Vault Fossil

Right wing parties often grow in response to how people feel about the left wing, Unless Germany is so far left wing, that the pendulum will swing all the way back right, it isn't really something to fear.Not in Germany at least. Far more murders and violent acts are commited by right wing nut jobs than islamists and/or radical muslims. Yet it is for some reason the muslims that people fear ... for what ever reason.
But I can't speak for France.
To be really honest, my biggest fear is that right wing politicans and views will take eventually over and not just in Germany but also in the European Union. I have far more fear from those fuckers than the few moslems in Europe. if only for the simple reason that those Right Wing idiots have already established their own parties with quite some support in the population, at least in some areas, in Germany the east is full of neo Nazis and fascists. And it seems France has its fare share of radical right wing parties as well. And it seems they gain slowly but steadily also some influence into politics.
But yes! lets continue to worry about the Islam that has apparently no saying in our politics or law making.
I'm not sure why you are calling Nazi's who centralized their government and granted it more power, "right wing." Are they the other way around in Germany?
Except that Fascist and Nazis took control of countries with the backing and blessing of political elites, industrialists, press magnates and other influencial strates of society. They ruled by having a single strong leader in conjonction with powerful businesses who thrived under him. It's often forgotten that the liked of Krupp, Volkswagen, Porsche, Hugo Boss and others fully supported, endorsed and served the Reich while profiting from it immensely, to say nothing of foreign industrialists like Ford, and in large part that support was to protect them from communism (hell it's how the SA started, as anti-communist militias). Their policies were also famously unequal, and there was nothing like the (often forced) collectivisation you saw in many communist states. Yes, the nazis expanded the state but it was not with the goal of providing equality at all, which is (on paper) the goal of a large state in a left wing system.
Going ''nazis wanted to expand the state = left wing = the nazis were left wing'' is like saying ''donkeys are mammals, Socrates is a mammal, thus Socrates is a donkey''. It's an incredibly simplistic reasoning that ignores historical reality in favor of scoring political points by going ''see, Hitler was left wing, so left wing leads to dictatorship!!''. Maybe you don't mean it like that, but it needs to friggin stop.
Back to your regularily scheduled discussion about terrorist attacks now. This is the last I say on this issue.