It's also a very simplistic view of how religion tends to work. People have brains. They use them to engage with the message they're being told, and religious beliefs (like any other belief) tend to form over a person's entire lifetime -- incorporating beliefs throughout their life.
That's a very simplistic view of how religion tends to work, Sander. Eyes fixed on the present and eurocentric as always. Religion and any other ideology that encompasses most or every aspect of life can completely numb the brains and will do so if given a chance. As I've told you before, because it seemed so fitting in regard to most of your posts: it's not because people have brains that they'll use them. History is full of gruesome examples. You've read a couple of books in your life, you should know about these things.
North-Korea is a fine example of how people with brains aren't capable of using them to engage with the message they're being told. Communist regimes generally are. Nazi Germany. Saudi-Arabia. Iran. Yemen. Do I need to go on stating the obvious? Brains are powerless if someone shoves a gun in your face and tells you to get your act together. It doesn't even have to be a gun, does it? Peer pressure is sometimes all it takes.
Islam has more in common with these ideologies than it has in common with other religions. It is spoonfed to children at an age that they are completely unable to be critical and throughout a muslim's life the lie, because that's what it is, is only confirmed by other people. Imagine your parents telling you that Santa Claus is real and then never telling you it's just a story, something that's been made up to deliver a message, explain a moral. Imagine that people, your teachers, your friends, your family tell you to shut up when you tell them that scientists have found no evidence that Santa Claus ever existed. Imagine one of them ratting you out to the proper authorities because you have doubts about this whole Santa thing. Imagine getting stoned for questioning Santa's existence. Imagine losing your head because you want to stop believing in Santa. 'Cause that's islam for you. And all of them will tell you that their Santa is the best Santa because he is the last Santa and there can never be another Santa or, Santa forbid it, a Grinch ready to unveil the whole masquerade.
At its very core islam is smothering its followers, no matter how you look at it. And now it's starting to smother us. You call them fundamentalists, I call them muslims who are a tad impatient and can't wait to have a stab at us. It's a bit premature to win the batlle so soon, though, but it'll do for the moment. A religious offering to Allah from time to time. For all that islamophobic behaviour of ours. It'll further divide an already divided West. It'll shape our future and affect our lives.
The multicultural project is shaping up nicely.

Also: bravo for dragging Anders Breivik into this discussion! It is indeed another fine example of how muslim terrorists ... Oh wait, no, it's not. In fact, it has nothing to do with muslim terrorism at all! It's about a psycho with guns who forgot to take his medication. It's not even about freedom of speech. So why not drag in the Columbine shooting as well, shall we? Or not just my my obviously sarcastic opinion about the Anders Breivik massacre, but also my stance on Tagaziel internet-begging to raise money to pay for his dog's massages? Selective, oikophobic, eurocentric, confusing religion with race, confusing scepticism with fear ... why the list of atrocities you've committed against logic is as impressive as it can be. Good job.
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