The Guns and Ammo Thread

I've always been distinctly fascinated by the FN Five-Seven. I wonder if it's possible to acquire the gun legally here in California. I know that the magazine would have to be smaller, obviously, as 20-rounds is definitely above the legal limit (I don't remember what the limit is though). And also, obviously no armor-piercing ammo, but the article mentions that there are more conventional, civilian ammo-types available for it.

I also love the FN P90, but that's not gonna happen.
Kyuu said:
I've always been distinctly fascinated by the FN Five-Seven. I wonder if it's possible to acquire the gun legally here in California. I know that the magazine would have to be smaller, obviously, as 20-rounds is definitely above the legal limit (I don't remember what the limit is though). And also, obviously no armor-piercing ammo, but the article mentions that there are more conventional, civilian ammo-types available for it.

I also love the FN P90, but that's not gonna happen.
10 rounds i think for commifornia gunlaws.
but i dont think that exists for the FiveseveN.

in Belgium the 5.7x28mm calibre is the only banned by name... so no FiveseveNs for us, even with civilian ammo (which fragment instead of penetrate).

as for the PS90, no i don't think you can make that one comply with commifornia laws. :)
Commifornia, I like that one.

Hearing how bad gun laws are for you in Europe makes me realize just how lax and fair our gun laws can be (except CA, NY, NJ, and HI).

5.7x28 Don't know why they sell it here though. Might make an interesting chambering in a small bolt action.
fallout ranger said:
5.7x28 Don't know why they sell it here though.
that's the SS195 'lead free' variant. it and SS196SR/SS197SR Sporting Rounds are available to the public.

the SS193 Sub Sonic, SS191 Tracer and SS190 Duty Round are the LEO/military only variants. the duty round being the infamous 'copkiller round' (that has yet to kill a single cop).
Yeah, and besides *ALL* bullets are capable of killing cops. So banning just one is retarded and just a way of controlling the populace.

Funny how they can have all the firepower they want though.
So what's the deal with the 5.7?

I'd assume it's mass-velocity ratio, or whatever you want to call it, would result in either poor penetration or poor fragmentation/wound channel... in other words, not really hitting that "sweet spot" that the 5.56 does. Though I'm woefully ignorant on the round. Which is why I ask.
SuAside said:
10 rounds i think for commifornia gunlaws.
but i dont think that exists for the FiveseveN.
Yeah, 10 rounds is what I was thinking. Wouldn't it be possible, though, to modify the magazine so that it only holds 10 rounds?
as for the PS90, no i don't think you can make that one comply with commifornia laws. :)
PS90? Is that some sorta crack at my beloved P90? :P
It's the 30-round semi-auto version of the P90.

PS.... no, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Seeks said:
So what's the deal with the 5.7?

I'd assume it's mass-velocity ratio, or whatever you want to call it, would result in either poor penetration or poor fragmentation/wound channel... in other words, not really hitting that "sweet spot" that the 5.56 does. Though I'm woefully ignorant on the round. Which is why I ask.
the round generates extreme velocity and doesnt fragment at all. it remains intact (though slightly disformed) through the entire cycle. NATO PDW definition (do not mix up with civilian "PDWs") says that the weapon needs to be able to pierce a helmet at 200 meters. which the P90 does without problems.

it takes armor head on (spitzer), but as soon as it hits soft tissue it starts tumbling. it does create quite a big woundchannel, but of course nothing compared to the big stuff.

doesnt really matter, since the P90 is a 50 round PDW (usually there wont be 1 single hit) and most recorded FN FiveseveN take downs were single shots to the head (the FiveseveN takes some getting used to, but it is extremely accurate. so much that with military ammo it is said you can go do target practise up to 100 yards).

(all comments are about military Duty Rounds, not the civilian ones)

Kyuu said:
Yeah, 10 rounds is what I was thinking. Wouldn't it be possible, though, to modify the magazine so that it only holds 10 rounds?
probably, but i dont see the point.

if you lose the high capacity (there are even 30 round magazines for the FiveseveN), it loses one of the good things it has going for it.
PS90? Is that some sorta crack at my beloved P90? :P
P90: military or LEO PDW, full auto, 2 stage trigger, 50 round magazine, short barrel.
PS90: civilian carbine, semi-auto, 30 or 50 round magazine (depending on local legislation), long carbine barrel with sometimes the possibility to swap it out with a short barrel (depending on local legislation)

same goes for the F2000 and the FS2000. the S denotes civilian use.

while i wasnt being sarcastic at all, i dont see the use of a semi-auto long barreled PS90.
SuAside said:
probably, but i dont see the point.

if you lose the high capacity (there are even 30 round magazines for the FiveseveN), it loses one of the good things it has going for it.
The point is that people like me develop unhealthy fascinations with a particular model of gun, like the Five-Seven. :P

Also, according to the wiki article, the civilian ammo types still retain the high muzzle velocities. It's also probably still pretty damn accurate.
while i wasnt being sarcastic at all, i dont see the use of a semi-auto long barreled PS90.
Refer to previous remark.
Kyuu said:
The point is that people like me develop unhealthy fascinations with a particular model of gun, like the Five-Seven. :P
just remember a few things about it:
- the gun isn't 'easy' to learn to handle. almost everyone needs about 50 to 100 shots to learn how to correctly grip it and to correctly use the sights (DO NOT MESS WITH THE SIGHTS before you shot more tha 50 rounds. the sights should be just fine, it's you who are likely causing the faults)
- parts count is extremely high (nearing 100 pieces if you include the magazine), luckily you dont have to disassemble it all to clean it (and you should probably never fully strip it).

Kyuu said:
Also, according to the wiki article, the civilian ammo types still retain the high muzzle velocities. It's also probably still pretty damn accurate.
yes, it is damn accurate and civi ammo is fast, but not as fast as the military stuff. also, civi ammo fragments instead of penetrating.

i wouldnt want to use that in selfdefense really. it is unproven.

however, i believe that there is no law in the USA about being unable to create your own ammo (but there is a law on restrictions of selling it). so in effect you can make your own military style ammo if you're into reloading. there are a few people on the unofficial FN forums who do so (but they dont advertise it, ofc).
SuAside said:
- parts count is extremely high (nearing 100 pieces if you include the magazine), luckily you dont have to disassemble it all to clean it (and you should probably never fully strip it).

So how reliable is it and how well do you need to maintain it to keep it working at a decent level of reliability.

Before I drowned in comments of you should always keep your gun clean I'll say this, I KNOW. Hypothetically what is the minimum amount of maintenance does it take to keep this gun working.
Ah-Teen said:
So how reliable is it and how well do you need to maintain it to keep it working at a decent level of reliability.

Before I drowned in comments of you should always keep your gun clean I'll say this, I KNOW. Hypothetically what is the minimum amount of maintenance does it take to keep this gun working.
it's not more apt to malfunction than any other gun in its pricerange. since you're a civilian with time on his hands, i'd say a quick fieldstrip & clean after ever shoot. and once in a while a more thorough clean.

it was more of a warning: dont go overzealous and disassemble it too far while cleaning it. you're not meant to & as such you dont have the correct documentation to put it all together again.
I just purchased a RUGER MKIII bull barrel pistol, haven't tried it out yet, my first gun! :D I plan on doing some target shooting later on in the week.