I really dislike compact & subcompact 1911s. It's just not right. 

SuAside said:I really dislike compact & subcompact 1911s. It's just not right.![]()
DammitBoy said:SuAside said:I really dislike compact & subcompact 1911s. It's just not right.![]()
What's wrong with 13 rounds of .45 goodness out of a compact concealable frame?
It shoots as smooth as butter, recoil is easily managable, and accuracy is fine for it's intended purpose. This isn't a pistol you'll be using for 50 metre target practice.
The grip's shape is vastly different though. Doesn't feel right, even if they're close.DammitBoy said:What's wrong with 13 rounds of .45 goodness out of a compact concealable frame?
It shoots as smooth as butter, recoil is easily managable, and accuracy is fine for it's intended purpose. This isn't a pistol you'll be using for 50 metre target practice.
SuAside said:DammitBoy said:What's wrong with 13 rounds of .45 goodness out of a compact concealable frame?
It shoots as smooth as butter, recoil is easily managable, and accuracy is fine for it's intended purpose. This isn't a pistol you'll be using for 50 metre target practice.
The grip's shape is vastly different though. Doesn't feel right, even if they're close.
SuAside said:btw those subcompact 1911s tend to be a lot less reliable than fullsized. Harder to get it 'right'. How's yours?
SuAside said:Not claiming expert knowledge, you douche.
SuAside said:Making an observation about how all subcompact 1911s I've seen around me are shit when it comes to reliability and asking if this claim is warranted or baseless.
mobucks said:No offence, but i think any compact pistol in .45 is just wrong.
Make it manly and american and full sized. Like those big muscles u have DB, i just dont get how you can be a beefcake and carry a compact .45.... Unless you have a concealed carry permit that is. In which case you get a pass.
))<>(( said:What are your guys opinions on the .357SIG vs .40S&W debate?
Observation -> Induction -> Deduction -> Testing -> Evaluation.DammitBoy said:*snip*
.357Sig is a gimmick and .40S&W is marginably better than a decent 9x19mm.))<>(( said:What are your guys opinions on the .357SIG vs .40S&W debate?
Try stuff with the Flite Control Wad. Seems to work wonders compared to the S&B crap we usually shoot here.law573 said:Thanks for the welcome! Yes, that pic was from a qualification course. We use 00 and slugs to qualify since they count holes for score. Have you ever tried the 8 pellet 00 buck instead of the normal 9 pellet shells? The patterns at range are much tighter.
SuAside said:.357Sig is a gimmick and .40S&W is marginably better than a decent 9x19mm.))<>(( said:What are your guys opinions on the .357SIG vs .40S&W debate?
I'm a fan of 9x19mm. Good 9mm will get the job done.
.40S&W's downsides are about equal to the advantages it has over 9x19mm in my eyes.