The Guns and Ammo Thread

(which cant be said of some other guns: glocks come to mind, though many others as well)

Haha, yeah. I've heard stories... but I'm content to stick with soft primers.

Funny aside to that, I've got a 3rd gen G20 that's of a series that was supposed to be recalled, I think... I read about it, noticed that the number stamped inside it was missing the extra letter designation that marked it as "safe," and have since noticed very slight dimples in my (unfired) primers.

Whatcha gonna do?

Course, it could be that I'm completely mistaken, and that it's normal for that to happen. Either way, she ain't getting sent in, because I'm pretty sure their idea of repairing it is just to replace everything but the frame, so bye-bye night sights. And fuck all that.
Seeks said:
[...]Edit: Oh, and what do you mean by 40mm length restriction? Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but the 5.56 is 45mm long and the 6.8 is 43mm long, if I recall correctly.

German gunlaws state that as a sportshooter, you aren't allowed to use any riflecalibre with a caselength of less then 40mm.

So anything shorter than that is kinda out of the question for me, since I'm not going for a hunters license nor do I think I'll get a collectors permit. :(

That's also the reason why I can't get a semiauto AK in the original russian calibres like 5,45x39 or 7,62x39, same with the 6,5x39.

SuAside said:
Seeks said:
As for the 6.5 > 6.8 bullshit... mmmm depends. If you're looking for a bullet that's still almost as good at 700 yards as it is at 350 or 400, then the Grendel's what you want.
which is why it's more suited for a civilian too. good at all sorts of ranges. we dont have any 500m & 1000m ranges, but the swiss do and i assume the germans too.[...]

We indeed have.

P.S.: This is what I meant to get. And thanks to the rails I can even tacti-cool it and take some leet mallninjaspecialdeltarangercommandoSWATinternetbadass-pics. (whoa, helluva word) :wink:
Mura said:
P.S.: This is what I meant to get. And thanks to the rails I can even tacti-cool it and take some leet mallninjaspecialdeltarangercommandoSWATinternetbadass-pics. (whoa, helluva word) :wink:
goddamn it!

that AR telescopic stock is the BANE OF SPORTSHOOTERS EVERYWHERE! it is HERESY!

sjeezes, even Sigarms raped their own product and put it on their Sig556...
The best collapsible stock for the money is Magpul CTR, no movement and good cheek weld, plus it has a swivel on the side. Plus it looks cool IMHO.


All that's left for this one is a light, can't decide whether I want Surefire or Pentagon, I don't want to shell out $300 for a weapon light.
DPMS isn't known much in europe (i doubt you can get the guns at all, unless by paying through the nose), but a recurring theme in comments online is that DPMS is overhyped.

btw there are plenty of classy pure form .308 semi autos. why get an AR15-style rifle? you could get a FAL (brand new DSA perhaps?), a G3 (or CETME), end 2008 the FN SCAR-H (in DMR setup?) or M1A/M14?
SuAside said:
btw there are plenty of classy pure form .308 semi autos. why get an AR15-style rifle? you could get a FAL (brand new DSA perhaps?), a G3 (or CETME), end 2008 the FN SCAR-H (in DMR setup?) or M1A/M14?

Pure form? None of those look as comfortable as an AR10 to me. M1A isn't as good for mounting optics, plus they are way overpriced for what they are. G3/Cetme has bad ergonamics to me. FAL will generally be less accurate, plus DSA is very expensive for what you get. In fact, your typical FAL, G3, and M1A will all be less accurate than an AR10 "out-of-the-box". You have to spend more to make them accurate. The only thing better about all those is reliability, in which case *any* rifle can have problems, none of those mentioned are error proof. I'm not saying the M1A, G3, and FAL are bad, it would be nice to own any of them, I am just saying I would prefer an AR10 over all of them. But I still want an M1A too, they are very sexy rifles.

Law enforcement in the US use DPMS .308 rifles. They use them in the same role as their Remington 700s. But I would prefer Armalite over DPMS, I want an AR-10A4CB (16" barrel, mid-length gas system) with LMT SOPMOD stock, KAC handguard, backup iron sights, TA31 ACOG calibrated for .308, and a bipod. That would be perfect. But the DPMS AP4-308 looks bad ass IMO.

Or this (Noveske AR10):


Pretty expensive though. $1700 for the upper assembly. I think I'm just going the route of what I stated above, only buying a Noveske barrel for it.
FALs can be pretty dang accurate too. ;)
(paratroops used it as a DMR/sniper rifle for 20 years in the belgian army, before switching to the AI AW for the sniping stuff)
just not those mixed 'partskits' you americans seem to like so much.

a normal (loose tolerances, so lesser accurate) L1A1 in decent condition costs 275 to 350 euros.
a good Belgian (FN-H) or Austrian (Steyr) FAL have equal accuracy to the M1A and cost between 500 and 900 euros.

as for the 1500-ish USD price of a brandnew DSA, that's less than we usually spend on a brandnew weapon in europe. ;)
OgamiItto said:
[...]In fact, your typical FAL, G3, and M1A will all be less accurate than an AR10 "out-of-the-box". You have to spend more to make them accurate.[...]

I just checked the german equivalent to DPMS, Oberland Arms and they price their .308 DMR at 4700€ and up (see here).

Where as on the other hand the local HK-clonedealer prices the Sabre Defense G3 DMR-clone at 1940€ (see here).

So yeah I'd probably have to spend some more till the G3 gets as accurate as the AR-10, but seeing how the AR-10 is more then twice as expensive to begin with I don't see the problem.

P.S.: Dun diss ma HK, bitch!

P.S.S.: Btw. what's a good 1911/2011, I heard Kimbers aren't to bad.
Yeah saw that after I checked their website. :oops:

Edit: Rather interesting that they don't show any HK-clone in their newest catalog, but they do have some nice 6,5 Grendel AR15s. :(

Curse you germangunlaw! CURSE YOU!
Well I know for sure in the US it's a totally different situation.

Hmmm. Should I spend $2,500 on a match M1A, or $1,200 on an AR-10.
an M1A SOCOM or scout? pfft, i don't see the use. if you get an M1A get a full length one? those shorties are expensive anyway.
Yeah, I definitely want one of the SOCOMs. Maybe a SOCOM II, though it's more expensive and I don't yet own any of the shit I'd hang on the front.

Course, I also want a Saiga in .308. I don't know why, I've just had this huge yearning for one recently.

Re: 1911s, check back at like... page 25 or so, some companies are listed. Maybe 26 or 27, I forget.
Seeks said:
Course, I also want a Saiga in .308. I don't know why, I've just had this huge yearning for one recently.
i'd take a Saiga 12 if i were you, just for the lulz... awesome weapons and dirt cheap in america. mod it a little and make sure it runs properly & then it'll never let you down.

(watch out with US made magazines though, they often need a decent amount of tweaking)
I'm interested in guns, though living in Sweden access to them is limited, but not unattainable (pretty gun-dense country actually). I used to be extremely interested in them when even a kid/early teen, and then it sort of cooled off when I learned more and more how they really work and all that. Felt like I learned most that mattered. Then with my historical interest, I've had an interest in historical firearms ignited.

Could anyone tell me how they would compare older rifles/guns/submachineguns/assault rifles etc with newer models? How do they shoot, handle, feel like? Luger/Walther P38/1911 vs Glock/Beretta 92 and such? Stürmgewher 44 (if anyone tried), M1 Garand battlerifle, M1 Carbine vs AR15/AK series/Steyr AUG or whatever you can think of?

If I could only choose one to play with, it'd probably be some K98/Mauser rifle/WW2 handgun or similar. Would be much more interesting to compare performance of that vs the latest that people bring to competitions.
now there is an EXTREMELY broad question, Mikkow...

i'll just give a few opinions, but not nearly touch the entire subject. you could write an encyclopedia on the subject.

- new guns compared to old guns arent that much of an innovation lately. most bring a lighter frame, ease of use and so on and so forth, but in essence, the oldies are still very good (though not something you want to use in a modern war). a lot of design and features of old guns are still used today: the mauser action, the 1911, etc.

- the biggest differences between old handguns and new handguns are usually weight and ease of cleaning etc. personally, i'm not a fan of a Glock (though they make very fine carry pistols, but i dont carry guns around ;) or Berettas. i'm however fan of 1911's, USPs or even oldy Mauser C96's. generally speaking, modern pistols have lots of 'extras', but in terms of effectivity and old HP Browning 1935 is just as good as a Beretta (if not better?)

- riflewise, you simply cannot compare an M1 Carbine to an AR15, AK or AUG. an M1 Carbine was a step between a handgun and a rifle, but it was neither. it increased firepower, but it was in no way comparable to a realy battle rifle. also, lobbing in an AK, an AR15 and an AUG together isnt really useful either. sure, all assault rifles, but each has very distinct (and incompatible) goals ;)

if i were you, i'd get a Swedish WW2 Mauser 98K, since you're swedish.
Well I've done some thinking and I now am pretty set on what I would like in the future.

After I get an XD45 pistol and another M4, I am either getting a Remington 700 Police .308 or this (which can easily fill the same role believe it or not) with this configuration:


I just want something that can really reach out and touch a mother, but I wan't a rifle in a popular chambering and something that won't cost over $2,000 (minus the optic).