The Guns and Ammo Thread

I blame DammitBoy for this..

Maybe if/when caseless ammo ever becomes a big thing?
We'll probably see polymer cased cartridges before going caseless.

Though even then, stodgy US military leaders might muck things up again anyway.
Military acquisition procedures are pretty much set up as to never pick or develop the best suited items. :P
Just gotten my gun application back, and it was positive.
So I'm going to get a 9mm pistol in not too long. I'm thinking either Glock or USP.
And I'm looking at getting a semi automatic rifle for practical shooting in the next few months.

As for experience I've worked in the army for the past 5 years.
At work I handle a HK416N, MP7, and a Glock P80. All great guns which are all great in their own separate envoirement.
Several norwegians I know hate(d) their HK416s. One of them is an army armorer. :)

As for your pistol choice, the Glock & USP are very different beasts... But if you consider the USP, you might also want to check the new P30 versions (with improved CDA/LEM). Personally, I dislike Glocks. They have a place as a duty weapon, but for a civilian, I think it's a very suboptimal choice. There's so many better choices out there.
Several norwegians I know hate(d) their HK416s. One of them is an army armorer. :)

As for your pistol choice, the Glock & USP are very different beasts... But if you consider the USP, you might also want to check the new P30 versions (with improved CDA/LEM). Personally, I dislike Glocks. They have a place as a duty weapon, but for a civilian, I think it's a very suboptimal choice. There's so many better choices out there.

I for one love the HK416, great weapon. I've used it for the last 4-5 years, and prefer it over the AG3 which we used before. I've had very little trouble with my 416, and it works with minimal maintenance, as long as you take care of that gas system. :)

As for pistols, I don't dislike the Glock, but when I'm gonna buy a civilian pistol for myself, I want it to be something else than what I use at work. And it should be something that I picked out for me because it fits me and my hands better than the other options out there. At the moment I'm really looking into the different variants of USP's, and are leaning either towards a 9mm Expert or a 9mm SD Tactical variant.
But there's so many other choices out there, so I get derailed often when I sit reading or watching reviews online. ;)
I would definitely advise the USP over a Glock. I tried a few Glocks (rentals at the range); they are okay, and their reputation for reliability is well-deserved, but, ergonomically, they're bricks. As SuA said, I see how they got their place as service weapons, but I don't see why anyone would choose it for a personal purchase. If I had to guess why people do, I'd say it's likely a combination of brand-recognition, not caring about ergonomics, and a small percentage of people whose hands happen to be suited to gripping bricks. I personally have an FNP-9 and it's great. 'Course, the USPs you're looking at are twice the price (if not more), I believe. If I'd been looking in the $1k+ range, I probably would've gone with something else. Possibly even a USP. Or, if I didn't live in California, at least an FNX.

Anyway, picked up my Diamondback AR. I also got a set of Magpul BUIS, since it's a flat-top that doesn't some with any sights, and a Magpul P-Mag. I'm thinking of going with a red-dot for this, similar to the one on my Hi-Point, but with a 3x magnifier on one of those slide-to-the-side mounts. Here she is:


Yep, it's a matte-black AR. Bet you've never seen one of those before, eh?

One another note, the "shop" (the guy runs it out of a residential home) had a couple of IWI Tavors in stock, so I checked one out. I have a bit of a thing for bullpups, and I have to say, the Tavor is quite a nice specimen. While it's not what I'd call light, the relatively compact size and the weight balance makes it very easy to handle, even one-handed. The overall fit-and-finish seems very nice as well. I only got to dry fire it, but I think the general antipathy for the trigger is off-base. It's definitely a heavy trigger, but it's very clean. Apparently there's a redundant spring you can remove from the trigger to lighten the draw by about 3 lbs. You wouldn't want to do match shooting with it, I'd imagine, but it seems fine (if not great) for combat/self-defense use where you don't want a hair trigger.

Also, apparently an outfit called Desert Tech is releasing a bullpup rifle platform next year, called the MDR. It's supposed to come in quite a few different calibers: 5.56 (of course), 7.62, 6.8 SPC, .308 Win, and 300 BLK. I especially like the look of the micro variant (though it'd never be Cali legal):


Too bad these lovely bullpups are all in the $2k+ range. =(
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Baikal IZH-81-KM-1.jpgBaikal IZH-81-KM3.jpgBaikal IZH-81-KM3.jpgBaikal IZH-81-KM8.jpgBaikal IZH-81-KM-1.jpgSo if I own a Baikal IZH-81KM I would need to post photos to prove it. Well I own one with 2 clip that I am looking to sell. I was also told only 100 were ever imported, here is the quote from the company that did the conversions.

After designing the Hammer to exceed those criteria, C&S realized that the cost of the extensive labor necessary to modify the Baikal shotguns exceeded the potential for profitable LE sales and permanently discontinued production of the Hammer. Simultaneously, Baikal also stopped producing the IZH-81KM and only a few Baikals ( maybe 100 total ) ended up being imported to the US. Given those factors, it is highly unlikely that any more Hammers will ever be produced -- making the these weapons instant collectibles -- especially the Premier Grade !

P.S I am new to the board, and hope this president is done banning good guns, from good people.
P.S I am new to the board, and hope this president is done banning good guns, from good people.
As far as I'm aware, no legislation to ban any sort of firearm or even restrict their features or accessories has been passed during President Obama's tenure, either with or without his involvement. I believe he did try to push through a new federal "assault weapon" ban in the wake of Sandy Hook, but it wasn't successful. None of his executive orders have anything to do with banning any sort of firearm (since executive orders can't do that).

Someone do correct me if I'm wrong, though.
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Someone do correct me if I'm wrong, though.
Obama just used an executive order to ban import of guns from Izhmash (now called the Kalashnikov Concern) as a result of the crisis in Ukraine. That's not even a week ago.
This means no more Saigas or Veprs can legally be imported from Russia. The move is likely to bankrupt the newly formed Kalashnikov Concern if it does not receive a bail out from the government, since the US was a very big market for their civilian guns.

It is quite similar to the Chinese gun import ban, which prevents Norinco from importing their guns to the US. This ban has not been lifted, even though the reason it was put in place has long since been invalidated.

One can only expect the new ban in the Kalashnikov Concern guns will remain in place for quite some time. It serves multiple purposes: Hurt the Russians, show the nation that Obama is taking action, and protect american trade interests by taking protectionist measures against foreign weapons in a market already strongly favoring domestically produced weapons. Triple win.
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Oh right yes, I actually intended to mention that but it slipped my mind for some reason. So yeah, there's the ban of Saigas/Veprs, but that's a little different in that it's not a ban for the sake of gun control, but is basically part of an embargo. If it's not lifted after the political situation has passed, like the Chinese import ban, then I'll agree it's a negative mark for Obama.

Still, even with that, Obama still has had very little effect on gun laws or availability in the U.S.
Jeez, I had no idea those things were allowed here in Belgistan man... I bet the process of being allowed to own those is mind-numbing...

I've always been strangely attracted to guns without ever having been exposed to them. Wish I had someone to introduce me into that world. In America the gunnut in me would probably be able to have all the fun he wanted.
Jeez, I had no idea those things were allowed here in Belgistan man... I bet the process of being allowed to own those is mind-numbing...
It's a lot of paperwork (bewijs van goed gedrag & zeden, getting a doctor to declare you of sane mind & body, taking a theoretical exam on legal aspects and a practical exam on safety & weapons handling) & jumping through hoops once you've got it (12 registered shooting sessions per year, etc).

I've always been strangely attracted to guns without ever having been exposed to them. Wish I had someone to introduce me into that world.
Your wish is my command, clercqer.
People without a sportshooting license can legally visit a range once a year to try out shooting without a lot of paperwork. Costs 15 euros for a day pass I believe (+ ammo costs & gun rental costs if applicable). But since you know me & I have plenty, no need to rent anything.

My shooting range (in Aalst) will be closing shortly due to yearly holidays, but we can certainly work something out in september if you're up for it (unless you want to go tomorrow). PM me what weekends work out for you, what types of guns you're interested in & we'll make it happen.

Damn Sua is that a Sig 556?
No, it's a SAN SwissArms Sig 551 SB (14.3" barrel). "the real deal" compared to the american Sig 556 knockoffs.
What the... You live in/near Aalst? I thought you lived somewhere in West-Flanders (i.e. practically abroad).

Awesome! :grin:

Can't do tomorrow but I'd love to take you up on that offer for a shooting date in September. I'll PM you as soon as I work out what weekends I'm available in September.
MKVZ - thinking about a pistol and rifle version (basically its a VZ/CZ-26 converted to run on 9mm Sten Magazines.


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What the... You live in/near Aalst? I thought you lived somewhere in West-Flanders (i.e. practically abroad).

Awesome! :grin:

Can't do tomorrow but I'd love to take you up on that offer for a shooting date in September. I'll PM you as soon as I work out what weekends I'm available in September.
it doesnt happen that you're actually doing this in preperation for something ...?

Dont listen to him Sua! He just wants to trick you >_>
from all the Gun-nuts out there, you are my favourite Sua !

Oh, by the way, that Sig of yours, is it actually a civilian version (single fire) or automatic? Just curious. I think you are allowed to own quite a big range of weapons here in Germany, as long they are not automatic (assault rifles and such). And I must say, even if I dont own weapons, the look of some fire arms is always a big pleasure, no clue, but some weapons have simply a great aesthetic, either because they look very sleek and modern or because of their military/technical look, so I like Russian weapons and designs a lot and the Sig assault rifles, but I really love the Stgw 57, FN-FAL. And then there is of course the heavy stuff! Like the Kord 12,7mm!
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I don't own any full automatics. Owning them in Belgium is possible, but highly restricted. Actually shooting them is almost impossible.

I'm fairly sure you can legally own pretty much all my guns in Germany, Crni Vuk, if you get the right paperwork (though you might be limited to a smaller number).

If you want to come shooting in Belgium, you're also always welcome.