The Bad Movie Thread


A Smooth-Skin
The idea is to post warnings to other readers about shit movies you've had the displeasure of being suckered into seeing, with explanation. Extremely bad movies are not exactly on-topic as those are rather easy to spot; instead, I'm talking about titles with deceptively high IMDB scores (most likely pumped up through votes of teenage girl fans), which you should avoid like the plague anyway as Rotten Tomatoes is where it's at.

Pro/Cons and mini-reviews desirable. I'll post my first when I finish making lunch.
So, let's begin with my pet peeve, 30 Days Of Night.

And some of the gushing reviews that put this movie at a respectable 6.6/10:

One of the most effective horror movies I've seen in a long time
Best Vampire Movie in Over a Decade
A Breath of Fresh Bloody Air for the Vampire Legend!!
The most intense and thrilling film of the year!
Dark, moody, stylish..IGNORE the haters
Very unique take on an old legend

These are all taken from the first page of IMDB user reviews for the movie, which, fortunately, also include these bits of sanity:
Very boring and full of clichés
30 days of SH**E
One of the worst movies I've ever seen

Now, being a fan of horror genre since childhood, I found the premise of the movie very exciting: A pack of vampires terrorizes a small Alaskan community over the course of a single polar night spanning over 30 days. Sounds awesome right? I mean, it's the classic tale of a band of survivors struggling to overcome insurmountable odds in a hostile environment over the course of a whole month? I was all giddy with anticipation of seeing how they manage to pull this off, hiding from a lethal supernatural force while at the same time having to survive the brutal cold as well as deal with psychological challenges of being isolated and under constant threat. Awesome? Think again.

The movie starts off well enough, setting up some the token love story and introducing the main cast with some decent characterization. There are signs of sinister activity, caused by a ghoul vampires sent to disable communications (he apparently stole a heap of cell phones from town residents and burned them), an abandoned ship is found (in a rediculously dumb nod to the original story). Main characters love interest is stranded when she has a car accident on her way to the airport and is stuck for the duration. The night falls and, predictably, all hell lets loose. A band of survivors hides in an attick to escape the general carnage.

And this is where you should stop watching, because it's all downhill from there. The survival element is vritually non-existent. There is no hypothermia or frostbite, no hunger to add to the feeling of desperation. The passage of time is indicated by on-screen messages of the "Then, 7 days later" type and some stubble on Hartnett's face. That's it. Vampire portrayal is erratic as they go from "assassin with superhero powers" awesome to "can't catch human hero when he escapes through back door of a house" moron. Editing is just terrible. You literally get the feeling there's another hour of the movie left on the cutting room floor, making the movie's pacing terrible. The titular "30 days of night" are completely wasted as watching the movie you realize it could all have happened over the course of one or two nights. Characters... what characters? Oh, you mean the wooden cutouts representing characters? The acting is also very hit and miss.

The whole movie is average to below average mess that's also a giant fuck-you to the fairly original premise. Not even so-bad-it's-good.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World

At first I was suckered into watching the mvoie because the hordes and Hordes of people sayign it was the most funny and inteligent nerd movie. But they were wrong, I hated that movie, I couldn't even watch it whole.
Then I was suckered into reading the comic, with promises of it being a good comic book, I mean it even won Eisner Awards and everything. But I realized why the movie was so bad, it was very loyal to the source material, except in some aspects were it actualy improved on the comic, like cutting down some very unnecesary characters, having better rythm in the story, and even improvign on the theeth grindingly boring fights against teh evil exes.
Ha, I loved 30 Days of Night, it was a refreshing and fun Vampire slaughterfest movie. Nothing more and nothing less. One of those you don't take to seriously and just have a good time watching.

Scott Pilgrim Vs the World was just epic and it is a great nerd movie. Not Nerd as in how a lot of us are on here, more mainstream nerd. The type of nerd that is becoming incredibly popularized in pop-culture these days. I work at Best Buy, do you have any idea how many hot girls in glasses and WoW shirts came in the day that movie was released? It was incredible and revitalized my hope in humanity.

I will throw Battle: Los Angeles in for my pick.

Now let me just say, I love America, and I love the military, I am one of the more jingoistic people on these forums I dare say.

That being said, holy shit that movie pushed it way over the top. I am not sure what bothered me the most, I think it might have been how it came off as they were trying to be sophisticated in hiding the parallels between what they were saying and real world events, and failed epically.
It might have been that from the previews I honestly went in just expecting a decent sci-fi movie, and got the biggest circle jerk and two hour Marine Corps recruitment ad I have seen in years.

All in all it failed in both aspects. It was just a lot of Marines running through a destroyed LA, giving each other motivational pep talks and America Fuck Yeah! speeches while having bad drawn out action sequences.
Walpknut said:
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Agreed. Piece of shit.

Only good thing I have to say about that is that the cinematography was really good - some great effects, quirky scenes, and the shots were put together well. That said, the actors, dialogue and indeed the entire plot were appalling. Just goes to show - wrap it in tinsel and people will love it, no matter what.

People could say, "You didn't get it, it's all ironic." Well, great, it still sucks Satan's cock. Also Michael Cera is not very good at being funny at all (be it ironic funny or real funny).

Bal-Sagoth said:
I work at Best Buy, do you have any idea how many hot girls in glasses and WoW shirts came in the day that movie was released? It was incredible and revitalized my hope in humanity.
Has it? It would do the opposite to me. :( I mean, seriously, could there be a more shallow and predictable choice for those people? So the target demographic of that movie actually went and bought it, what's surprising or uplifting about that?
SkuLL said:
People could say, "You didn't get it, it's all ironic."

It's not about not getting it. The film just isn't for everyone. I greatly enjoyed it though. And Michael Cera annoys me.
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny.

God that was fucking stupid, not funny stupid either. Though the Rock battle at the end was good. Everything else sucked
Kick-Ass gets my vote.

At the start it looked original and funny enough, even if a bit overloaded with teen humor. Then Nicholas Cage crashes in and everything goes downhill. I didn't like the fact the protagonist was relegated to a support role for the second half of the movie, didn't like the cliche fights, and found absolutely nothing funny with a 11 years old slaughtering a whole mafia so gleefully. I don't know if I was supposed to find it funny or AWSUM, but that girl killed what little was left of the movie for me. The final minutes redeemed some of it, but it's still a bad movie.

Maybe it's just not for me I guess. Didn't see Scott Pilgrim, is it similar?
I kinda think everyone on this board should watch The Book of Eli but not because it is good, more for what it could have been. It was fun to watch but a bummerfest at the same time.
I usually see the Super Mario Bros. movie on Bad Movie lists, but I for one thought it was pretty damn cool. Then again, I was around 7 years old when I first saw it.

Not out yet, but this will take the biscuit, trust.
On Scott Pilgrim.

I normally hate all this new age trendy nerd in-shit, and I do mean HATE. It irritates me to no end and as Commander Shepard would say (playing renegade Mass Effect 2 now), "it's garbage and I don't have time for it." I never was into the cool-nerd "culture" either. I am just not the kind of dude to be able to relate to that whole world.

I also can't stomach the whole geeky loser hero concept that's so popular nowadays. I believe it's effectively killed the action genre and all but ruined every role that used to require an actual man. I'm the guy who thought Lord of The Rings would be a lot better if the main characters were the cast of the Expendables, and thought How to Train your Dragon mostly sucked but would be a good movie if it were about the adult Vikings, and who would rather watch a shit movie featuring the Rock than a decent movie featuring that fucking twit from She's Out of My League.

Also, I absolutely can't stand Michael Cera and I am very picky about too much funky shit on screen, unless it's done by Tarantino or someone who has proven he can do that well.

Having said all that, for whatever reason, I enjoyed Scott Pilgrim. To my surprise, I finished the movie and did not fast forward once. I'd say that with so much going against it, it is a monumental achievement. And of course, I found the best segment to be Chris Evans. He was actually hilarious.
Well I've not seen any new movies in ages, because as people have been saying here, they all seem like crap. Though it's a little old now the pirates of Caribbean movies really bother me. The squeals had no bloody story they were all FX, yet everyone raved about them.
Agreed Killerbee, Pirates sequels are definitely overrated. Disagree on lack of good movies though.

In lieu of my next bout of bitching analysis concerning an overrated movie I'd like to advise everyone who wants to see a really original and refreshing take on a vampire story to rent Let The Right One In and avoid Let Me In (American remake).

Not because the latter is bad; quite to the contrary, it's a good movie on its own. The original is just a better movie in all aspects, thank you Sweden. Same goes for [REC] and Quarantine.
For me the problem with Scott Pilgrim was, it didn't try to work for "nerds," as much as it was trying to rope in dumbass hipsters. The retards that Ass-Sucketh mentioned, oversized hip glasses and "ironic" teez and all that crap.
Any movie that was done either directly or indirectly by the master mind of crap movies. Uwe Boll.
I'm gonna say Dolemite:


There are actually parts where the bald sound guy is blatantly obvious. You see the mic move in and out of the shot all throughout the movie.