The Guns and Ammo Thread

it was a pretty standard officer firearm in running up to WW1 and after it. during WW2 it was still used that way, as well as used by russian scouts.

the particular weapon design made it slow to reload, but the trade-off was that it is one of the only revolvers ever made capable of effectively being suppressed. scouts loved it, because it was a last resort when discovered. they could wack a german without making too much noise.
Suaside, My father and I each own one of those pistols, I have to say, i really dont like it that much except as somthing to play with. the grip just isnt comfortable, It's too small and oddly angled.

Though to be fair, i'm not that big on revolvers anyway. stick to my Baretta M9 at work and either my 1911 or the glock G21 for carry at home.
don't worry Elissar, I didn't buy it for actual extensive use. the double action pull is too heavy, the grip is too small and the sights aren't that great.

it's just an interesting mechanical design (by a belgian) and fits into what one day will grow out to be a collection of old war weapons.

also, if you say "Baretta" once more, I'll pay some hadjis to murder your ass. fuck, I'll even supply them with one of our Mistral rockets...
Got myself a Schmidt-Rubin K31. It's one hell of a shot... Obviously a lot more accurate than I am! It was recently fully refinished by a friend of mine (both wood & metal).

It was made in 1947 and as such, it was with a lighter beech stock, which suits me fine.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6

Sorry again for the crappy pics...

mostly shotguns here, all of which are used for trap and/or hunting bird...

Remington 870 Express Magnum 12ga for all around shootin

Winchester model 101 12ga full/full for goose

Benelli Montefeltro 20ga for trap, dove, and quail

and a Weatherby Regency 12ga over/under that needs a new stock (which should be a bitch to find)

There are a few old .22 cal rifles laying around the house as well in various configurations and states of disrepair, and I'm looking into my first handgun purchase in the near future, which will be a S&W model 500 revolver.
SuAside said:
whirlingdervish said:
I'm looking into my first handgun purchase in the near future, which will be a S&W model 500 revolver.
does not compute

It won't compute, but it'll put a giant hole in something from about 150 yds and it should definitely stop a boar in it's tracks.


It will definitely be the biggest pistol I've ever fired, but I tend to like buying weapons that aren't puny "home defense" or tactical style firearms. I prefer those which can be practically used for game hunting.

I'm still deciding on just how long I want the barrel. :lol:
welsh said:
Out of curiousity, what do you guys think of buying guns or gun accessories on line.
handy mostly. makes it easier to track down good deals.

though i can only buy accessories online. firearms cannot be sold online in Belgium (sadly, you cannot even advertize with a price mentioned).
welsh said:
I was rather surprised to find this-
why are you surprised?

the US has SHITLOADS of sites that sell weapons and ammo online.


iii said:
What the ...?

Does anybody know how this one handles?
it's a plinker.

the barrel is too short for the 5.56x45mm bullet to develop the required speeds to fragment on impact. causing the wound channel to be rather small.

i wouldn't use it on anything but paper if i were you.

that said, i'd never buy one.

whirlingdervish said:
It won't compute, but it'll put a giant hole in something from about 150 yds and it should definitely stop a boar in it's tracks.
first pistol (revolver, actually) + .500 S&W = does not compute.

i know the gun, and the ammo. but as your only pistol, it's a fucking stupid choice.

as for RELIABLY hitting anything out to 150 yards with a revolver, good luck buddy.

whirlingdervish said:
It will definitely be the biggest pistol I've ever fired, but I tend to like buying weapons that aren't puny "home defense" or tactical style firearms. I prefer those which can be practically used for game hunting.

I'm still deciding on just how long I want the barrel. :lol:
you know what's practical for game hunting? a rifle... that way you won't be shooting away your wallet every time either.

the only possible use for such a behemoth is having a .500s&W 4 or 6 incher as a bear protection gun, without being encumbered with a rifle at all times.

but i suspect you don't live in bear country.
I wanted a S&W .500 until I held the thing and realized how incredibly stupid it would be and that was long before I figured out the price of ammo.

I don't think I'd want that gun for any style of protection including bears. Can you imagine firing that thing without ear plugs in?

I recently shot my friends .44 Desert Eagle. Nice gun other than the fact that spent casings shoot right out of the top of the gun and some times hit you in the face.
Sua, you are probably gonna like this one...


A friend of mine bought a similar one a couple of days ago, although without that !$%!§& Belorussian scope.
Must be hard to lay down with that thing sticking out down there. You'd have to bend it.

welsh said:
Out of curiousity, what do you guys think of buying guns or gun accessories on line.

I was rather surprised to find this-

(Lots of pics for ya Suaside)

Lots of reviews, and buy from trusted sources. I prefer to buy locally with the exception of accessories. But then again... I don't do this...

Thrawn said:
I don't think I'd want that gun for any style of protection including bears. Can you imagine firing that thing without ear plugs in?
there's worse. it's not terribly likely to kill your ears if fired out in the woods, but it'll likely damage your hearing, sure.

fired in a hallway however will likely make you deaf.
Thrawn said:
I recently shot my friends .44 Desert Eagle. Nice gun other than the fact that spent casings shoot right out of the top of the gun and some times hit you in the face.
well, that probably could be tweaked with getting the extractor looked at. the DE was designed as a range gun, so i doubt they'd overlook that aspect.

and wearing a cap + glasses.

iii said:
Sua, you are probably gonna like this one...

A friend of mine bought a similar one a couple of days ago, although without that !$%!§& Belorussian scope.
on one side i'm: well, that's nice and funny.

on the other hand i'm: RAAAAAAAGE! don't bubbah classics for fucks sake! it's like buttraping someone REPEATEDLY with a louiseville slugger...

Ah-Teen said:
Must be hard to lay down with that thing sticking out down there. You'd have to bend it.
euhm, what?

bend a magazine?

surely that'll work... it's not as if it needs to feed flawlessly, right?
Any other americans own a FN 5.7?
I just got mine recently (FN5.7 USG) and I'm looking for a good place to get ammo. Unfortunately, I live in the people's republic of california so I can't get the 20rd. mags and I'm surprised I even got the 'gun'.
Thanks. -TW