First time out of the vault

How is collecting tribute "corruption" exactly? If Caesar orders his subjects to give "tribute" ("tribute" as in government-sponsored extortion which is not done out of "corruption" but out of necessity as it would definitely be so much easier to just collect "tribute" than to scour the Wastes for precious metals like you're assuming which would take too long and wouldn't even come close to yielding enough precious metals for minting coins and keeping up with the supply and demand of Legion coin for the sake of preventing inflation not to mention that scavenging and collecting "tribute" could easily coalesce together) they have no choice but to concede to his will as his will is law and it's an offense punishable by death to defy his will (Siri's town was burned to the ground and most residents were put to the sword with the rest like herself being taken as slaves for instance) hence if the Legion (and it does as I've explained it's the only realistic means of acquiring enough precious metals to keep their currency from inflating regardless of whether or not the link says it) shakes down the locals for "tribute" under his auspices then it is by no means "corruption" and hence cannot be punished. I never conceded my point that the Legion does in fact depend entirely on scavenging, raiding and pillaging and trade to sustain itself because it's the truth not to mention that the Legion's infrastructure is too underdeveloped to make any difference at all no I conceded that the Legion does more or less have infrastructure. As I explained earlier Legion medical supplies are simple to make and don't require infrastructure so that that point serves to eliminate the need for infrastructure in this field. The Legion definitely lacks any industry at all so how do they have firearms and ammunition? Scavenging (pulling them off of dead NCR soldiers which Legionaries will do if necessary or just stumbling upon them in ruins of the Old World), raiding and pillaging (collecting them from destroyed towns on the frontlines such as Nipton and Nelson) or trade (purchasing them from traders) are how they acquire firearms or ammunition and given that the firearms that they do possess are poorly-maintained and in shitty condition it's easy to assume that most if not all of their firearms and ammunition is scavenged. In fact, the Legion even lacks rudimentary knowledge in crafting munitions (evidenced whenever you sell the powder charge schematics to Aurelius of Phoenix over at Cottonwood Cove who'll go to confirm this fact himself right afterwards and if the Legion can't even craft powder charges, which are easily the simplest munition in the game, then this definitely goes to show you just how ineffective their infrastructure really is) thus my point regarding this matter is made. As for the standard kit of the Legion (lawn mower blades tied to wooden handles (Machetes), pieces of sharpened scrap metal jabbed and tied to the ends of sticks (Throwing Spears) and sports equipment tied together with leather straps and pieces of scrap metal (Legionary armor) as well as Centurion armor (Veteran Legionary armor with homey touches added by the Centurions personally)) it's all hand-made and requires no infrastructure at all thus my point in this field is also made. Food and water is provided through trade in the case of of Legion subjects (whose population is small enough to get by even without agriculture something that the Legion also lacks) and a mix of foraging and trade for the military arm of the Legion (raiding and pillaging settlements or purchasing food from traders and caravans) with Legion infrastructure playing little to no part in this scenario. Infrastructure has nothing to do with the safe and productive lives of the subjects of the Legion. The Legion provides everything their subjects need so long as they obey the rare direct requests Caesar makes of them and stays out of the Legion's way and they provide for their subjects through scavenging, raiding and pillaging and trade and given the puny size of their subject population it's a very easy order for them to fill. Subjects of the Legion do have access to working electricity which does show that they do have infrastructure but given how small their subject population is its obvious that even this degree of infrastructure is practically non-existent at best especially when compared to the Republic's. Another point is how Dale Barton acquired Howitzer that he sold to the Legion. He didn't build it himself in a factory no he SCAVENGED it from the wreckage of a Pre-War military base in Yuma so once again my point is made. Cheers.