearly stated this was a modern problem, just as I very clearly earlier stated the source of these problems is not nationality, ethnicity, or religion, but cultural mind-shaping on a grand, societal scale. Nationalistic slogans? No, I'm "throwing around" facts, which merely become highlighted by tragedies that have befallen nations I'm arbitrarily tied to by blood.
You said, naively, I must add, that Muslims are simply trying to get along with their fellow Europeans, and I pointed out how totally and absurdly untrue this is. My previous statements still hold that them being "Muslims" is still tangentially related, but that doesn't change that that's a fact, either. Whatever the reasons or the causes, these horrific things are still transpiring, and it's a travesty to simply attempt to wash that all away with a whimsical wave of the "we're all people" hand. Yes, we're all people. And people can be nasty, delusional, violent, and cruel, and plenty of modern Muslims (because they're people, just like us) are demonstrating this right now. Not "historically".
*Yes, of course conflicts within the last few years are rooted in age-old blood grudges and ethnic schisms, but that has no relevance when such sources of conflict haven't stopped other groups from reconciling their differences, so the events themselves are still of pivotal importance to highlight.
Crni Vuk said:Havn't you read Alecs statements where he tries to tell me, a German, how the situation is in Germany. I am living here.
So the police (Karina Sadowsky) says there are still no informations about why, or who did it. I see. But yes. Let us all do the right thing. And jump to conclussions and ignore all the right wing violence that's happening FOR DECADES(!) now. And a lot of that SHIT(!) propaganda that is thrown around in the media.Brandanschlag auf die MOPO! Zwei Männer festgenommen
„Es gibt noch keine Erkenntnisse, keine Bekennerschreiben oder andere Hinweise“, sagte Polizeisprecherin Karina Sadowsky am Morgen. Hinweise nimmt das Landeskriminalamtes unter Tel. 42 865 67 89 entgegen.
No Alec. It doesnt. Germany has no problem with the Islam. Germany has problems with extremists - like shown above. With lunatics. Idiots. Criminals. Just like every god damn nation on this planet. But the Islam? As religion? No. Absolutely not. from those 2.5% Muslims that live here? Pretty much most of them live peacefull lives you know. So I am not sure what your point is ... I mean we have also christians doing crazy things here, killing sometimes people or beeing violent. Should I assume now that Germany has issues with christianity?Guess Germany doesn't have any problems with islam at all, eh?
You dragging completely unrelated things into the discussion? Why do you only go back that far in history anyway?Seriously Alec. What is wrong?
All religions hurt me mentally. I am glad, though, that you make the distinction between race and religion, which is a rare occurence when talking to extreme leftists. According to their narrow-minded worldview someone who heavily criticizes religion is usually a racist. So bravo on that one, you're slowly but surely learning how to use language the way it's supposed to be used.Where is this resentiments and huge negativity against the Islam coming from. Have they tortured you as child? Have they ever done something to you? I mean like have they ever physically or mentally harmed you?
Unfortunately for you I wouldn't peep if churches or synagoges or buddhist temples were attacked either. One religion attacking another is one of those moments I buy popcorn for. If one religious idiot thinks he should bomb another religious idiot's house of worship, why the fuck should I care? Religions are lies which should be under attack constantly until logic wins.Attacks on mosques and Muslim businesses across France: not a peep from alec.
If an organized lie, whatever organized lie it is, resorts to violence to silence truth and to shackle freedom, then I will jump in to attack that lie as best as I can.One attack on a newspaper in Germany: alec jumps in to attack Muslims.
And it was your candor in relation to that general statement I found so flourishingly callous and vulgar, because of how it embraced the ignorance of all generalizations, and how you chose to cling to that quality of your statements and your position in your defense of that general statement. Personal experience simply provided me an avenue to see it for the bullshit it was immediately, otherwise I would have had to learn about it through some other means.I made a general statement about Muslims...
Whatever, alecophobe. Sue me. I dare you.Well now we obviously see that the "real" problem with "Western" society is Muslims, and not folks like alec.
Well, alec makes pretty good comics, so you have to understand the moral dilemma here. I'd say alec is less of a problem, but I'll admit I'm biased, because his cynical reasoning reminds me of my childhood. Or maybe it's because the proposition to attack all religion sounds pretty fun. If we're gonna do that, I call dibs on Pastafarians. I'll be conducting the attack by eating Italian food. Would it still count if I ate lasagne? It's mostly the same ingredients.Sander said:Well now we obviously see that the "real" problem with "Western" society is Muslims, and not folks like alec.
Just because I feel that Germany has bigger problems than the Islam? By the way the nation where I have grown up. That I feel the Islam sees here, again in GERMANY an unproportional amount of attention while there are a lot more serious problems, like poverty, particularly among elderly people and with children, the growing gab between the middle class and the under class, where people have to fall back on support from the government despite of working between 45 hours per week.You dragging completely unrelated things into the discussion? Why do you only go back that far in history anyway?
Of course its nonsense. Glad that we agree at least on something. By the way. If you call me an extreme leftist would you allow me to call you an extreme rightwing in return? Fair is fair, I mean if we already start to throw labels at each other without knowing anything about each other, than we should do it at least like savages.I am glad, though, that you make the distinction between race and religion, which is a rare occurence when talking to extreme leftists
Absolutely! I do agree with with this 100%!If an organized lie, whatever organized lie it is, resorts to violence to silence truth and to shackle freedom, then I will jump in to attack that lie as best as I can.