So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

It looks like a german engineers blessing.DammitBoy said:God Bless America
It looks like a german engineers blessing.DammitBoy said:God Bless America
valcik said:It looks like a german engineers blessing.DammitBoy said:God Bless America
Wintermind said:I'd be more thankful for what looks like a SBR machine gun. But either way, yes, that it is a german piece of machinery.
Red Ryder said:...
You can't curl up at night with it
Regretting you're on your own
Come ride, Red Ryder, ride
Into the sunset all alone
You gotta let it go
Let it go ...
Wintermind said:Doesn't have to be full auto to be a machine gun, though. .
Wintermind said:Doesn't have to be full auto to be a machine gun, though.
S - Sicher (Trigger locked)Wintermind said:I didn't make any assumptions about what "S" "E" "F" meant, and since I at first thought it was german I gun I figured it'd be in german and don't know the german for safe, semi, or auto (or burst).
Heh, got it. Is missing.DammitBoy said:Check the selector switch, it's in full auto mode.
Wintermind said:Actually, by the definition of a machinegun, (as far as the American legal system is concerned) it has to fire more than one round per user action. So a M16A4 which has no full auto setting is still a machinegun because it can burst fire.
I didn't make any assumptions about what "S" "E" "F" meant, and since I at first thought it was german I gun I figured it'd be in german and don't know the german for safe, semi, or auto (or burst).
though the lack of markings do give me the feeling it's not a proper HK gun.
WillisPDunlevey said:I will post some pix of a couple AKs im having built as soon as i get them back from the gunsmith.
WillisPDunlevey said:nope, Im just an american.