The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

Also, I like how you disregard everything both me and @Norzan have told you.
I made him so butthurt when i asked for evidence of his claims that people's negative reviews were "bullshit" that he blocked me. His entire agenda is purposely misinterpreting people's arguments with fallacies and nonsense just because some people don't like what he likes.

I have long since realized CT is a twat.
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Guys! I found it! The best TLoU2 meme!
Oh course the game was going to sell well because the first game was popular. Look at Mass Effect 3. It was the best selling Mass Effect game. Does that mean that it was good? Also, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are one of the best selling games of all time. Does that make the two games a masterpiece?
Also, I like how you disregard everything both me and @Norzan have told you. Seems to me that you're not attached to the average gamer. If you like the game more power to you but don't try to tell me that shit don't stink.

No, my argument is that people who actually play the game are liking it. It's also going to be a huge success.

If you dislike it, that's your business.

Opinions are not facts and everyone can get something different from a work.
No, my argument is that people who actually play the game are liking it. It's also going to be a huge success.

If you dislike it, that's your business.

Opinions are not facts and everyone can get something different from a work.
Don't tell me that those 60,0000 reviews on Metacritic are all trolls. Many people have played this game and hate it. Two good examples would be PewDiePie and AngryJoe. Pews went in blind, he avoided spoilers as he is a mega fan of the first. You can see him play the game and see the joy just leave his face. He says that he doesn't want to play it anymore but promised his viewers that he will. AngryJoe has also went off on the game. He says that he hates it and that it doesn't deserve the high score that it got from critics. Are both Pews and Joe just trolls as well?
Haven't you forgot that Pew and AJ are alt-right sex pests?
Don't tell me that those 60,0000 reviews on Metacritic are all trolls. Many people have played this game and hate it. Two good examples would be PewDiePie and AngryJoe. Pews went in blind, he avoided spoilers as he is a mega fan of the first. You can see him play the game and see the joy just leave his face. He says that he doesn't want to play it anymore but promised his viewers that he will. AngryJoe has also went off on the game. He says that he hates it and that it doesn't deserve the high score that it got from critics. Are both Pews and Joe just trolls as well?

Tbf I'd say citing the amount of metacritic scores is a really bad idea considering the amount that are literally spam that apparently beat the 20+ hour game 5 hours after it released. I've read that apparently TLOU2 has like double the user reviews the first game received over a period of years which is also rather telling.

Not here to defend the game but it is still funny to me how there are people in this thread trashing on it relentlessly who by their own admission, haven't actually played it.

That being said, I am glad Naughty Dog are being dragged through the mud. The praising of their games as the peak of the medium damages it as a whole. That goes for Uncharted and the first Last of Us as well.
Tbf I'd say citing the amount of metacritic scores is a really bad idea considering the amount that are literally spam that apparently beat the 20+ hour game 5 hours after it released. I've read that apparently TLOU2 has like double the user reviews the first game received over a period of years which is also rather telling.
I only played Fallout 4 for less then 3 hours before I realized that I hate it and got my money back from Steam. Is my opinion invalid because I didn't play the whole game? I know that many reviews are troll reviews but not all of them are. From what I heard, Metacritic deleted a lot of reviews only for TLoU2 score to go down. I get the feeling once things even out the game will sit at a 6. Not the worst score in the world but it will be seen as mediocre and no where as good as the first. Kinda like with Bioshock Infinite.
Oh, that is right. That automatically makes their opinion invalid despite the lack of evidence and the fact that they both have the most normie taste in games and entertainment.

I tried watching Pew Pew once. It was....not good.

But yes, some people seem to love the story. As someone said in another forum:

I’m not convinced that controversy in and of itself boosts sales all that much: maybe in some cases, particularly with smaller games that wouldn’t have gotten so much attention without some sort of news peg. I tend to think that controversy is more of a reflection of the attention that a game is receiving, and that it just sort of follows games bound for big numbers.

We saw a similar thing with Pokemon Sword and Shield, which garnered its share of controversy after the developer’s decision to restrict the Pokedex for the first time in series history. As with this game, the controversy had no noticeable negative effect on sales, and it’s entirely possible the controversy had a small positive effect.
Because developers and publishers never listen to outcry of any kind unless it reaches a certain massive fever pitch (like Battlefront 2 did) then they don't give a shit about what anyone has to say. All they care about is money, so you gotta hit them wherever you can. And the only real way to make our voices heard seems to be review bombing. If I abhor what they've done to a game I'm not going to buy it and finish it just so I can comment on it. I want to throw my voice into the mix and be part of the negative statistic so that maybe it will grow big enough to tell the developer/publisher that this shit does not fly. Otherwise, it'll happen again or it will turn even worse in the future.

The problem with an open system like this is the actual trolls who inflate the numbers but I would say that goes both ways. I think someone rating it a 10 and going "amazeballs game bruh bruh bruh" is as much of a shit "review" as "this game suxxorz".

All such reviews should quite frankly be filtered out. Not removed, but made invalid to the score. Greyed out. Can still be read but they're not going to count towards anything. You need to actually be informative as to why you oppose it. Even if it is simple like "The tonal shift in Saints Row 3 is too absurd and tries too hard to be funny". Even that is actually informative. Brief, but informs why they are opposed to it. "This sucks" or "this rules" are useless and should be filtered out.
Well, that too, but it doesn't mean a whole lot when millions of people who doesn't have strong commitments to a series just buys the game cause "hey, looks fun".
Well, this game managed to go and piss off the whole political spectrum. I don't think any recent entry has managed such a feat of that nature.
Well, this game managed to go and piss off the whole political spectrum. I don't think any recent entry has managed such a feat of that nature.

I'm making my prediction now that the vast amount of hatedom and vitriol that the game accumulated before its release is going to make approximately 0% dent in their sales but was probably entirely encouraged by Naughty Dog because there's no such thing as bad publicity. People who wouldn't otherwise get the game will do so in order to see what the fuss is all about and I'm completely of the mind the "leak" was designed to generate as much controversy as humanly possible.

I also think this is a deeply apolitical game despite all the claims otherwise and I see politics in EVERYTHING. It's about Ellie murdering the woman who killed her dad. There's a single minor trans character in the latter half of the game but that's about as much as Ubisoft did in AC: SYNDICATE. Ellie being a lesbian lead maybe has something going for it still in 2020 but it's not nearly as important as it was when the game first came out.
A lot of talk about the negative reviews while i am here wondering why all but 2-3 "?" of the critics gave it 10/10 even before they sent out the game to the reviewers IIRC?
I loved the first game and i will probably try this in the future if i ever decide to get a PS4 pro but the chance of that is low but my hopes for this game are piss low.
A lot of talk about the negative reviews while i am here wondering why all but 2-3 "?" of the critics gave it 10/10 even before they sent out the game to the reviewers IIRC?
I loved the first game and i will probably try this in the future if i ever decide to get a PS4 pro but the chance of that is low but my hopes for this game are piss low.

I hate Upper Echelon games but he basically says the reviewers review the game for "artistic" value and this is completely at odds for their value as a consumable product.

I hate Upper Echelon games but he basically says the reviewers review the game for "artistic" value and this is completely at odds for their value as a consumable product.

I do think the bigger journalists that were given this game to review were likely those that value the story telling in games more than anything else and were liking something that might have shocked them or something.

I don't think reviewers were paid off, with money or access. You really think Sony would stop giving a publication review copies if they gave TLOU 2 anything below a 95? C'mon, that's not happening. And if the game was a 0-3/10 and getting 9-10/10s across the board, yeah I'd be way more suspicious. But if the game is a 6-8/10 and the journalists are giving it near perfect scores while people rage and give it a 0-3? Yeah, sounds like humans getting pissy about shit and going either, "NOOO muh PerRfEcT GaMe" or "NOOOO tHeY mAdE a StoRY deciSIon I hAtED"
I hate Upper Echelon games but he basically says the reviewers review the game for "artistic" value and this is completely at odds for their value as a consumable product.

Is he wrong? Game journalist today are like modern art critics that look at something on a wall and say; "This is brilliant!" only for you to look and see that it's nothing but a banana duck taped to a wall. It also doesn't help that a lot of these "journalist" are usually frustrated failed authors. I know this because I live by a liberal arts college full of them and my aunt who is a writer with connections in the publishing industry have told her this too.
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