DammitBoy said:
Here's my updated arsenal list
1. Thompson Center .54 cal Hawkins blackpowder (R)
2. Pennsylvania .50 cal long blackpowder rifle dixie gunworks kit (R)
3. Uberti 1873 revolver carbine .45LC single action (R)
4. Pietta .44 cal New Army Model 1858 cap and ball, single action black powder (P)
5. Uberti 1860 Army Colt .44 caliber black powder single action (P)
6. Davis .32 auto single action derringer (P)
7. Para-Ordnance P14 .45 cal semi-auto (P)
8. M1A1 Garand .308 cal semi-auto (R)
9. Mossberg 144 LSA .22 target bolt action (R)
10. SKS-45 Romanian 7.62x39 semi-auto (R)
11. Winchester Model 94 .45LC lever action (R)
12. Remington 1100 12ga. 2 3/4" semi-auto (S)
13. Remington 870 12ga. 3” pump action (S)
14. Remington Rolling Block #4 .22 single shot circa 1884 (R)
15. I.A.C. model 99 1887 coach gun side by side 20ga. (S)
16. Intratec AB-10 9mm semi-auto (P)
17. Ruger new model Blackhawk .357 7" barrel single action (P)
18. Ruger new model Blackhawk .45LC 5" barrel single action (P)
19. Ruger new model Blackhawk 30 carbine 7.5” barrel single action (P)
20. Ruger new model Super Blackhawk 44 stainless steel magnum 7.5” barrel single action (P)
21. Ruger Mark II 50th anniversary edition .22 cal semi-auto (P)
22. Ruger Mark III fluted barrel stainless steel target semi-auto (P)
23. Ruger .454 casull revolver (P)
24. Ruger single-six .22/.22 magnum Blackhawk single action (P)
25. Ruger SP101 .357 revolver (P)
26. Ruger 10/22 RBI .22 semi-auto (R)
27. Ruger Mini-14 ranch rifle .223 cal semi-auto (R)
28. Smith & Wesson 1898 break top ‘lemon squeezer’ .32SW model #1 dao (P)
29. Smith & Wesson 1906 break top 'lemon squeezer' .32SW model #2 dao (P)
30. Smith & Wesson 1915 break top 'lemon squeezer' .32SW model #3 dao (P)
31. Smith & Wesson 1918 break top 'lemon squeezer' .32SW model #3 with pearl grips dao (P)
32. Mauser 1896 'broomhandle' 9mm semi-auto (P)
33. Mauser G98 1914 7mm bolt-action (R)
34. Colt HBAR-15 match grade target .223 semi-auto (R)
35. Bushmaster Carbon-15 7.5” barrel P97S .223 semi-auto (P)
36. HK VP70z 9mm semi-auto (P)
37. AK .223 Romanian krinkov semi-auto (P)
38. Llama .45 minimax semi-auto (P)
39. Moisen-Nagant M44 7.62x54 bolt action (R)
40. Rossi/Puma Legacy .454 casull lever action carbine (R)
41. M.I.L.S. ThunderFive .410 / 45 long colt revolver (P)
42. M6 Springfield Armory Scout survival rifle .22 hornet/.410 (R)
43. Walther P22 Target .22 semi-auto (P)
44. GSG P5 .22 semi-auto (P)
45. Benelli M1 tactical 12ga. Semi-auto shotgun (S)
46. Para-Ordnance P10 Warthog .45 semi-auto (P)
47. Para-Ordnance P16 10mm custom conversion semi-auto (P)
(P) = pistol
(R) = rifle
(S) = shotgun
That was the last updated list and I added 4-5 that never made it onto an update, so I was right at around 52-53 firearms.
Which is just retarded considering I spend the majority of my time on the road working.
So here is the newest update on the reduced arsenal
1. Pennsylvania .50 cal long blackpowder rifle dixie gunworks kit (R)
2. Uberti 1873 revolver carbine .45LC single action (R)
3. Pietta .44 cal New Army Model 1858 cap and ball, single action black powder (P)
4. Uberti 1860 Army Colt .44 caliber black powder single action (P)
5. Para-Ordnance P14 .45 cal semi-auto (P) **
6. Para-Ordnance P14-45 .45 cal semi-auto stainless steel (P)
7. Para-Ordnance P10 Warthog .45 semi-auto (P)
8. Mossberg 144 LSA .22 target bolt action (R)
9. Winchester Model 94 .45LC lever action (R)
10. Remington Rolling Block #4 .22 single shot circa 1884 (R) **
11. Ruger new model Blackhawk .357 7.5" barrel single action (P)
12. Ruger new model Blackhawk .45LC 5.5" barrel single action (P)
13. Ruger new model Blackhawk 30 carbine 7.5” barrel single action (P)
14. Ruger new model Super Blackhawk 44 stainless steel magnum 7.5” barrel single action (P) **
15. Ruger Mark III fluted barrel stainless steel target semi-auto (P)
16. Ruger .454 casull revolver (P)
17. Ruger super single-six Blackhawk .22/.22 magnum 9" barrel single action (P)
18. Ruger SP101 .357 2" revolver (P)
19. Ruger 10/22 RBI stainless steel .22 semi-auto (R) **
20. Ruger SR1911 .45 auto stainless steel (P)
21. Smith & Wesson 1918 break top 'lemon squeezer' .32SW model #3 with pearl grips dao (P)
22. Smith & Wesson Model 36 Chiefs Special .38 special 2" barrel nickel plated (P)
23. Mauser 1896 'broomhandle' 9mm semi-auto (P)
24. Bushmaster Carbon-15 7.5” barrel P97S .223 semi-auto (P)
25. HK VP70z 9mm semi-auto (P)
26. Rossi/Puma Legacy .454 casull lever action carbine (R)
27. M.I.L.S. ThunderFive .410 / 45 long colt revolver (P)
28. M6 Springfield Armory Scout survival rifle .22 hornet/.410 (R/S) **
29. Benelli M1 Super 90 tactical 12ga. semi-auto shotgun (S)
30. Beretta CX4 Storm .45 auto semi-auto (R)
31. Cimarron Arms/Uberti Thunderer .44 Special single action revolver nickle plated (P)
32. Stoeger Condor o/u 12ga. double barrel shotgun (S) **
33. Stevens sxs 12ga. double barrel shotgun (S)
34. Uberti Arms 1847 Colt Walker .44 blackpowder single action (P)
** (6 on the chopping block, planning to sell at the next gun show)
That's a lot of type with no gun pics and it occurs to me I have not posted a pic of my Stevens sawed-off shotgun.
Which is just old school cool...