I've been a *long* time lurker on NMA. The amount of whitewashing of Bethesda is frankly insulting, and to consider Fallout 4 as anything but mediocre is delusional at best.
I'm a developer (environment artist) at a mid-sized studio and generally everyone who is involved in development (artists, programmers) in this industry can 'read' or see under-the-hood of any game very quickly. Anyone can, honestly, if you've had enough experience with engines like UE or Cryengine.
Fallout 4, to me, was the epitome of lazy development. The scripting and environment, the physics, while slightly upgraded, is essentially the same as Skyrim and the preceding titles. I kept on asking 'What did this team DO for years?' because it seems like they kit-bashed their previous work and released it. Their technical artists literally carry this title and no review has either had the knowledge nor priority to call that out.
How can anyone review this game without mentioning that the A.I., the scripts, the modeling (this stands out, the tessellation of certain set pieces seems like they were carried over from Gamebryo), and in the behavior of assets are unchanged in any innovative way?
When I've said that Bethesda are incompetent I wasn't exaggerating or just taking the piss out of Bethesda. They have to be incompetent. Don't get me wrong, they're far more capable than I am but for a triple-a studio with a triple-a budget who works with an engine they've used for over a decade which they should know inside and out by know who's had technically over 5 years to work on each game then it is clear that something is very wrong here.
So it has to be incompetence. Either they are lazy, or they are just not good enough developers to really produce anything particularly worthwhile or they are hindered by their own decision to resign themselves to an engine like Gamebryo or they're under bad management that don't know hot to really utilize the studio and its resources to its full potential. Either of these is a sign of incompetence IMO.
By the way, Skyrim made 1600% more than the amount they put into the budget for Skyrim. They spent 85 million into the budget and made 1390 million in total revenue. Makes me wonder just where the hell all of this money goes to. Seriously. Where the hell does all the money go? Zenimax?