Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I thought that behavior interactive thing was false?i believe you people just need to accept it already that you are just a vocal minority. most people enjoy fallout 4 and most people agree with mr matty. just check his youtube likes if you do not believe me.
my understanding is your beloved fallout game got cancelled a decade ago because it was not paying the bills at interplay and putting food on the table for its employees. so it got sold to a company with a history of excellent titles and they have done nothing but good with it ever since. why cry over that? it is a dream come true to any sensible person.
it is time to let go. the majority has spoken and they love fallout 4. open your eyes and hearts and accept fallout 4 for the great game it is. enjoy it, all of its future dlc and whatever behavior interactive manages to cook up for us after.
Also you gotta try harder than that. Better than Trannigan though.