So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I blame DammitBoy for this..

We'll probably see polymer cased cartridges before going caseless.Maybe if/when caseless ammo ever becomes a big thing?
Military acquisition procedures are pretty much set up as to never pick or develop the best suited items.Though even then, stodgy US military leaders might muck things up again anyway.
Several norwegians I know hate(d) their HK416s. One of them is an army armorer.
As for your pistol choice, the Glock & USP are very different beasts... But if you consider the USP, you might also want to check the new P30 versions (with improved CDA/LEM). Personally, I dislike Glocks. They have a place as a duty weapon, but for a civilian, I think it's a very suboptimal choice. There's so many better choices out there.
As far as I'm aware, no legislation to ban any sort of firearm or even restrict their features or accessories has been passed during President Obama's tenure, either with or without his involvement. I believe he did try to push through a new federal "assault weapon" ban in the wake of Sandy Hook, but it wasn't successful. None of his executive orders have anything to do with banning any sort of firearm (since executive orders can't do that).P.S I am new to the board, and hope this president is done banning good guns, from good people.
Obama just used an executive order to ban import of guns from Izhmash (now called the Kalashnikov Concern) as a result of the crisis in Ukraine. That's not even a week ago.Someone do correct me if I'm wrong, though.
It's a lot of paperwork (bewijs van goed gedrag & zeden, getting a doctor to declare you of sane mind & body, taking a theoretical exam on legal aspects and a practical exam on safety & weapons handling) & jumping through hoops once you've got it (12 registered shooting sessions per year, etc).Jeez, I had no idea those things were allowed here in Belgistan man... I bet the process of being allowed to own those is mind-numbing...
Your wish is my command, clercqer.I've always been strangely attracted to guns without ever having been exposed to them. Wish I had someone to introduce me into that world.
No, it's a SAN SwissArms Sig 551 SB (14.3" barrel). "the real deal" compared to the american Sig 556 knockoffs.Damn Sua is that a Sig 556?
it doesnt happen that you're actually doing this in preperation for something ...?What the... You live in/near Aalst? I thought you lived somewhere in West-Flanders (i.e. practically abroad).
Can't do tomorrow but I'd love to take you up on that offer for a shooting date in September. I'll PM you as soon as I work out what weekends I'm available in September.
1) I have plenty of guns to hand out to friends when push comes to doesnt happen that you're actually doing this in preperation for something ...?
Dont listen to him Sua! He just wants to trick you >_>