Resident Schizo Poster
Meanwhile at the Steam forumsAnother site lost to rightist cry-babies.

Meanwhile at the Steam forumsAnother site lost to rightist cry-babies.
I'll keep this short then. When libs get offended or need some clout, they call for someone's job and/or livelihood/voice to be lost. Just look at what happened with the Night in the Woods dev a few months ago. When right wingers or folks tired of this increase in propaganda get offended, at best we'll push for someone to lose their job and boycott their products.
Aren't those the same thing?
When you type these names in the character creation menu the game will tell you that the names are unavailable.... Banned from where and how would they know?
Ah. "Name unavailable" in an offline game? That'll sit well.When you type these names in the character creation menu the game will tell you that the names are unavailable.
Yeah, that kinda rubs me the wrong way. I can understand a MMO banning certain words due to not wanting players to offend and harass other players online but in a single player game with no multiplayer it seems both odd to me and feels like the developer is trying to dictate the players behavior.Ah. "Name unavailable" in an offline game? That'll sit well.
Hey man, I’m just here to make sarcastic jokes about women with beards.Another site lost to rightist cry-babies.
I don’t know how you interpreted my sideshow freak comment, but I’m not outraged in the least. Honestly I’m legitimately overjoyed that’s in the game because that is AMAZING to me. Like, a female neckbeard character that goes around telling people “well actually...” is just... wonderful.No offense (or pun intended) but this right here is why I roll my eyes when people say it's only "the libs" who get easily offended. Who cares my dudes? If this is true, it's not like your being forced to play as a woman with a beard, that would be actually bad. If this is true, this gives people more roleplaying options, whether people are offended by it or not.
Anyways, if you all are super skeptical of getting the outer worlds, apparently Xbox Game Pass has a $1 for the first month deal going on (it might go back to $5 by the time you all see this though), and you can play Outer Worlds for free after paying that $1 subscription fee. It's Microsoft, but from what I can see it's still better than the Epic Launcher (or at least when I last used it). I'll give my impressions when the game finishes downloading on this platform.
Its in D&D lore since the earlier editions that female Dwarves have beards but most of them shave them, especially the Shield Dwarves. It harkens back to Tolkien's lore with LotR with female Dwarves having beards like the males. The difference is is that Dwarves are a fantasy race, not humans like in The Outer Worlds.Some of the complaints I've heard so far, seem to be superficial. Like 'oh no, ladies can have beards' like who gives a fuck?
Just don't have a bearded lady if you don't like it... It's not like games have never done this (Icewind Dale had bearded women dwarfs if I remember). It's a choice and frankly, I like the choices.
Whose 40-45% kill themselves every year yet we go out of our way to pander to them. My brother is gay and has many friends in the LGBTQ and drag circle and they are all tired of this non-binary, gender fluid shit. Hell, even the feminist who were the ones who championed this shit in the first place are now realizing that they created a monster. Yet the Left wonders why approval towards the LGBTQ went from 65-70% to 43%.
Hey man, I’m just here to make sarcastic jokes about women with beards.
I don’t know how you interpreted my sideshow freak comment, but I’m not outraged in the least. Honestly I’m legitimately overjoyed that’s in the game because that is AMAZING to me. Like, a female neckbeard character that goes around telling people “well actually...” is just... wonderful.
Its in D&D lore since the earlier editions that female Dwarves have beards but most of them shave them, especially the Shield Dwarves. It harkens back to Tolkien's lore with LotR with female Dwarves having beards like the males. The difference is is that Dwarves are a fantasy race, not humans like in The Outer Worlds.
Hey, don’t worry about it. It was a reasonable assumption, no hard feelings.Ah shit, sorry. It's kinda hard to tell on the internet sometimes.