The Guns and Ammo Thread

Wintermind said:
And why not?

Because I'm straight. This has all been covered before. Real men are clean shaven. Boys wear facial hair to pretend they are men. Gay guys wear facial hair because gays like facial hair on men.
There's a 9-page thread about beards and DBs insecurity about his sexuality here:

I know this is a gun topic, but does anyone enjoy the more "manual" arms?
Personally, I really like slinging (not slingshots, but slings) and I'm thinking about getting a bow.
The only bow shooting club in my proximity is for handicapped people, though.
DammitBoy said:
Wintermind said:
And why not?

Because I'm straight. This has all been covered before. Real men are clean shaven. Boys wear facial hair to pretend they are men. Gay guys wear facial hair because gays like facial hair on men.

...............Oh.....You can't grown anything that doesn't look like somebody sprayed dirt through a screen door.

Teddy Roosevelt had a stache and he is the Manliest Man to ever walk the earth, ya know with the killing of Elephants, Rhinos, Werewolves, and Big Foots.
DammitBoy said:
Wintermind said:
And why not?

Because I'm straight. This has all been covered before. Real men are clean shaven. Boys wear facial hair to pretend they are men. Gay guys wear facial hair because gays like facial hair on men.

Last I saw, the folks who like their own half of the genome around here are usually pretty clean shaven. Maybe a soul patch here or there, but 'effette' is the norm.
Stay on topic people;

To say that growing a beard is more of a rite of passage into manhood rather than faggotry.

Can't say I particularly care for that spacey jew rifle, and that's not my latent anti-semitism speaking.
DammitBoy said:
Facial hair and a cool rifle designed by Joos. It's a trifecta of win!
Meh, the internal mechanics are quite standard, the grenade launcher is american.
The facial hair rules, though.
And TheGM, what is that? It looks like a M1 Garand humped a SPAS12 and then the baby got picatinny tumors all over its body.
TheGM said:
yeah I like the other stock. copied the wrong pic.

The other one is even uglier. It's a bastardization of a classic american battle rifle.

It's like putting 22" spinners on a '66 GTO...