The new Sonic movie


Still Mildly Glowing
I just saw the trailer for the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie, and I have mixed feelings about it.

For one, SONIC'S ARMS ARE NOT FUCKING BLUE! Why are they blue? They never were in any of the games other than Sonic Boom! His belly has always been beige, not white. And what's up with his teeth? They look WRONG.

Jim Carrey as Robotnik: While I'm no fan of an anti-vaxxer playing Robotnik, Jim Carrey's pure delivery works. But he looks too skinny. At least put him in a fat suit. Robotnik has always been fat.

Sonic says that he's there to save Earth. What the hell is he, then? An alien?

Also, WHY THE HELL IS THE MOVIE SET IN OUR WORLD? We've got plenty of continuities, all of which are based on the games. There's the '90s cartoons, which both bring something to the table. The goofy Sonic was funny for us '90s kids watching it while the dark SatAM Sonic was more plot-driven. And you had Jaleel "Urkel" White voicing Sonic in both of them. There's the Archie (U.S.) and Fleetway (UK) comics. The audience is also more comfortable watching CGI now than they were 20 years ago. Why not just make it a fully CGI film a la Pixar and set it in the same world as the games instead?

What is it about Hollywood that makes them unable to make a good adaptation of a video game and why? At the rate we're going, we'll end up with SINO: Sonic in Name Only!


I don't give a shit about Sonic, Sega, or The Sonic Hedgehog movie and this is all I'll add to this entire thread unless it gets derailed.
After watching the trailer again, I don't know if even Jim Carrey's goofball comedy could save this. He's got his work cut out for him. I'll take the safest bet and assume he won't. He probably took the role for the money for all I know.

At best, I'd say this movie is shaping up to be so bad that it'll actually be funny as hell. Maybe I might buy a ticket just to get a couple hours of laughs at how badly designed Sonic is. Maybe I might just save my money and wait for Star Wars Episode IX instead.

Aladdin remake: We got a badly designed blue character in our movie.
Sonic movie: Hold my beer.
I just don't understand why
A) this isn't an animated movie
B) Sonic has a lipless human mouth
I just don't understand why
A) this isn't an animated movie
B) Sonic has a lipless human mouth

C) Why Sonic looks like he's on steroids.
D) Why the rings are portals. THEY DON'T WORK THAT WAY IN THE GAMES!

What the fuck was Sega thinking letting Paramount make this abomination? At this rate, it's going to be SINO indeed. This movie really should have been a Pixar-like fully CGI movie, set in the same world as the games. And if Sonic looks bad enough NOW, just imagine how Tails, Knuckles, the Chaotix members, and even Ugandan Knuckles would look if Paramount put them in the movie. Paramount clearly does not know da wae.

A certain John Leguizamo movie: I'm going to present myself as a Mario movie and have fuck all to do with any of the games.
Sonic movie: Hold my beer.
Games can't be adapted into movies anyway because they all either have too much story or not enough/no story.
Maybe I might just save my money and wait for Star Wars Episode IX instead.
why? Both are pretty much gauranteed to be bad.

D) Why the rings are portals. THEY DON'T WORK THAT WAY IN THE GAMES!
They do.
The large rings (that Sonic jumps into) are portals to the place where the Chaos Emeralds can be gathered. It's been like that since the first Sonic game.

Anyway... my only reaction after watching the trailer for this movie is:
They do.
The large rings (that Sonic jumps into) are portals to the place where the Chaos Emeralds can be gathered. It's been like that since the first Sonic game.

No, I meant the regular rings. And even with the big rings, I'm not talking about the special stages. The movie makes them out to work like the portal gun from Portal.

@R.Graves: Sonic looks like it's guaranteed to be bad, but Star Wars? Not so much. And I've already watched all the other movies so far, so why back out now? Alea iacta est.
After TLJ there's nothing they can do to save the sequel trilogy.
And I've already watched all the other movies so far, so why back out now? A
Because backing out when things become bad is a the only logical thing to do? Why waste your time on dogshit?

But whatever I'mma be over waiting for clone wars season 7
No one is even going to broach the subject of the real Sonic having one eye but two pupils? Unforgivable. I’ll watch it for Jim Carrey though I like him a lot.
Looks like a comedy goldmine.
Can't wait to see this shitshow
I’m interested in seeing a post-credits scene where Mario meets Sonic and says, “I’m here to talk to you about the SMASH Initiative.”
It looks like another misguided live action comedy with CGI abomination.
What's the difference between Woody Woodpecker movie and Sonic movie?
I am somewhat of a Sonic fan myself, mostly the classic games and I am also not really impressed by what I have heard about this movie.
I don't even want to watch the trailer after I saw the CGI model of Sonic (some people compare it to the mascot of a fast food chain).

And Jim Carey playing Robotnik? He doesn't even look the part.
(I don't care if he is an anti vaxxer, he pretty much disappeared from my radar of notice a long time ago)

The plotline of a character from cartoon/comic/video game franchise suddenly coming to our world, the so called "Fish out of water" plot has also been done so many times and so often very badly that I think when it is brought up during a meeting regarding what the plot should be about that it should be shot down immediately.

I also really think this movie would work much better as a complete CGI one and set in Sonic's world (call it Mobius or Earth if you will).
The franchise has always been oriented towards kids anyway and outside some obsessive adults (okay I maybe somewhat obsessive perhaps but I am no Chris Chan or any of the others who claim that only they know what the franchise should be like) those are the primary target group, so why bother bringing in live actors or "the real world"?

Plus Animation/CGI can be enjoyed by every age group (only some old farts on body, mind, or both) who claim that animation is strictly for kids.
It definitely ages less fast than live movies do.

I liked the goofy cartoon version but I could never give a damn about the Satam version or the Archie and Fleetway comics which I always felt was those writers' interpretation of the universe.
Personally I found some of the newly invented characters, background lore, and origin stories pretty lame to stupid.
Has a conversation about that trailer with my friend Griff the other day, and our conclusion was that Jim Carrey must have looked at that script and gone “wow, this looks fucking terrible. I’m in.”

Griff also wants to see it while high, so... marketing worked, I guess?