The Guns and Ammo Thread

Bal-Sagoth said:
Anyone have any personal experience with the cheaper Romanian WASR AKs? I want an AK style rifle, not really looking to fork over money towards one of the nicer Arsenals. Just something that I can have fun on the range with and take pictures with me wearing a bandanna over my face to scare liberals and uppity Europeans.

I remember, after the last war here, it was more common to see a closet full of AKs then a closet filled some new clothes or a new pair of Nikes. In the rural areas like the one i live in it is still quite common to find caches in basements, barns and cellars stacked with them and other half-rotting, rusting military equipment. Throughout the years much of it eventually ended up in furnaces but quite alot of it is still rotting in that kind of stashes. Got rid of my father's. Shouldn't have. AK is a masterpiece.
A "gun" is actually a reference to an artillery pieces, such as a cannon, anti-aircraft gun, etc,... not a pistol, shotgun or rifle.
But to answer your question...Yes, I am a firearm owner and have been since I was old enough to buy my first firearm.

The firearms that I have owned in the past is extensive. But, currently, I own a Remington 30-06, Mossberg 12 gauge, and a Remington .22 rifle and a DPMS AR-15 (in custom building phase). I also own a black powder revolver and a muzzle loader rifle.

I am currently looking to purchase a Ruger Vaquero, 44 or 45 cal. and a .44 or .45 Rossi Ranch Hand.

My previous firearms, in no particular order:
M1 Carbine
Ruger Mini 14
German WW2 Mauser
various Mosburg shotguns, mainly 500's and 500 A's
Helwan 9mm
Ruger Black Hawk, 44 mag
Ruger single six, 32 H&R
Yugo AK 47
Marlin .22
Marlin .444 lever action
.303 British Enfield... most models
Ithaca 12 gauge
hammer-less double barrel shotgun (brand not remembered)
(I may have left a few out)
Currently I own one rifle, a highly modified Mosin Nagant M44 from 1946, Izhevsk armory. I may soon be inheriting a Marlin 780 .22LR bolt action and a 100ATR Mossberg .270 bolt action.
Nothing More Post-Apocalyptic than a Sten

When I saw it, I had to have one made for myself.





its a semi auto Sten Mk III.

Its by MK Gun Mods in Alabama.

Basically he modifies it from a Full Auto open bolt SMG to a semi auto closed bolt pistol.

15 and 32 rd mags... and quite heavy.
WillisPDunlevey said:
Two-step said:
Helwan 9mm

How was the Helwan? I have always wanted one of them but have never seen one in person.

I liked it and would like to find myself another one. It is compact, easily concealable ( for CCP), and does not feel like a cheap plastic POS. I have heard of some folks having issues with them but I never had trouble from mine.

The only reason that I got rid of it is because the slide is very heavy and while not a problem for me, my wife found that it wouldn't serve her very well in the event that she needed to use it in a "worse case" situation.

If you want one for the sake of just having one, then I say go for it. But, if you want it for defence then I would recommend just about anything other than a 9mm. That being said, if you can only afford a couple of hundred buck for a defence or CCP weapon, then the Helwan will serve the purpose well... until you can get something better.
Sabirah said:
How does a Libyan rebel dig up an old WW2 machinegun?
It must be a loot. :)
They were stealing at Gaddafi's place and the man was a serious collector.
There are a lot of surviving MP40s all over the world, it's not unusual to see them with militias and partisans.
But the libyan rebels were also found to have looted quite a few G36s from the libyan army, and Heckler&Koch is now looking to find out who sold those rifles to Libya in the first place because there was no permission to export those to Libya.
valcik said:
Sabirah said:
How does a Libyan rebel dig up an old WW2 machinegun?
It must be a loot. :)
They were stealing at Gaddafi's place and the man was a serious collector.
Libya was one of the main battlefields of Northern Africa in WW2...

You'll see rebels with SMLE, N°4 MkI, Mausers, MP40, Stg44,... Other than that, mostly AKs and FALs, of course.
I am looking at a second side feeding pistol... the Colefire "magnum". Its a Sterling MK7 pistol copy but in 7.62x25 (cheap but hot little round... and you can get .223 timbs rounds for them)
Hassknecht said:
There are a lot of surviving MP40s all over the world, it's not unusual to see them with militias and partisans.
But the libyan rebels were also found to have looted quite a few G36s from the libyan army, and Heckler&Koch is now looking to find out who sold those rifles to Libya in the first place because there was no permission to export those to Libya.
Didn't they sell a bunch of those to the Saudis? I'd imagine that's how it found its way into the Libyan armories.
James Snowscoran said:
Hassknecht said:
There are a lot of surviving MP40s all over the world, it's not unusual to see them with militias and partisans.
But the libyan rebels were also found to have looted quite a few G36s from the libyan army, and Heckler&Koch is now looking to find out who sold those rifles to Libya in the first place because there was no permission to export those to Libya.
Didn't they sell a bunch of those to the Saudis? I'd imagine that's how it found its way into the Libyan armories.
Yeah, but the Saudis would need permission to resell those guns to Libya.
Another suspect would be the Bundesnachrichtendienst (german intelligence agency), who trained Gadaffi's security force.